Alitte Berry for you.... ::Halli Berry::
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ThIs Is ThE bEsT sItE oN tHe WeB! My SiTe! HeHeHe. EvErYtHiNg HeRe Is CoPyRiGhT Me! I mAdE EvErY tHiNg!

ToDaY wAs So GrEaT. JoEy CaMe OvEr! YaY! MelIsSa DiD tOo. We HaD lOaDs Of FuN lIsTeNiNg To BrItTaNy SpEaRs, aNd JoEy aSkEd Me oUt! I wAs LiKE WOAH! JoEy Is SeXxXxXxY!JoEy Is SeXxXxXxY!JoEy Is SeXxXxXxY!JoEy Is SeXxXxXxY!JoEy Is SeXxXxXxY!JoEy Is SeXxXxXxY!JoEy Is SeXxXxXxY!JoEy Is SeXxXxXxY!

LyK OmG! ThE gOoD cHaRlEtT cOnCeRt WaS sOoOoOoOoOo GrEaT! BeNjI lOoKeD fUcKiNg FuCkAbLe. I wAnTeD tO gIvE hIm HeAd So BaD. I wOuLd Do AnYtHiNg FoR bEnJi CuM! BuT If I sWaLlOwEd ThE sPeRm I wOuLd GeT pReGnEnT! ThErE wAs ThIs HoTt GuY wHo KePt StArInG aT mY ChEsT. I tHoUgHt My BoObS wErE kInDa LaRgE bUt He ToLd Me I lOoKed LIke PaMaLa AnDeRsOn. I gUeSs I cOuLd HaVe DoNe WiThOuT tHe LaSt ImPlAnTs.

WeLl HoPe YoU lIkE mY sItE! LiNk Me WiTh ThEsE bUtToNs aNd PleAsE dO nOt DiReCt LiNk!

OhH MeEe GaWwD dIs GiRl LiKe StOlE mY sItE dAt I WoRkEd On LyK mY lAyOuT dAt ToOk 4eVa On PaInTtT. Dat Is MeSsEd Up. HeRe Is HeR sItE.