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Sevenstars and Sea
Thursday, 9 June 2005
Topic: The Sevenstars and Sea
A soft breeze fluttered through the tree leaves. The gentle rustling sound and soft sway of the leaves instantly put the elf to sleep. It didn’t take much to put him to sleep actually, just some place for him to rest his head against. If his eyes remained closed for more than a minute there was no hope in waking him until he felt the need. At first those that did not know him were offended. It was not uncommon for him to be sitting among people sharing an ale or two, completely relaxed in his seat , and his silvery blue eyes would begin to close, head relaxing, bobbing forward then back against his seat. The people around him would just stop and stare. And there he would remain sitting and sleeping. Many a friend have tried to wake him. They pounded on the table in front of him, nudged him enough to almost falling off his seat., made as much noise as they possibly could , and the only reaction they would get was a sleepy “humph” and a readjustment in his seat. None should be fooled by this sleeping elf. His senses are just as keen when he is asleep as they are when he was awake. He could tell who approached, by scent and sound and he would then sub consciously decide if he would wake or continue on in his restful state. Once a gnome thought he was being sneaky and tried to lift the pouch from the elf’s belt only to find in a swift moment that his shirt sleeve had been pinned to the table with the elf’s knife. It was not that he was bored with the people or their conversations, and not necessarily that he was so exhausted from his daily fishing that would cause him to fall asleep, it was just when he became relaxed and content this is what would happen. Any tree that would offer its trunk, any seat that could lean against a wall became his bed for that time.

His dreams were filled with more days fishing off the coast of Brushwaters, enveloping himself in the sun warming his skin and being quickly cooled from the mist of the water off the bow of his boat. His lungs being filled with the salty flavor of the sea. The thrill of feeling the tug of the line as some unsuspecting fish suddenly realized that it was about to be caught in for some ones dinner that night. He could feel his muscles in his arms tense as he began to reel it in…

“Tasnathen? Tasnathen E’lensar?” the soft unfamiliar female voice asked with a kick to the napping elves boot.

Now this was a surprise he thought to himself. The heavy scent of the forest and mixed with the soft scent of flowers and berries surrounded the new voice. Opening one eye in a wink, he peered out to the disturber of his dreams. She was smaller than most of the forest elves he had come across and done business with in the past. She was much shorter than the males of her race and not as muscularly defined. But there was no mistake in the way she stood that she would not think twice to act and take down any foe that crossed her wrong. Her hair the color of dark auburn leaves of the fall, pulled back in a simple braid that from what he could tell fell down the middle of her back. Her skin, in contrast to his deep tan from being on the waters most of his life, lighter yet glowed with a warmth. But it was her eyes that he thought most interesting. Emerald and sapphires mixed together in the most delicate slant of eyes of that of a doe. The unusual blue-green color held his attention, making her blush as he realized he had not answered her but just stayed sitting where he was studying her.

Clearing his throat he quickly stood up, brushing the dirt and leaves off his leggings. With a customary show of respect she bowed as he stood, as did he in return.” I am Tasnathen E’lensar, sea elf of Brushwaters.” he replied unable to look away from her eyes.

“Mae govannen, Tasnathen E’lensar. I am Genievea Anárion, forest elf of the Willows. I was told by Master Winks of the Sevenstars and Sea that you were the one I should seek out.” She blushed once again from his intense stare and begin to fidget with the fringe of her vest.

Realizing that he was making her uncomfortable he smiled and bowed to her once again “Mae govannen. What is it that I can do for you Genievea Anárion, forest elf of the Willows?” mocking her formality making her fidget even more. He would have to remember to thank “Master “Winks for the disturbance.

In her mind Genievea wanted nothing more than to challenge the cocky elf for making her blush. Never had she been so taken back from a look before, it was a feeling that she wasn’t sure of and most un natural for her. Regaining her composure she dropped her hands tugging her vest to straighten it . “ I run a trade of herbal healings, actually it was my fathers, he had a trade with the humans across the bay. When he had fallen ill and I started doing his trades the humans dropped their barter with me. Since his passing, and I have been unable to re-establish any sort of trade.”

Now he knew who she was as he studied her closer. She was the elf child that was shunned from her people. Her mother and father had been killed by the hands of an other elf whom for some unknown reason stalked the family. After taking the lives of her parents the deranged elf had killed himself in front of the child. It was said that because of these events in her life that darkness would forever shadow her. The elves of the Willows did not want this shadow amongst them yet they could not turn the child out to the elements, for life was valued. Instead the high magistrates of the Willows handed the child to Ránëwén Oronar. An outcast himself for his dealings with magic that the forest elves did not understand. Although there was no evil in these magic’s and they often sought him out for his abilities to being forth the storms when the crops were dry or to heal a wound or cure a sickness, they would stay clear of him and the child. As she grew and studied with him, it soon became apparent that her abilities by far surpassed his. This made the elves nervous. It was in Ránëwén Oronar’s passing, and her inability to heal the man who had raised her did the forest elves decide that it was time for her to leave.

Genievea forgave the ignorance of the elves that sent her from her home. They could not understand that there was no way to heal a failed heart, and that once the life blood no longer flows, nothing that could be done. They gave her little time to offer Ránëwén Oronar to the gods. With in three risings of the sun they came to her, the Magistrates and the High people of the Willows and told her that she must move on.
Angered and depressed she did what they had asked and removed herself from the home that she had shared and retreated deep into the forest. There she alone rebuilt her home and gardens. Rumor was that the spirit of Ránëwén Oronar was in the wolf that became her protector. Akila she had found half starved and nursed the pup to health. Her ever companion the wolf was never far from her shadow. Now outraged the Willow elves completely shut off all dealings with her. She kept telling herself that they would never understand and began over as best as she could.

“You know who I am…” she said with a heavy tone, afraid that this was going to happen. The Willow elves made sure it seemed that her name was spread and that she was nothing but a dark shadow. It would be best that all that came in contact with her were to be ill fated. With a near silent whistle, Akila came forth at his mistress’s call, taking his place by her side. She bowed again. “I bid you well Master Tasnathen E’lensar.” Before he could even respond to her, or for to even finish her request, she had disappeared.


The dwarf was busing himself in the kitchen for the evenings meals. He was just about ready to put the eggs in the bowl…

“Winks?!” the all familiar voice of Tasnathen bellowed through the air. “Winks?! Are you back there?”

Dropping the eggs he, he cursed the elf loudly who after all these years should have know better to disturb him at this time in the afternoon. His beard dragged in the broken eggs, making his cheeks turn red at the thought of his beard getting dirty.

“Winks?!” Tasnathen came bounding through the kitchen opening catching the dwarf on his knees, beard dragging in the eggs as he tried to scoop them up. “Oh, there you are. Why didn’t you answer me?” Winks, with his one good eye glared at the elf, muttering something under his breath.

Winks, the one-eyed dwarf and owner of the Sevenstars and Sea Tavern, pulled himself up, using his knee as leverage. He looked down at the yolk dripping off the bottom of his beard shaking his head as be began wiping it clean with the tails of his tunic. Ledreh “Winks” Marblebeard and his wife Stella Hanmaar managed to do what many outsiders had not been able to. The odd couple of dwarfs came to Brushwaters almost 30 years before looking to set up a place to breathe the fresh air of the sea. Unlike the rest of their clansmen, Winks and Stella had an affinity for all that was not in a cave.

In their young days they would often sneak out into the Mountains of Eranoth. It was there one eve they came across Galdor and Alatriel E’lensar and their two sons Amd and Tasnathen. The elves strangely enough took to the dwarfs and often found themselves waiting for the couple to appear from the mountains. Their stories made the elves laugh, the food Winks cooked warmed their bellies even if it was strange to the elves. And Stella had a way with making everyone feel warm and comfortable. The children always marveled at growth of hair from Ledreh’s chin. The two young elven boys so fascinated by the black and white beard would tug and chase each other around the dwarf, wrapping himself in it. Their parents were horrified by their children, but the two light hearted dwarfs laughed . Being ever so curious, it was the young Tasnathen that noticed that Ledreh was missing one eye. Watching the child staring intently at him, Tasnathens small finger was just about to poke the space, when he winked. It was either a squeal of laughter or fright that sent Tasnathen running to his fathers leg, pointing and saying “Winks” and returned the gesture. Thus Ledreh was no longer (except when Stella wanted his attention when he wasn’t paying any) and Winks was born.. Although there is some confusion as to how he lost his eye. Some say he lost it fighting the goblins in the caves and was stuck with a spear but saved the town that was under attack from falling prey to the goblins. Others say it was an accident when he and Stella were first courting and he, trying to impress her, tried to lend hand as she was fixing a table. Unfortunately for Winks he hit a plank that was nail end up and lost his eye to the nail. Winks fully believes he lost it to the goblins, Stella just nods and shakes her head. Only she knows the truth.

It didn’t take long for the word to spread out the two dwarfs from the mountains. Soon the quiet place that Stella and Winks had run to escape the dull life in the caves of the mountains began to attract more and more elves to taste their strange food and drink and to listen to the tales that seemed never ending. It was soon after that the elves came together and offered Winks and Stella a permanent place in their lands. A place where they could live and prosper and enjoy the sea air they had fallen in love with so many years before. With the help of Galdor a master woodcraftsman and Alatriel a seamstress, the four planned and built what was now Brushwaters gathering place. The Sevenstars and Sea Tavern.

“What is it lad? Ya’ come in yellin’ through here like yer britches are a fire, knowin’ full well what time it is and why I din nae answer.” frustrated Winks called out.” Stella? Stella, love where ya be? I need more eggs. Ya know those fickle chickens dinnae like me messin’ around in there nests. Could ya be a dear love and get me more?” Somewhere from outside they both heard a very distinguished “YA” Winks looked at Tasnathen” She’s redoin’ the fencing’. Woman wont let me, say’s I’m better off up ‘ere in the kitchen.”

“I wonder why?” Tasnathen said thinking he was all knowing the truth, but he had heard both stories of the lost eye so many times that he to could not decide.

Before Tasnathen could sit, Winks turned the chair back forward so the elf did not have the opportunity to lean back and placed to pints of ale on the table before them. Snickering, Tas sat and took a long draw of the ale. The bitter amber liquid cooled his throat and warmed his blood. “I wanted to thank you for the disruption of my nap, Master Winks.” he said taking another sip.

The dwarf choked on his ale, decorating his moustache and beard in froth.” Master eh?” he chuckled drinking down the rest of his ale and wiping away what had now turned into dribble. “Are ya gonna ‘elp ‘er lad?”

Tasnathen put his pint down and brushed back his silvery hair and scratched the back of his head as he stretched. “Help her? I didn’t even get so far as to ask her what she wanted..” He leaned forward lowering his voice. “You do know who she is don’t you?”

“Ya mean aside from ‘avin eyes that could tame the wildest beast , a voice that can calm a cryin’ child with a few words, and smelled like the forest after the rain?” he nudged the elf with a grin. “ ‘course I knew who she was lad, the moment she came up to me. Nae a person in these lands who doesn’t know ‘er.” he crossed his arms over his chest stroking his beard. “What did ya say to send ‘er runnin’ off?”

Tasnathen stood and walked over to the entrance of the kitchen where he saw Stella coming up the stairs with the basket of eggs Winks asked for. He went down to meet her kissing her on the check and taking the eggs from her. “Hello Stella.”

Her big rosy cheeks glowed as she smiled at Tasnathen. Thankful he took the eggs from her she continued up the stairs behind him wiping her hands on her apron. Stella was not much taller than Winks but in her years became just as round, if not rounder. She always had a smile for whom ever came across her path and always a cheerful greeting. She was known for hugging away any hurts of a child and yet whip a disrespectful youth right into place and not bat an eyelash. To the elves, Stella had become Atara Naug, mother dwarf. “Looking a bit out of sorts lad? Are you feelin’ alright?” she rushed up to him, standing on her tipy toes to try to reach his forehead
to check for a fever. “Ya know this time of year with all the bloomin’ trees and flowers everyone comes down with a spot of a cold. Sit, sit lad.” She waved her hands down to the chair. “Winks! Don’t be givin’ the lad any more ales. I’ll make you some Echinacea tea straight away.” and off she went bustling out of the kitchen to fill the pot with water before Tasnathen could get a word in, but stopping just long enough to kiss Winks on the cheek.

“That’s just it Winks, I didn’t say a thing. She figured I knew who she was by the way I was staring and left.” He ran a finger over the counter. “She surprised me. After hearing all those stories of some witch elf I didn’t not expect to see her looking the way she did. If it wasn’t for the fact she gave her name and those eyes I would have thought she was just an other forest elf.” His finger found a small bump in the counter and began to pick at it. “Did Stella meet her?”

“She did. When the lass asked about whom she should speak with about a partnership I was about to send her off. All those stories and such I figured we dinnae need any ill fortune comin’ this way. Stella about pulled my ear off and mentioned you. So I had to tell ‘er were ya were. When the lass left, Stella just said, never mind what you ya heard Winks, nothing ill fated about that child at all. She walked outside waggin’ ‘er finger the way she does behind ‘er. “ the dwarf turned mimic his wife, finger wagging behind him shaking his hips as he walked forward.

“Ledreh Marblebeard!” Stella stood behind him hands on her hips, staring at disbelief.

“Love! I was just a teasin‘…c’mon love…” he followed behind her pleading as she walked out the door, leaving Tasnathen alone in the kitchen wondering what he should do still picking at the bump mindlessly.

With a gentle push Genievea closed the door to her home leaning her forehead against it and sighed. Akila quickly padded his way over to the fire, circled around a few times before he settled down. Resting his head on his paws the wolf watched his mistress. He knew she was tired and that soon the tears would fall. They did every night as they came through the door. At least this time she was not chased out of the village of Brushwaters as she had been so many other villages.

Genievea sniffed back a tear and turned looking at the wolf with a smile wiping her cheek She dropped her back next to the door and sat next to him scratching his ears. “What to do Akila? What to do…” her voice trailed off into the fire. Even though she was shunned from her home, some of the elves and others from the neighboring lands would come to her in the middle of the night, seeking a remedy, a blessing, a cure. Without ever thinking twice Genievea always opened her door, her home, her heart to the very people that avoided her. And every time she sought help she was reminded quickly that she would not receive it. She had hoped that by helping those in secret they would spread word, that they would see there was no dark shadow.

A cold nose nudged her hand for more scratching, snapping her out of thought. “Someday Akila, maybe someday someone will listen to me and help.”


Evening’s darkness in the woods hid her for the moment. She could hear the men behind her searching, as they called out to each other. She should have known they would have come after her, but she could not resist the urge to see the man in plate they said was barely alive. All she wanted to do was take that last breath of his life and dangle it before him, watching his fear grow, choking him. Shattering his very soul…and just as that last gasp escaped she would have kissed him to exhale full life back into him, life of fear for what would haunt his dreams would make any man wish for death. She closed her eyes and moaned, tongue licking her lips, Yes…the excitement she felt was over powering… loosing her self-feeling…

A cold steel blade drew itself against her throat from behind. “What are you doing Drow?” a voice not of the men perusing her, but that of a woman whom in a those words she guessed was close to her age. She could smell who was holding the blade was bleeding…oh could this night get any better she thought. The blade slid against her throat, making a small cut. The drow began to breath heavy…so intoxicating…”I said what are you doing?”

The drow began to stand, but the female was still quick and a strong arm came across her chest, pulling her up and back against her now assailant. Against her neck she felt the breath quickening…trembling…fear? “Answer me now or die!” No it wasn’t fear. In quick reckoning she knew this was a warrior. The heavy blade and the strength of her arms made it easy to tell. She was weakening… that was the tremble…the loss of blood, but knowing all to well the warrior would not give up the fight until death was upon her.

“What has happened warrior that you are so badly hurt?” She asked trying to gain some leverage to twist out of the hold. She could possibly break it, but without seeing the warrior’s eyes she thought it best to weigh things.

“You have not answered me. Are those men hunting you?” The warrior bit back a in a wince.

“I am a healer of Anorak. Loosen your grip and I will help you.”

Instead it tightened. “Answer correctly and I will let you go. Are those men hunting you?”


The blade dropped as did the grip and the drow stumbled. Turning she looked up at the warrior. No bigger nor older than herself. The warrior staggered and leaned up against the tree trying to catch her breath. Her hand dropped the blade as the other came across to over the badly bleeding gash across her forearm. Studying her, the drow crept forward. Her armor was of highest quality, but badly dented. The sword she carried looked to be of the same caliber. Closer still she inched, senses heightened with the smell of her blood.

“We cannot stay here, the men will be here now looking for us both. Do you know of a place we can hide?”

Looking up the drow questioned “Oh? And your skin looks as pale as the sun newly rising, prey tell what they are after you for?”

Taking a deep breath the warrior removed her helm, ”What do you see?”

Shaking her head the drow studied her. “No I do not see…” quickly her hand brushed the warriors hair back and smiled. “Oh now …you are a half-breed. Men do not take kindly to you in these parts. Especially a female.” She glanced into the half elves eyes searching her and smiled “The man in plate…you nearly killed him.” Her pink tongue flicked out of her mouth. “But not because you are a half breed…” the drow's eyes narrowed and no longer was she smiling.

The warriors hand grabbed her arm and squeezed tightly. “Do not search any farther...” her voice trembled in a whisper. In that moment two very different women passed something between them.

Bushes rustled behind them. The men were close. Peering out the drow spotted a cave that to man was well hidden. She took the warriors hand from her arm. “I will help you…why? I do not know. But know that if you should try to kill me, you will wish that I had let you die.”

The warrior nodded as they swiftly moved down the slope into the cave that the drow saw but she did not. “How did you know of this?”

She grinned. “My eyes see far more than yours…shall I look into yours again?”, knowing that gazing into ones eyes often made people uncomfortable.

The warrior shook her head. “I cannot see…”

“Take my hand.” Doing so again something passed between them. For a moment the drow stopped to search…what is this…

“My name is Nienna, I am a warrior of Rallis…” she said no more as she fell forward onto the drow.

“Sere'…” she sighed her reply to the faint warrior as she tried to drag her farther into the cave.

A beam of moonlight lit the center of the cave, where a pool of a warm spring bubbled from the ground.

Silently Sere' began her work, but not in the way she would have had Nienna been a man. Perhaps it was because she was a woman, or that what she saw in her eyes was something that she shared as well. No matter, she gently began to remove her armors searching for the wounds that made Nienna faint. Removing her breastplate and padding she saw the large gash just under her rib. The bleeding there had stopped long before, most likely because of the location tight against the bindings of the padding and breastplate, but none- the- less it would be easily opened and infected if it was not healed correctly. Her lips brushed against her fingers then passed them over the wound. She saw what happened and pulled away. There was a tear in her eye. And for that moment she forgot who she herself was and all the things she saw in life, in battle, and in hiding. And as quickly as she left herself feel compassion for this warrior before her she felt the tug on her soul that reminded her…and put her back into her place.

Back to the task she removed all of Nienna's armor. Her body was covered in slashes and bruises. Perhaps it was the lack of light in the cave, but Sere' found it difficult to find a place on Nienna’s body that was not cut or bruised.

She stood up, carefully trying not to stir the dirt of the cave onto Nienna’s wounds. She picked up the padding and rinsed the blood from them. They would have to serve as some sort of dressing. Though her healing powers were strong, she knew there would still be some healing that she could not do.

Without thinking she quickly undressed and pulled Nienna up, leaning her onto her shoulders. “You must walk with me to the spring to wash.” There was a slight nod and mumble that escaped from the warrior’s lips, as they together stepped into the spring. Luckily it was not deep and there was enough of an edge that Sere' was able to sit Nienna up.

From her pack she grabbed a small cloth and some lye soap combined with healing herbs. With a touch she was even surprised at, began to gently wash the dirt and blood from the warrior. Her hair was not black as she first thought it to be but a shade of amber. Her skin was lightly tanned and surprisingly smooth for someone whose life had been devoted to learning how to fight. Sere' looked for scars. She could find few large ones, (aside from the one Nienna was bound to have from the gash in her side) but several small ones. With a skilled words and touch, her fingers brushed against the smaller scars fading them, to just barely there, but leaving enough to be a reminder of where they came from and the battle fought.

She leaned Nienna against her, arms wrapping around her from the front to wash her back. She could see the tiny welts left by a weapon she was not fond of remembering. Again brushing her fingers across the scars she faded these…completely. “If I could erase the memory of those I would,” she whispered, knowing Nienna did not hear what she spoke.

Pushing her back, Nienna’s head rolled to the side. Her breathing was shallow, all wounds no longer bleeding and the side wound was closed but not healed. Shock Sere' calmly thought. Perhaps the temperature of the water combined with the loss of blood…

Sere' watched Nienna’s chest for a moment. The long pause between breaths…her excitement grew again…holding on to life…breath by breath…she thought…she moved closer…her dark finger brushing against Nienna’s cheek…She moaned and closed her eyes…

“Do I let you hang on a thread fair one? Am I sure that in my sleep you would not kill me for the color of my skin?” Her voice a dark husky whisper now, eyes narrowed to but two slits. She licked her lips and moved in front on Nienna. Lips barely touching hers…”Do I give you life of fear…” her tongue flicked Notaries lips… “Mmm even so close to death what a marvelous taste you have. Sere’s breathing began to slow with Nienna’s. She straddled her, chest-to-chest, legs wrapped around her waist, and her hands played with her hair…”The seduction of death…”she purred.

Hands came up from behind her, pulling Sere’s head back causing her to yelp. The Warrior so close to death leaned up and forward staring the drow in the eyes “And the kiss of life…” she pulled Sere' completely to her, lips upon lips, tongues dancing a dark forbidden dance…

There was silence in the cave…the darkness of the night gave way to the light of the day…two bodies embracing…

With a start she woke. Loud popping from the fire and the smell of smoke filled the cave. Every part of her ached as it had never before. As she tried to pull herself up, a pain seared through her side. With a groan she laid herself back on the ground. Closing her eyes she tried to remember what events brought her to this cave.

“Don’t try to think too much on things warrior. You won’t remember them today.” Dirt swirled around the boots that walked towards the warrior on the ground. “Here, drink this.” The indigo hand thrust forward a skin of water. “Its all I have for now.” Squatting the drow looked over the warrior. “You have a nasty gash upon your side” she looked at the bandage for any seepage, aware of the warrior’s hand close to the blade next to her side. “Even with all my powers it will take a bit to mend.” Her eyes met the warriors. “Do you honestly think I would let you keep your sword if I had intended to hurt you? Now take the water and drink before you get a fever.” Reluctantly the warrior took the skin and drank.

“My name is Nienna.” She spoke voice cracking and harsh.

“Oh yes I know.” The dark elf smiled. “You whispered in my ear as you fell into my arms last night.” She moved closer to the warrior making her uneasy again. “Do you not remember mine?” Nienna shook her head. “I didn’t think you would.” She laughed and stood abruptly turning from where the warrior lay.

“Well are you going to tell me? I’m in no mood for games.” She spouted managing to lean up on her elbow to gain some leverage.

“And I am in no mood to take care of someone who is ungrateful. So that would make us even.” She turned quickly. “ I wouldn’t do that if I were you, the stitches will tear and you will start to bleed again.”

Nienna let out a frustrated sigh. “My apologies.” Her side felt warm and wet. Wincing, her hand went to the bandage. “Please, I think I am bleeding again.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it. Warriors aren’t known to sit still for long are they?” Moving back to her, the drow began to examine the wound. “Ah, opened them good. Lay back please.” Sere’ looked at her. “Oh alright. My name is Sere'.”

“Fitting.” Retorted Nienna.

With her hand inside the wound Sere’s fingers dug inside the warm flesh watching Nienna’s mouth twist in pain. With the bloodied hand she grabbed her face and pulled it close to her. “As I see it.” She spoke low, eyes piercing into Nienna’s. “We need each other. You, more so me, at the moment. So if you were smart, I would think twice about upsetting me.” Her tongue licked Nienna’s lip where a drop of blood trickled. “The name indeed is fitting.” Nodding to Nienna “You understand now that your life is literally in my hands?” The warrior grimaced. “Good, now that we have that cleared up.”

As quickly as the pain began, it had gone. Leaving Nienna to catch her breath as she redressed the bandage.

“Do you know where we are?” Nienna asked.

“Safe for the time being. I haven’t been able to look out as of yet. You were rather restless in sleep last night. I feared that you would hurt yourself more so I stayed near.” She picked up the soiled bandage and walked over to the spring, rinsing it clean. I will have to go out soon. I believe there is a village near that I could probably sneak into and find some food for us. I am not much of a hunter like I am hunted.”

“I could hunt for us.”

Sere' laughed. “Perhaps in a day or two, but for now you had better rest and let that heal up. I’ll get us food for now.”

“How? If I remember correctly…didn’t I save you from those men?”

“You did, but I would have gotten away with or with out you. You just happened to catch me …off guard.” She stood with her hand on her hips. “What? You do not think I could have gotten away from them?”

“Why were they after you?” she struggled again, this time Sere' came to her side and helped her sit against the wall of the cave. Their eyes met again, causing Nienna to look away. “Don’t do that.” She whispered.

“You can ask me? But I cannot look and see?” she moved to look into Nienna’s eyes once again. “Do you think that is really fair Nienna? How else can I know if I can trust you?”

“How can I know I can trust you?”

“How do you think? Have I turned my head and lowered my eyes? Have I not kept you alive?”

Nienna shook her head. “Your kind is not to be trusted.”

“And what exactly is MY KIND half breed?” with that Sere' walked out of sight...

Nienna’s head rolled to the side watching Sere' walk into the shadows of the cave and groaned. The pain in her side, no longer burning as it had been when Sere’s fingers pressed into her, but an annoying dull ache. She did that on purpose, she thought. She is testing me… Her head ached, every muscle in her body was screaming and she was hungry. Head rolling back facing the center of the cave she tried to focus on her surroundings. There was a spring in the center, hot from the grounds center. She could see the steam dancing across the top of the water. Looking up there was an opening in the ceiling, just large enough to let in light and fresh air, as well as serving for an escape for the smoke from the fire that was burning near the cave. Aside from her pack and something of Sere’s the cave was void of all- else. She could not tell if it extended any farther than where they were; it was dark in all directions.

She closed her eyes and swallowed hard…How did she let her guard down after so long of hiding her identity. For years of training not once did she slip. She knew the consequences if they found out that she were not human. She wanted to train with the best as her father…to prove that she could do as a son that he had wanted. What matter is it that her mother was an elf? Why so highly despised among these people? “They fear the unknown,” his voice echoed in her mind and she felt his hand upon her cheek as she did when she was young. She fought back a tear. She must not loose control now her conscience warned her.

What was she doing when they found her?

She distanced herself from the group as did most of the women warriors from the men. She had been with this group not more than a few weeks. Upon the first day of her assignment, a male had followed her every move. She tried hard to down play her femininity. She often pulled her tunics tightly down, when not in a chest plate. She wore her hair short and often cut ragged and although she bathed daily she tried hard not to smell inviting and often would dust herself back up with dirt to cover any scent the soap she used left behind. All this and still they watched her. Her arms and legs lean and strong, skin though pale by comparison to most was a lightly kissed by the sun that made her eyes as blue as the sea stand out even more under the crop of auburn hair and softly pointed ears carefully tucked away underneath. A few times the ability to hear and smell far better than the humans saved her as well as almost giving her way. This blessing was to be her curse.

That night she readied her self as always. Walking away from all, she carried her blade with her to the stream, looking about to make sure no one followed her. She undressed and dipped into the cool. Wishing that she could linger longer than a few moments she washed quickly. She heard a snap of the twigs and turned towards the noise. Without thinking she tucked her hair behind her ear to better hear…

The hard-calloused hand covered her mouth and dragged her up. “I knew there was something different about you girly” he spat in her face in a low voice. “Those pretty little ears…” before he could say anything else her knee met his groin and he dropped her as he doubled over in pain. Without a second thought she reached for her blade and let out a cry as another’s blade slashed her side and grabbed her arms.

“She is not whom she says she is!” The one doubled over one shouted as three more men came at her. Kicking and twisting she could not see the other women. Where had they gone? Was she alone to fight off…

Her head spun, eyes squinted in the darkness. Such pain. Was she alive? Trying hard to focus she smell the men that came after her. The stench of ale and sweat strong in the room. Her heart raced as she tried to sit up to find that she was bound and the pain shot up from her side. The laughs grew louder and the breaths grew closer. Her mind raced…she pulled and struggled.

“C’mon girly you know you like this.” A grungy finger drew across her cheek. “And…I owe you one.” Foul lips covered her mouth…but was this fool loosening her binds? Indeed he was for whatever reason, perhaps it was the drink and he though she might submit to him easier…whatever the reason it did not matter…perhaps…she played along. Her arms now free snaked around his neck down to his back…yes! He still had his blade strapped on…

She tried again to move her hand to her forehead…How long was Sere' going to be gone she wondered…


Posted by dragon/genievea at 10:16 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 9 June 2005 10:40 PM BST
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