What guys do on their Vacation

By: Lucifer

© 8/15/01

Ever wonder what the Final Fantasy boys do on their vacations? Me too. Well, here’s your answer. Now, there is a little twist. Only Tifa and Cloud are together.

Rinoa and Squall aren’t together. Now, don’t none of you get mad at me. Personally I like those two together, but this is my story and I’ll do what I want to the guys. And those of you who like Cloud and Aeris :P on you. I like Cloud and Tifa better. So :P on you.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Final Fantasy guys or the girls for that matter. They belong to Square and Mr. Hironobu Sakaguchi. If I did own them Squall and Cloud would wear a little bit better revealing clothes. *Insert hentai smile here. *

Squall sits in the sauna. The towel wrapped around him. He pours more water onto the hot rocks and they hiss.

Ahhhh. This is what I call a vacation, he thinks. A smile escapes his lips. He sits up as two more boys enter the sauna. One boy has long hazel hair in a ponytail; he wears a cowboy hat. The other boy is a light pale color. His hair spiky in the front. Light Blue eyes glimmer, happily.

"We needed this vacation."

"You said it, man." They both sit down next to Squall.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, I am, Zell." Squall replies, his eyes closing. Three more guys join. One is Laguna, the other Seifer, and the third is Raijin.

"What’re are you two doing here?" Squall asks, cruelly.

"We can’t have a break once in a while, too?" Seifer returns the cruelty.

"Find another sauna, you two jerks." Zell says, defensively.

"This is the only one that they said we could use." Laguna says.

"What about the others?" Irvine asks.

"Taken." Laguna says and sits back and relaxes. Then four more guys walk in. It’s Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, Cid Highwind, and Barret Wallace.

"Long time no see guys." Cid says.

"You too." Squall says. He looks at Cloud. "Nice seeing you again."

"Yes." Cloud sits down.

"What’s wrong?" Irvine asks.

"Him and Tifa had an argument." Barret says.

"About what?" Zell asks.

"She wants me to marry her." Cloud says. All the guys look at him in sympathy.

"I thought you two were friends?" Zell says confused.

"…" Cloud doesn’t respond.

Poor Cloud, Squall thinks.

After an hour of sitting in the sauna Squall walks out and walks to the front desk.

"Mr. Leonhart. Are you ready for your massage?" the receptionist asks.

"Yes I am." He says.

"Follow me." She walks out from behind the desk and brings him to a room with one wall gone.

"Do you know who my masseuse is?" he asks and enters the room.

"No I don’t. But she’ll be in in a minute." The receptionist leaves closing the door behind her. He sits then lies down. Tory walks in, but he doesn’t know it.

"How are we today?" she asks.

"…I’ve been better." Squall says with a slight moan. She puts an oil on her hands and walks up to him. She starts at his shoulders.

"Your very tense. What’s on your mind?" she asks.

"A lot of things."

"Like what?" she massages his back. "Problems with the girlfriend? Or having bullying problems with Seifer."

"Wha?!?!" His head perks up. He sits up quickly and turns around. "Tory?!?!" His eyes are wide and his jaw dropped.

"Hi, Squall." She says.

"What’re you doing here?" he asks.

" I work here." She says with half sarcasm.

"You’ve got to be kidding me?!" he says shocked.

"No I’m not." She says. "Where are the girls?"

"They didn’t come along. It was a vacation just for us guys."

"You mean the other guys are here?" Her voice perks up.

"Uh huh." He stands up. The towel falls from around his waist.

"I think you might still want that." Tory says. He turns red and picks it up. He rewraps it around himself.

"Sorry." He says quietly, obviously still red.

"That’s okay. It happens all the time around here." She stands up and walks out. He follows.

"Hey, Tory?" she turns around. "Where are we going?"

"Back to the sauna." She says. She walks in and the guys look up. "Bonjour, gentlemen."

"Bonojur." Zell says. Squall shakes his head. Tory giggles lightly.

"What’re you doing here?"

"Just seeing how you like the accommodations."

"Eh. They’re okay." Irvine says.

"What’s wrong?"

"Well we have sucky rooms, when we had three luxury suites held for us." Cid says.


"And the food here is good, we just don’t get any of it." Zell points out.

"Yeah. I have a little room." Barret says. "I can’t move around."


"Yeah. And we don’t get the good masseuses here." Seifer says.


"Tifa wants me to marry her." Cloud says and groans in fear.

"Oh poor baby." She says stifling a laugh. "Well I could get you guys transferred to the Anasasi."

"Where’s the Anasasi?" Laguna asks.

"I can’t tell you. The saunas are bigger though."

"We’ll go." Zell says and stands up. The towel falls. Tory giggles. He pulls it up with a red face.

"And towels that fit better."

"Great. Lets go." Raijin says holding his towel. They walk back to their rooms and get changed and check out. They walk out of the place and get in a limo. Tory gives the driver the instructions. He nods and they get going.

"So, what’s the Anasasi have?" Vincent asks.

"It has gardens galore. Very good masseuses, wonderful food, big rooms, big saunas, a pool, a hot tub, and Jacuzzis in the luxury rooms."

"Would you be able to get us rooms with these Jacuzzis?" Irvine asks.

"Of course." They arrive. "We’re there." The driver opens the door. Tory gets out. So do the guys. A big front tropical garden greets their eyes. Exotic birds fly about. A fountain sits in the center. It’s huge. "Welcome to paradise, gentle-men." She walks in and walks through two big glass doors, opened by two doormen.

"Morning Tory." A female receptionist says.

"How many luxury rooms do you have open?"

"The ten. No one has gotten a reservation."

"Good. (She turns to the guys.) How long are you guys staying here?"

"A week and a half." Squall says.

"Hold the rooms for a week and a half."

"Yes ma’am." The receptionist says and holds the rooms.

"Follow me." She walks to the back and another garden greets their eyes. In the center is an Olympic-size swimming pool.

"Wow!" Zell says. Tory smiles. They go to the left of the swimming pool, where five of the ten rooms are. Squall, Cloud, Vincent, Irvine, and Cid take them.

"You gotta be quick." Irvine says and closes the door.

"Don’t you guys worry. There are five more on the other side." They walk across to the right side. "Here you go." They walk in. "I hope it’s big enough Barret."

"It’ll do just fine." He says trying to act snobbish. Tory chuckles lightly.

"Don’t pull that on me. I’m rich and rich people don’t act like that. Unless your in Airamoh." She says and leaves. She knocks on Seifer’s open door. "Do you like it?"

"It’s better than the ones we had before."

"Good. Can I get you anything?"

"Yeah. Meet me here after 8:00."

"Oh, I don’t think so. I have plans after eight. Besides isn’t your bedtime at eight?" she teases.

"Not very funny." She smiles and walks to Zell’s room.

"Do you like it? I mean is it up to your standards?"

"Yes, very. How long it the pool open till?"

"24 hours."

"Really? I could even swim at midnight?"

"Uh huh."

"In the nude?"

"It’s not wanted, but if you want."

"Yes!" she giggles and walks to Raijin’s room.

"How is your room?"

"I like it. We don’t have to pay for anything?"

"Naw. I will."

"I can eat from the wet bar and order from room service?"


"Great! Cause I’m starved." He goes to the phone and orders a lobster and a steak.

"Just don’t eat too much, we don’t want you to get sick."

"I won’t." She smiles and walks to Laguna’s room.

"How is everything Mr. Loire?" he looks at her.

"Please call me Laguna."

"Oh, sorry. Laguna how do you like everything?"

"A little expensive, don’t you think?"

"Don’t worry. This is a very exclusive spa. Not many people can find the place. And the ones that do love it here, but they never tell about it."

"But I feel I’m robbing from the ones who could be sitting in this place."

"Don’t worry. My friend owns the place. Him and me are very close and I’ll be paying for everything. So just relax."

"I still don’t feel right."

"Look, don’t worry. He won’t mind. I’ll call him and tell him. Just try and relax. You don’t want to go to Esthar still stressed, do you?" she says half-seductively.

"You know a lot about me."

"I have my resources."

"And yet I know nothing about you."

"Well, maybe I’ll tell you about myself sometime." She lightly pushes out of his arms and walks out of the room and walks across to the left. "Hi."

"Hi." Cid says. He smiles as he walks in each room.

"How is everything?"

"It’s great."

"Do you need anything else?"


"Okay." She walks over to Irvine’s room. She walks in. "How’s everything?"

"It’s good? Any babes around here? Well, besides you."

"Ahh. Flattery gets you nowhere. But try one of the masseuses, they’re usually cute." She suggests.


"No problem." She walks over to Vincent’s room and walks in. "How is everything?"

"It’s good."

"It’s not like the normal dark places you usually hang out in."

"Yeah, but you get used to it." She smiles.

"I can show you a garden that requires shade."


"But not right now. I have to check on the others and I have work to do. You know, paper work."

"Okay." She walks to Cloud’s room. It’s cracked and she opens it and sees Cloud sitting on the bed.

"What’s wrong?" she sits next to him.

"I’m not sure about this marriage thing."

"It’s not really not knowing what to do it’s after you do it and just getting settled that’s the problem."


"Uh huh. Now why don’t you go swimming or take a walk. I’m sure by the end of the week you’ll know what to do."

"I’ll do both. After my massage."

"There you go." She stands and kisses him on the cheek and leaves and walks into Squall’s room. She walks into the bathroom and sees him relaxing in a nice warm bath. "How’re the accommodations?" he opens his eyes and slips under the water. She sits down next to the tub. After about five minutes he comes up. "It’s so nice of you to join me." She teases. "But five minutes. Not bad."

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to see how you liked the room."

"I like it."

"Do you need anything?"


"Okay." She kisses him on the lips and leaves. She walks to the main building. "Is Mr. Williams in?"

"Yeah. He just got in." a male receptionist says.

"Good." She walks away and into his office.

"Don’t you know how to knock?" he asks nonchalantly, working on the papers before him.

"Yeah. I’m just tired of doing it." She closes the door and walks up to him.

"Will you leave me alone. I’m busy."

"Aww. You gotta loosen up a bit. Chill out." She walks behind him and starts massaging his shoulders.

"You know, your leather-clad boy toy is here. You can go be with him for awhile." He says half cruelly/nonchalantly.

"I know, but I’m with you right now."

"Yes, well, I’m busy. I have two other spas and a hotel to worry about." He shrugs off her massage.

"It’s your fault you’re so busy. I just wish you had some time for me."

"Look. At the end of this week I’ll put aside some time for you."

"You promise?"

"Of course I do."

"Then you better let me know when you have the time, so I’m not busy either."


"Don’t work yourself too hard."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He says uncaringly. She walks to her office and sits down and works on the papers from earlier last week.

At about 7:30 she walks out of her office. She stretches and walks out of the main building. She sees Zell swimming in the pool. She knocks on Vincent’s door and he opens it.



"Do you wanna go see that garden now?"

"Sure." He walks out and they walk along the center building of rooms on the side with a path, below the left building. They walk into a bush labyrinth-type maze.

"Don’t get lost, now." He takes her hand. She leads him to a small, not too small, garden. A bush arch marks the entranceway. She follows him in. He looks at the high bush walls and the beautiful flowers on the other side. "He loves this place. He built this place for people who want a special place."


"Yup. If you want you can stay here."


"You know your way back, right?"

"Yeah." She walks out and Vincent walks around the garden, more mesmerized than when he walked into the entrance. Tory returns to the three buildings and sees Cloud relaxing and having fun. She smiles and sees Laguna and winks at him. She then walks into Squall’s room. She closes the door and sees him sitting on his bed reading a book.

"What’cha reading?"

"Huh?" he looks up.

"What’cha reading?" she joins him on the bed.

"Those stories Daniel Williams wrote. You know those ones of our adventures here?"

"I remember those."

"Remember the snake-headed man?"

"His look is imprinted into my memory." She says.

"I remember that big monster."

"Trust me. Me too."

"Heheh. Here’s the time when I first met you." She gets closer to him.

"I remember the time you saved me from Adel." She looks at him. He looks at her.

"Me too." They look into each other’s eyes and she kisses him. He puts his hand on her neck, near her hairline. He employs tongue and she does right back. He puts the book on the nightstand and puts his arm around her waist. He lays halfway on top of her. He moves away and kisses her on the neck. Her head lolls back as he kisses her collarbone. He unties the bow around her neck and the ribbon tying her dress closed. She kisses his neck back and he lets out a slight moan and runs his fingers up and down her bare spine. He sends shudders throughout her body. His white shirt comes off and his leather pants come off, before she takes the dress off. He swallows hard as she walks towards him and crawls over to him, like a cat. She kisses the tip of his erection and up his chest. And kisses his lips. She rubs his erection with her heat. He moans aloud. He takes her head in his hands and kisses her on the lips passionately and hungrily. Suddenly she lies under him and he kisses her neck all the way down to her legs. He stops and spreads her legs and kisses her sweetness. She moans aloud and he kisses, licks, and lightly grazes his teeth against her more, pushing her closer to the edge. As she’s ready to cum, he stops. He looks up at her as she gasps for air. "For once I’m the torturer. I’ve made you want more than ever." She looks at him, with lust-filled eyes and he crawls up to her. He places a soft kiss to her lips.

"Your very good." She says with light gasps. He fingers her gently. She pushes herself against him, deepening the feeling. She moans lightly. He’s ready to enter her, but stops and gets off the bed and gets dressed.

"I’m very good." She growls and gets dressed.

"I will get you, before you have to leave."

"Try when I least expect it." He walks into his bathroom. She leaves. Laguna and Zell float on those lawn chairs. Tory walks by and he flips off. Zell laughs his head off. She walks into the main building.

"Is Daniel still here?"

"Yeah, he never left his office. Not even to eat. And he usually comes out for at least dinner." The male receptionist says.

"I even tried to bring him something to eat. He wouldn’t take it." The female receptionist says.

"I’ll try." She walks to the kitchen and gets a few things to eat. "Thank you."

"No problem." A female chef says.

"We’re all worried about him. He hasn’t eaten in three days." The male head chef says.

"Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he eats." She assures and walks to his office. She decides to knock on the door.

"Go away."

"I need to talk to you about the supplies. I’m not sure how much of the food I need to get."

"Talk to the chef."

"He went home for the night."

"I’m busy Tory. Please leave me alone." She looks at the doorknob and it turns and the door opens. She walks in.

"You know you can’t keep me away." She says and closes the door. She walks to his desk and sets the tray down. "The staff is worried about you. You haven’t eaten in three days."

"How did you know?"

"The head chef told me."

"I thought you said he went home for the night?"

"I lied."

"Typical." She moves the papers from his face. "Hey! I need those!" he says angrily.

"If you don’t eat, I’ll shred them." She holds them over the shredder.

"Okay, okay. Just put them down." She puts them on the table away from him. "Hey!" he tries to get up, but she pushes him back on his chair.

"Eat." She says.

"Fine. What’d you get?" she moves the tray over to him and he looks at it. He starts to eat a little of the food. Tory smiles and watches him. "Your gonna watch me?"

"Uh huh. To make sure you eat it all."

"Damn." She smiles. He stops what he could eat. "I’m happy. I don’t need to fill up." She takes the tray and is ready to walk away when he grabs her waist and sits her down on his lap.


"Thank you." He kisses her on the lips. She kisses him back and straddles him. His legs are spread apart so she doesn’t fall. He lifts her dress and goes inbetween her legs and fingers her. She gasps as he moves in and out.

"Mmm…Daniel…ohh…" she moans aloud.

"Do you want me to relieve you?" he asks evilly.

"Y-yes…ohhh…p-please…" he smiles evilly and stops. The door is locked and he picks her up and puts her on his desk. He softly caresses her thighs as she regains her breath.

"Are you sure?"

"Uh…huh." He leans down and kisses her thigh. "Mmm…" he stands up straight and lies down on top of her, his feet still on the ground. He kisses her lips.

"Good." He says evilly and fingers her again and moves in and out gently. He moves faster as she reaches the edge. As she ready to release he stops.

"Why’d…*Gasp* did you…stop?" she asks.

"You’ll see." He unzips his pants and his erection stands there. He pushes himself inside of her and she moans. She wraps her legs around him. He sits her up, so he can look into her eyes.

"Ohh…Dan’l…mmm…ouhhh…" he starts thrusting lightly. "Ohh… *Gasps*…mm…more…" he thrusts a little faster and she releases and so does he. He sits on his chair, while Tory rests her head on his shoulder. They try and catch their breaths. She looks at him, his face is flushed.

"That…that was… amazing." Is all he manages to say. She nods and kisses him on the lips. He stands up and puts her on the desk and pulls out. He rezips himself up. She watches him. She refixes herself. He looks at her and smiles contentedly. She kisses him on the lips and gets up.

"Thank you for a good time." She says and kisses him again. He watches her take the tray and leave.

She’s always catching me at the weakest moments, he thinks to himself.

The next day Tory walks into the Spa and to the back and sees Irvine with a pretty Japanese girl.

"Kakoa." Tory says firmly. She stands up. "You have work to do."

"Sorry, ma’am." She bows and runs into the main building. Irvine looks at her and smiles sheepishly.

"Don’t give me that smile. She has to work. Please don’t keep the masseuses from their work." She says, her tone softening.

"I’m sorry." He says and stands up. He walks over to the pool and jumps in. She sees Zell and a young woman playing in the water. She smiles and shakes her head. Squall walks out of his room wrapped in a towel and heads to the saunas. Daniel walks out and heads to a room. She follows.

"Hi." He looks at her.

"Morning." He looks back at his work.

"What’cha doing?"

"I’m going to the back, by the supplies and see what we have left." He says.

"Oh." She parts ways with him, when they walk past the saunas. Squall walks into the one way in the back. She smiles evilly and sneaks over to the sauna and opens the door. It’s really steamy in there and he can’t see her. She walks up to him and sits down next to him. "How’s the sauna?" He jumps and looks at her.

"What’re you doing in here?"

"I’m getting you back for what you did to me." She sits on his lap.

"But you-you’re fully clothed. Aren’t you h-hot?"

"No. I’m fine." She kisses him on the lips ever so passionately. He tries to push her away, but his strength is weakening. He fails and kisses her back and puts his arms around her and unties her dress, and it falls off. He looks her up and down and she kisses his neck and unwraps the towel around his waist and pulls it away. She smiles evilly. "I’m reclaiming my spot as torturer." She gets off and the door is locked with her telekinesis. She kisses down his chest and reaches his erection. She kisses the tip and then takes it fully in her mouth. When he comes close to releasing, she stops and sits herself on his lap again and takes his erection in her hand and starts pumping it. He gasps and groans.


"Do you wanna enter me?"

"Oh, yes!" she makes him cum and then teases his balls making him hard again. He regains some of his strength and takes her and lays her on her stomach. She looks back.

"What’re you doing?"

"You’ll see." He puts her on her knees and enters her slowly. She gasps and moans. He starts pumping and places his fingers in her and starts fingering her, while he thrusts in and out.

"Oh…! Squall…mm…"

"Oh, Tory…mm…your ass is so tight…" he starts thrusting faster until she cums, then he cums. She breathes heavily. He pulls out and lays her on her back. He lies on top of her.


"I wanna…fuck you…o-once more." He says and kisses and suckles her breasts. She moans lightly and he gets hard and enters her. She gasps at the rough/smooth entrance. He thrusts slowly, her finding his rhythm.


"Oh, Tory…your so fucking tight." He starts thrusting faster and faster.

"Oh, faster, Squall. Harder…" he complies and he thrusts faster and harder. She gasps lightly as she cums.

"Oh, Tory…I’m cumming, I’m cumming." He releases and slumps next to her. They’re still connected. He breathes quickly trying to catch his breath. She breathes normally. After about ten minutes they both get up and she gets dressed and he rewraps himself and she kisses his lips once more and leaves. She walks into Daniel’s room and takes a shower. He walks into his room and into the bathroom. He leans against the wall and watches her silhouette.

"You know, Tory. I could have you fired for having sex with a customer." She looks out.

"Don’t you know how to knock?"

"Yes, but I’m tired of doing it." He mocks her. "Besides this is my room."

"So? I had fun with Squall. You told me yourself to, and I quote "Your leather-clad boy toy is here, why don’t you play with him." End quote. So I took your advice."

"Oy vay. You using my words against me now?" she nods and grabs a towel. She walks out.

"Besides, you wouldn’t fire me anyways."

"Give me one good reason."

"Because I’m the only one who can stand you long enough for you to fuck me."

"No, that’s just called tolerance. I mean I can do it for you and so you can do it for me."

"Ooo." She says angrily. She walks into the front and gets dressed. He watches her, trying not to get hard.

"Maybe you should dress in front of Squall or even Laguna. They might want to fuck you again." She stands up, back facing him.

‘Tie." He ties the ribbon and the cloth around her neck. He looks at her neck and can’t stand but smell through the strawberries, her blood. His teeth comes out and bites her. She gasps and he starts drinking from her. He carries her to the bed and lays her down. She moans out in pleasure and blacks out.

The next day, she wakes up in his room. She looks around and sees him walk in.

"You bastard, you bit me." He looks at her.

"Yeah, so? You do it me all the time."

"What else did you do to me?"

"Don’t flatter yourself Tory. I have more control than you think." She scoffs and gets out of bed.

"I hate you so much." She leaves and he shakes his head, smiling evilly.

The week goes by and Irvine and Kakoa sits in his room. She massages more than his back.

"Oh, yeah."

"Are you enjoying it?"

"Definitely." She smiles and puts her mouth over him and starts suckling him. He gasps and moans. "Oh…Kakoa…mm…more…" she licks him and he releases in her mouth. She sits up, licking it off her face. He looks at her, still hard and she sits on him and he enters her slowly and she starts pumping. They both moan and groan. First she releases and then he follows her. She lays on top of him.

"Oh, wow!"

"That was…good." By Laguna, who has a young woman in his bed and has just fucked her.

"Oh, that was good, Mr. Laguna." She says and looks up at him. He smiles and comes down and kisses her.

Later that day Vincent walks over to Tory’s office. He walks in. She looks up at him and smiles.

"What’s wrong?"

"Nothing. I just can’t seem to enjoy the gardens with all the noise."

"Oh. Well, I can’t help that."

"Oh, okay." She stands up and walks over to him. He looks at her and kisses her suddenly. He stops.

"What was that for?"

"I don’t know." She smiles and kisses him back. He leaves. She shakes her head, a smile upon her lips.

The rest of the guys’ vacation goes by quickly and the limo driver’s packing their stuff into the trunk. Cloud walks out happily.

"Thanks for bringing Tifa here for the rest of my vacation."

"No problem." Daniel says.


"I’m getting married." Cloud says happily. Tory smiles and puts her arm on Daniel’s shoulder. Kakoa hugs Irvine good-bye. Daniel shakes his head in disgust.

They all get in the limo and leaves. Daniel looks at Tory and smiles at a notion that just popped in his head.


"Nothing. I just think that all the guys got fucked at least once this week and a half." She nods.

"Me too."

"And you got fucked what five times by Squall."

"And twice by you."

"You still don’t believe me, that I only drank your blood." She looks at him.

"Well, why don’t we find out." She walks back to his room. He follows her, playing along with her little game.

~The End~