The Second First Of Frank ]  




Im back. In black. err....and red..

Well, I'm back and so is the site. One day Angelfire just gave up on me and said "Frank, I'm deleting your site. There's nothing you can do or say to stop me. Whatever we had, it's OVER!" I was like, "You suck! And take your web shell with you!" Jerk.

I'm thinking of doing this differently. The main site will change almost daily. For now, the post at the top will be the newest one, followed by the older ones. When I really get this thing going, the first post at the top will be the first post of the day, and the new ones will follow going downward. I would like to note that this is a completely original idea and no other site has ever done it before. Ever. No matter what THEY tell you.

So, let us start anew! Beautiful things lie ahead. Very beautiful things. Sun rises, grassy fields, Frank, all that. Onward ho!

Ze World

Sunday, July 10 2005 - 4:00 AM
by: Frank

We are all spinning on a rock wasting away our lives on trivial stuff. We eat bad food, we watch bad TV, see bad movies, write bad stories and date ugly girls. Except for me, that is!

Suck on that, turds. My girlfriend is HOT. Hotter than yours. In addition to this hotness, she walks with an unparalleled grace and beauty. Yours walks with a gimp.

And no, you cant talk to her. Shit, don't even look at her. I will own you.


-The Frank

PSP Madness!

Tuesday, March 22 2005 - 12:19 AM
by: Frank

The madness continues. After thursday I will cease to exist as a person of this world.

PSP?- Frank approves.

I hear so much talk about the DS vs. the PSP and it doesn't make sense. Some Nintendo fans think the PSP is just another system that will come and go, leaving Nintendo to be the champion. People, the PSP is not just some passerby handheld system like the NeoGeo pocket (which, by the way, was a big hit in Japan). This is the most advanced handheld on the market made by the company that previously dethroned Nintendo from the top position in the gaming world. Not to mention that it has the best launch line-up of any system in recent memory. Think about it this way- what is the one thing that was always in the back of our minds when it came to handheld gaming? This: "Man, I wish someone came out with a handheld that was as powerful as my (insert current system here)." This has finally come to pass.

Granted, the PSP isn't as powerful off the bat as a PS2, but the graphics will definitely reach that point while consuming less battery power. I can almost guarantee this.

The DS is a pretty good system with potential, but it just doesn't stack up. The PSP is an INSANE system with 100x the potential, and that might be a fact. Let's go over why-

Graphics- The DS boasts 64-level graphics and two screens, both of which are small compared to the PSP. The PSP boasts near PS2 level graphics. You all have heard this one million times, I know, but it hasnt sunk in yet I guess. Im not exactly sure of what the numbers are for the pixel ratios, but the PSP wins anyway.

Games- The launch line-up of the DS was pretty sad. They rehashed Nintendo 64, souped it up a little, and said "Yay, ....YAY!". Metroid looked pretty good. Heh. The PSP boasts 24 games at launch compared to the DS's...what was it....8? Not all the games are stellar, but the PSP has at least 8-10 stellar games out of it's 24. At least.

Ergonomics- Both systems are pretty sleek. The PSP is a bit smaller with a more futuristic, sexy look but the DS does look pretty cool with it's two screens and silver finish.

Multiplayer Options- both systems boast a Wi-Fi link-up ability, and this is good. The difference is the PSP's "infrastructure" mode which allows players to go to different wireless internet hotspots and play with gamers from around the world. Is that a win I smell?

Anyway, I'm getting tired of writing right now so I'll end with this- The PSP is better. Buy it. Hold it. Love it.

Frank's Life- Play it! ~Frank, your loving master of the universe.

PSP Madness!

Tuesday, March 22 2005 - 12:19 AM
by: Frank

I know, long hiatus. But be hopeful, my sons, for the time of the PSP is at hand!

Im obsessed with it. The time it is taking from now until Thursday is pain. Pure pain. Like someone is dangling the beautiful machine in front of my face whilst weird men shove dreadful spears of pure time-slowing filth and grime and agony into my being. But then I kill them because I am awesome. They just keep coming back is all. I have to find and destroy there barracks. No biggie.

NumaroCid789: and thats what counts. Girls and farts

NumaroCid789: :P

brightlightAHHH: yes

brightlightAHHH: I dont think I've farted infront of any other girl

brightlightAHHH: like.. that seriously says a lot.. lol

NumaroCid789: :D

brightlightAHHH: man girls just fuck all sorts of shit up

brightlightAHHH: I feel crazy right now

brightlightAHHH: like I just wanna go to **** house and go for a walk and just talk

brightlightAHHH: but.. I gotta go to sleep

brightlightAHHH: cause I gotta WORK

brightlightAHHH: and balhrgg

NumaroCid789: what you need is a PSP

NumaroCid789: you can be yourself in front of it

NumaroCid789: and miore

NumaroCid789: more*

NumaroCid789: and you can fart in front of it

NumaroCid789: and it plays music

NumaroCid789: plus it connects with up to 16 different people. Honestly, can **** do that?

brightlightAHHH: haha

brightlightAHHH: lol

brightlightAHHH: thats so trueeee

Sony Takes Over World, Story At 8

Thursday, December 009 2004 - 5:00pm
by: Frank

I remember back when it all started.

Nintendo had contracted Sony to help them make the next generation in video game systems. Then Sony realized that they could wipe the floor with Nintendo, so they did.

Such was the birth of the PlayStation. It made sense, it was a better system. Not just with power, but with games. The shit with the better shit should get the glory.

With the Xbox its a different story...better system, but not with better games, therefor, not better all around. So fuck that.

Now we have something a little different going on. Sony and Toshiba are at war now to be the ones to create the next standard in DVD discery. Sony is on one corner with the Blue Ray disc, and Toshiba is on the other corner with the HD (high definition) DVD.

So a couple of big names have attached themselves to each side of the fight, but that doesnt make sense. Everyone should be on the side of the Blu-Ray for one simple reason- it's better. It holds 6 times as much info as a DVD, whilst the HD DVD holds only four times as much. Plus, it's name is cooler. Does anymore need to be said?

Sony has the backing of most of the computer market for the new format, so why isn't everyone else hopping on? You'd think that would be some sort of hint, like "Shit, we backed HD DVD and all the smart people who can put programs and videos and all this crazy shit on to little pieces of plastic and metal back the Blu-Ray format. I guess we suck."

The main concern is the price of converting to Blu-Ray media. Toshiba's HD DVD can be created using mostly the DVD production units that are out now. The Blu-Ray media would require new equipment in current factories. Who gives a fuck? These filthy rich bastards can do it. Plus the Blu-Ray, like I said, is simply better. So use it. This is the golden age of technology, not the golden age of settling for a SOMEWHAT advanced medium. Go for the gold.

An interesting note is that Toshiba is trying to get Microsoft on their side. This would liven up the Sony vs. Microsoft thing a little bit. The way I look at it is like this- If Microsoft backed HD DVD, they would probably use the format in their next-gen Xbox. This would cause them to lose the next round of the console war since their disc format would be the suck, in the words of the almighty Kyu-Been.

The PS3 will use the Blu-Ray format.

So, to all you big companies, The Frank recommends the Blu-Ray disc format. It's simply better.

~The Frank

Ode To The Past Part 2

Friday, November 30 2004 - 1:15am
by: Frank

Yes, there are more.

So we last left off with Heather. OK!

I dont know why the relationship between Heather and I ended. I do know, however, that we didn't talk for a year and a half after that. That really sucked. Onward!

Kristi Sidak

Highschool came around and this girl happened to be the first female I noticed. She was a very beautiful, skinny blonde girl in my Design class.

I remember how stunned I was the first time I saw her. I had stepped into the classroom and I was the first person there. Then some tough looking guys walked in and I broke their legs.

Anyway, she walked in and I got really nervous. This girl was seriously gorgeous and I wasn't much of a talker to girls I didnt know at the time.

We became pretty good friends and nothing else ever came of it, though that would have been awesome. We still talk every couple of months to this day.

Jessica Klein

As I write out the short story of this next girl, I will have you know that I have just put gold bond cream on a very dry and painful spot of skin by my eyebrow. I want you to know that I am in great pain right now because of this devil cream, despite it's promises of relief. I plan on throwing a vat of this cream at my next mortal enemy since I can now be assured of it's effectiveness at utter agony.


I first saw Jessica in lunch in 10th grade. I was sitting at a table with a bunch of my friends and I noticed this very pretty girl sit at the table next to us. By this time I had some balls, so I gave her the early form of what came to be known as "The Eye of the Frank". She responded to it quite well.

In a surprise move, she gave me a note asking me to go to homecoming with her. Through some complicated circumstances we ended up going and having a great time.

We both liked each other and we knew it. Nothing happened for a long time, though, because my eyes had been caught by someone else after a while (but we did end up having two moments recently. Our first and second kisses, which were wonderful, but short lived). Her name was...

Deanna Pastel

Deanna was and is a very odd person. Before, she was just one of those cliche goth/punk people who thought anarchy meant total chaos, which is an outright result of miseducation.

Anyway, her and I met one night at a homecoming. I could have sworn that I met her before that night, but she says that simply isn't true, so I'm a bit confused about that.

Her and her boyfriend broke up after a while which led to me making my move. We went to go and see "The Count of Monte Cristo" and it was there that I first made out with anyone, and I remember being really fearful that I was horrible at it. Thanks to Deanna, I have since been complimented on my skills.

I was a jealous bastard. Because of my jealousy and stupidity, that relationship ended in about a month. Deanna and I are still friends to this day, I think. We had an odd situation recently where she got really upset over where we hung out and then ditched me for the rest of the night and hasn't called me since. She stopped up at my job at Guitar Center the other day, a very short-lived visit that had a bit of tension in the air. Ah well, such is the way of some things.

Random People

Between Deanna and the next person I went back and forth between girls I had already liked.

Jessica Weber The relationship I had with Jessica was the longest "adult" relationship I have had thus far.

We met when I was at my friend Tanya's house. She came around just to see who I was and what was going on, though she didnt play it off that way.

Anyway, to make a long story short, we ended up going out. We stayed together for ten months. I thought I was in love, but right at the end my eyes opened up and I realized I was far from it. I was sucked into a lustful relationship. The day I fully realized this, I broke up with her.

Melissa Burkabile

This is definitely one of the more interesting girls that I've been with, not to mention one of the more interesting relationships..err...situations in my life when it comes to girls.

Melissa and I met at the Great Lakes Medieval Faire this past summer. The first time was the first day of rehearsals. My friend Eric (StrongMad on the boards) and I were sitting there amongst a crapload of people we didn't know in the freezing cold when suddenly these two girls (Melissa and Rachel) walk in. The first girl I noticed was actually Melissa's friend, who is now also my friend, Rachel. Eric seemed to take an interest in Melissa.

Now, over the past couple of months before that, the girls Eric and I had liked had been the same and they always ended up liking me instead of him. This time I was like "Hey, it's all you bro."

At the end of that first faire rehearsal, Melissa came up to me and gave me her screen name. I was like "Ah, cool, I'll give this to Eric too." I knew there was gonna be trouble from this moment on.

Melissa and I got to know each other pretty quickly, and I ended up falling for her. It became known that we both liked each other, but I wasnt about to risk my friendship for a relationship like that. That problem soon cleared up, Eric gave me his blessing, and her and I began our time together.

There were a lot of rocky times in that whole situation. She was undecided of what she wanted out of a guy and kept breaking it off with me to play the field a bit, but she then realized that I was what she wanted.

It didn't last for too long after that, but we have a great friendship. Don't get the wrong idea, she's not a slutty person. She was very confused, that's all. Such is the effect that the Frank has on women. If it were a medieval world, she would be the Princess and I would be the Prince. If her current boyfriend reads that and has a problem with it, I'll shove him up a fat person's ass.

Missy Petkovsek

I met up with this old friend right around the beginning of faire rehearsals. It wasn't until after the first Melissa (as Missy's name is actually Melissa) that I found out that I liked Missy.

Missy is pretty cool when she isn't avoiding me. She's funny, has a great sense of humor, plays video games (she works at funcoland), and has a knack for the arts. Not to mention that she is a very pretty girl.

Missy and I don't very much get along anymore, not because we aren't compatible people, but because we simply dont get a chance to. She's far too busy to talk to the Frank anymore.

Future Girls

And there you have it. My life story with girls so far. Girls surely are an adventure. Ill always remember each one of these people forever.

~The Franketh LEAVES YOU!

Ode To The Past

Friday, November 19 2004 - 12:00pm
by: Frank

Last night I was thinking about all sorts of things while talking to my buddy Keith. We talked of many things, things that had seriously affected the way I think in the past. So the thing that ultimately stuck with me was the talk of girls.

Girls and friends have been popular subjects on my mind lately, but we wont get too far into the friends thing until the next post. Right now it's all about the girls in my life, some still here, some long gone.

So now, for all of you nosy people's enjoyment (you fucking sicko freaks), here's a recountance of all the girls I've ever liked and the moment between us, in chronological order.

Susan O'Donnel

This is a girl I had a crush on for about two seconds in kindergarten. Back then I was the nerd and she was just being a 6 year old cocktease. That bitch.

Jessica Wrenn

Jessica and I still talk to each other to this day. Not very much, but sometimes. She liked me back in kindergarten and first grade. I remember lying down next to her at naptime and her saying the weirdest shti to me, making me form different shapes in the air with my hands. Now that I think back to it, I don't know what the fuck was going on at those moments. What the hell??

Kara Brehm

Kara was the first girl I can safely say I actually, truly liked with a conscious mind. None of that liking six year old cockteases and forming shapes in the air with my hands fucked up bullshit, just straight up 'I had a crush on this girl'. The story with Kara stars off with another friend of mine, Heather Stanek. Heather and had been friends for a long time before she introduced me to Kara. When she did, it was love at first sight.

Every day, I would wake up, not take a shower (because I was a true boy. Showers?? Hah. I was too cool to be clean), and meet up with my little posse at the time- Eric, Heather, and Kara- either behind Kara's grandmother's house, or at Heather's house. We all live right next door to each other, by the way.

After a while it became openly known that Kara and I liked each other. We would hold hands and watch movies in her grandmother's basement and stuff like that. She was the first girl to ever lay her head on my shoulder, and I remember it like it was yesterday.

One time the subject of kissing came up, as we had never kissed each other. Her mother had told her that she wasn't allowed to do that until she was at least 11. She came up with a solution to that, though. She drew lips on a piece of paper and kissed that so that I could kiss it and it would, in turn, be like I was kissing her. Heh, I guess it's sort of wierd and out there, but hey, we were weird little kids. Kara and I never ended up together.

Julie Cooke

Julie was the hottie of my elementary school. When I first started noticing her, I still liked Kara, so the transition was an odd one for me. It was the first time I had ever really liked another girl, so when it started to happen, I felt as though I was somehow mentally cheating on Kara.

Anyway, I ended up fully liking Julie. I must have liked this girl for two years straight without so much as saying more than ten sentences to her until the end of eighth grade. I became a bit more bold then, and I started talking to everyone. My crazy side took over me, and I wasn't too afraid to talk to anyone really.

I finally got the balls to ask her to go with me to Nightmare In Painseville, the prime choice meat for haunted houses in my area. We assembled a little group- it was to be her, this kid Josh (who was my friend at the time), and my friend Kendall- and we went to the haunted houses.

We got there and I ended up paying for everyone out of the Frank's infinite pool of kindness and chivelry. So we went in to this haunted house thing and thats when the trouble started.

Julie ended up talking to Josh the whole time. They were the ones holding hands and stuff when being jumped at by not-so-creepy men in masks and bloodied doctor outfits, not her and I. Something was obviously amiss here, and Kendall noticed that I was a bit let down by it.

To make a long story short, Josh and Julie ended up going out.

Oh yeah, I embarassed myself once by trying to ask her to go out with me at Cosmic Bowling (an attraction around my area where they turn the lights off, turn some blue lights on, and let some fog loose, all in an attempt to make you think you're bowling in space. I guess they didn't count on people realizing that they haven't been exposed to the crushing g-forces that you experience when leaving the planet. They did try inviting only slutty girls -as that was the norm- to such events, though, so we would see their g-strings and get them confused with g-forces. Yea, well, I saw right through that). I wrote "Will you go out with me" on my chest with a highlighter, trying to make use of the black/blue lights there. Unfortunately for my pride and ego, she found out that I was doing this and promptly left the building as fast as she could.

Julie and I dont really talk at all anymore, but we're cool when we do see each other.

Heather Stanek

Heather is the person that I have known the longest in my short life. I met her when my parents first moved to what eventually became my proclaimed kingdom, The Clid (Euclid for you non-hip peoples). She was about one at the time, and I was two. My father brought me over to her house so that he could meet her parents in a "Hi, im new to the hood" sort of way. Heather was on the front porch playing with a new kitchen set that had just been given to her. We messed around with it for a while. I remember picking up the phone and saying "Hello, Ghostbusters," and "Who ya gonna call?" and random GB sayings like that because Ghostbusters rocks and I knew what was down. Anyway, we were friends from that day forward.

Many years had gone by before anything actually happened between us. She had told me a couple of times before that she liked me, but I didn't at those times. Then, one day, I suddenly realized that I did, out of nowhere.

The day was a good one. My friend Eric and I had been out on the street, and we found a huge refrigerator box, so we stole the shit, like we used to back in our gang days. We brought it back around our part of the street, and him, Samantha, and I proceeded to roll around like crazy people. Heather, however, would not join us. She wasn't in the greatest of moods as her and her parents had not been on good terms that day, so she opted to stay out of the fun. So I stayed in the box after the rolling had ended and I pretended to be sad. She came into the box to see what was wrong with me, and I told her, "I am saddened that you would not roll with us" (gangsta 1337 translation: wtf u wouldnt roll with my crew). She said "Well, with you and Eric rolling around in here like that, I didn't know what was going on. It looked sort of gay to me," to which I replied "I am not gay." She looked at me with a smirk and said "How do I know?" So I took that chance. "Want me to prove it to you?" It didnt end up happening at that point, though.

So the night went on as it normally would have, with an occasional flirtatious "I like you" smile between her and I. Finally, the action settled down and, one by one, everyone else went home.

We sat there, under the stars for a couple more hours, just talking and watching. Slowly we moved closer to each other until we were right up against each other. Finally, she said "Wasn't there something you were supposed to prove to me?" I looked at her at that moment and kissed her. We held each other for the rest of the time that we were together that night.

A couple of days later I asked her out, but it only last about a month. After the break up, we did not talk for the better part of two years.

That night still sticks out in my head, though. It was very remiscent of a story-book summer love. To this day it was the most pure kiss I have ever had, void of hormone and testosterone. I was still young enough to have that innocence in me to truly enjoy it without just being lustfull.

Frank's Anger

Friday, October 5 2004 - 1:25am
by: Frank

Angelfire has cancelled my upgraded account, so everyone shall suffer my fury and wrath.

And so it shall be that Mt. St Helen's shall do the unthinkable, the untimely. Indeed, it SHALL.....spew a couple of steam columns. That's right...uh...fear me.

Seriously though, all of this damned suspense with the mountain. I wish it would just blow up already! I don't want to sit around and watch it cough up some steam and ash (undoubtedly from smoking too much). I want to see some ACTION! I dont want to see this-

No no no. I want to see something more like this-

Who was that lesser God that they said was the god of these mountains? Hmm...

Ah yes, Vulcan. Well that guy really sucks now- says The Frank! A personal message to you, Vulcan- Get your balls back. If one fictional being really did ever have balls of fire, it was you. Now you suck.

You saw my awesome, hell-ish scene up there. I'll show you what VULCAN, the great God of fire and brimstone, will do!

Vulcan, if you're any indication of how the greek gods were, I will say that its no wonder you guys didn't get re-elected.


Keep It Up And I'll Punch Ya

Friday, September 3 2004 - 4:10am
by: Frank

Well, it's about 4:10am. I don't know why it is that I am staying up so late these days. Analysts say that it's due to the migration of killer bees down south, but I'm thinking more along the lines of the migration of the slave kids that work for Nike. I hear that Nike moves them into the Sahara in the fall. They SAY it's a company vacation, but the fact of the matter is that Nike is actually a caring company, and knows that, somehow, these kids belong there. Strange, huh?

Me, after a relaxing hot bath.

I'm noticing that the boards are a bit empty, except for some odd people posting crazy things in there. Well, let me tell YOU! You can't be crazier than me, as is evidenced by this face I made earlier:

Teehee...I think. Teehee?

So fucking stop trying. I mean...

WHAT is WRONG with you people?

One of the posts actually said something about some son of mine. That's not the sort of thing I mess around with.

Well, anyway, I'm gonna go. Sort of a pointless post, yet a VIBRANT and EXPRESSIVE one.

Keep Rocking...


Thursday, September 2 2004 - 3:04am
by: Frank

I figured it's about time I had my own cheesy ad slogan thing.

Yep, it's been announced! The Frank's Life game for the SONY PSP, starring FRANK!

You really gotta see this game. It's one of the better fighters out there. It features special choreography from Kung Fu master Tom Dowd so as to enhance fighting realism!

The game features a compelling story of a once strong love between Tom and some ancient, Chinese head, torn in two-

The graphics are intensely beautiful, featuring art by master Xian Jing Wu, who has been revived.

We would also like to congratule master Wu on violently regaining control of the Jing Wu school of martial arts.

So remember to stop by your local store and pick this beauty up!

Frank's Life- Play it!

collectible barbie