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Complete site revamp - 02/10/2003
A complete site revamp is going on as from today. As you know, my war3 was unable to reinstall so this site will be (beep) useless. Hopefully i will finish the revamp and fix this crappy family comp.
War3 RoC + TFT Breakdown =( - Someday in September 2003
My dad didnt know that the blaster worm had infected the comp. He reinstalled windows completely coz he thought i messed it up(how typical of grown-ups). The Win2K i hav been using got mashed in the process and language recognition support failed along with something else. I tried to reinstall war3 RoC and TFT but it failed. Complete crap. I havnt been able to get it back since.
I tried Blizzard Tech Support, no help. Clan MoMM(im a member) Troubleshooting Forums, no idea. (beep) Microsoft Tech Support newsgroups, complete idiots they are. The War Center Tech Support, not any better than Microsoft's help.
Finally Finished! - 27/7/2003
FlameSoldier's War3Site is finally up and running. All pages done, including:
Projects - My current map projects, description and updates.
Poems - Not dedicated to War3. That section is just for exploiting
my new-found poetic sense =)
ScreenShots - Contains the screenshots of in-game playing of the current
map project. I might add other screenies as well.
Plz suggest ways of improving this site. Email me here
You can also submit screenshots through that email address.
This website is made by FlameSoldier(AKA He)
The homepage is for news and updates only, please explore the site using the links above