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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to Galiex's Comics. Displaying my fanart and comics some are hand drawn others are sprited. But mostly based on based some of your fav. video games. It updates once a week. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sorry about the long wait you people had to endure. But, it's finally back and showing off my hand drawn art. Yeah, I finally got a scanner and I couldn't be more happier. Unfortunately this means I spend less time making sprite comics, but more time on hand drawn ones (as well as other stuff). Although I will be using this site to display them I did put a pastie here so you can look at my more recent works. You are all welcome to check out the entire gallery if you want.

My Sprite Comics

Other comics

Bob & George the Comic Strip

8-bit Theater

Sprite Sites

Spriters Resource

The Shyguy Kingdom

The People's Sprites

Sprite's Inc.

All material except that already made by � Capcom, � SquareEnix and � Nintendo. Everything else is made by Renelle Ward. 2003-2008.