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Carol walked in zombie like at 10:32 am, 6.1.03
eeeoooooo. Just woke up at 10. :P Got 20 hours of sleep...yup, relay was friday annnddd....IT KICKED ASSWell...kinda. I was depressed for part of it, but the parts that were good, were really good! ALthough some of it I just can't tell you. WEEE! Ok,I got there, and accidently called Trevor, Kyle. >.< I got to my camp site and Ed, Bryce, and Richie were playing a Harry Potter board game. Its one thing to liek the books and seet he movies...but uhhh...a board game? I went off while people set up the tent :D Walked with Owen for a bit, and stuff...oh! Walked down to bryan's house with him and back which was cool. Went back to teh camp site and tehy wee getting help setting up teh tent from Danielle (don't know her last name) and Mike Newman. Then i went around ab it more, found all of my friends' camp sites and such. Met up with Zac a few times. And uhm....i saw Shane. o.o I was afraid he would approach me and i scrambled back to my friends, wlaked around with Michelle and Kyle I believe on the track and Michelle said if Shane said or tried to do anything to me, She would beat the shit out of him (i was afraid Shane might beat me up or something cuz he's uberly violent.) Well, i saw Zac and someone else filling luminaries and I told him about Shane, so he invited me over to help. That was fun, Zac flipped me over his hsoulder which was scary, and I finally met Eric Brushett. Then i met up with Owen again and we went looking for Catherine I beleive and he was farting which was really funny. Then on our way back he met up with Cat and I went back to the campsite. I had candy and junk and hung out for a bit. I'm not exactly sure what i did for a while (most of what i've written is out of order soo umm...bear with me!) *scene change to night* Ok! Ik now what happened here! I was with Candy and I got to wear her jacket and sunglasses and carry the neo Stitch! Everyone was looking ta me crazy. Some kids said "Teh Dike parade went that way" if taht was supposed to be an insult it didn't hurt me one bit. Damn some people using gay people as an insult. Oh well, Mike Corkran (dun know if tahts how u spell his last name...we'll just call him corky k?) he put on the kacket (too small for him) and he put on the shades. if he had dark brown hair like Keanu, he would definately be "the one" lolz. Then JJ Vibert tried it on. At this time we were around all of Shane's friends. x.o he didn't recognize me! and i f he did, he didn't say anything. :D Yeah so, we walked around some more, i made fun of gena, umm..lotsa stuff. I was really mad at myself cuz i felt myself really liking Zac and Shane a little bit. It really pissed me off. Anywho, at one point I just went up to the bleacher's by myself,and sat at the top wrapped in my blanket, completely covered and cried. i heard kids come up, didn't recognize them and then realized they were coming up to see me! Theywere some really kool kids from terryville, and we talked for a while. Then all of them but 1 went to go run around the track. So I sat up there with this kid (not until we talked for liek, a half hour or so did we figure out each other's names! his name is Brandom btw) So we talked and talked, he likes dragons, his mother is a comedian, we kept on pretending to sleep and he would murmer stuff randomly like, "fish sticks". hehe. he kept on callign things mystical and stuff. We kinda watched the sun rise- it was more like watching the sky brighten. It rained on us a bit, then it cleared up and we finally got up to find something to eat. He went to his tent then i talked with Cat, Griffin, and Steph. They were all worried about me cuz i was up on the bleachers with Brandon. Cat was just like "you didn't do anything right," NO! Stop thinking that dammit! can't i just be friends with a fucking guy for once? ANd it ends up that bryan seems to be a liar. well, i was pissed off at Griffin cuz i trusted him with information about the night before becuz i really do feel he's the only one i can tell certain things irght? he told steph and i was really pissed off. So i got mad at Steph, said somehting to her that Bryan told me...and she said that she never said it. i believe Steph over Bryan czu I know that Steph would tell me if it were true. So Bryan lied to me bout that. ugh. i was still mad at Griffin and Cat and I descided to go find him so that i could talk with him. Well, she went to the potty and I talked to Griffin, he said he was really sorry andh e promised that If I ever told him stuff that he wasn't suppsoed to repeat, he wouldn't tell anyone. Although I really doubt i'll be telling him anything becuz this is twice he's done that to me. And the 1st time he did it he knew, he wasn't supposed to say anything. At the relay it was just common sense that he should have kept his mouth shut. Any who i walked around with him, and then sicne we were really tired we went to his tent and tried to sleep. Didn't work cuz everyone was coming in and out for their stuff and crap, and plus we were busy talking. Eventually i left, and went back to my cmapsite. Ate some more sour starbursts. You know teh drill. laughed at one dance team cuz they sucked sooo badly. hung out with Grif and his friends. Got myself some free granola bars from Katie Stack and Naomi Wilson. I was just like wee! Time to pig out on granola bars and get fat! Sma D, and Dave cook and ppl were just like, "carol... they're fat free!" damnit. Brittany Baily is it? well he little brother was around and ppl were telling him to say tenticle and anal. Poor kid. Ray, Dave, and Sean (shawn?) jumped over hurdles. And then we went to go watch the karate thingy. It was awesome! During one session they playedt he beginning hteme to trigun! yeah baby! lolz. Then i went back to my campsite, found out that it was ending at 1, called my dad cuz i had told him to pick me up at 3, and he said to be down in teh front in 10-15 minutes. i grabbed my stuff, said goodbye to my friends, and left with griffin cuz he had to go too. i met up with my dad right away cuzz he was early, went home, was told to go to bed, but my dad left with my uncle to go get screen doors so I went on my comp, for like, an hour or so. I talked to griffin, and we were both about to fall asleep right then and tehre. lolz. So i went to bed, fell asleep at about 2, and didn't wake up till 10 this morning. Yum. So here I am writing when i'm supposed to be doing chores and hw. c-ya! (oh, and deal with my typos woncha?)
Carol went off to do work at 10:44 pm

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