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Hello,this is my new rpg for finalfantasy!If you'd like to join then fill out the join form on the page that says join.Once you've filled out the form then send it to me in an email and youll be a member in no time.Also before joining read the rules because if you dont you wont know what to do in some cases when roleplaying is taking place.One last thing when you join try to get others to join as well this is recommended but does not have to be done.The reason why i tell you to try to get others to join is because with more people on the site to roleplay it will make the roleplaying more exciting and interesting.Trust me you dont want to have an rpg with about 3 And you can check out all of the other page called members to see the people that have joined this rpg so far and also you can see there status in the rpg at the moment which can come in handy if you want to plan some kind of strategy to beat someone in a battle.And another reason why you must read the rule is because you might do something that is not prohibited.If you do such then you will get suspended from the site for a amount of days depending on how bad the thing you've done is.Thank all members and guest. ~BakuraEpsillon~
