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Lady Alu Feanor

Here’s a little site to get to know me a bit better, my character that is, and a more thorough profile at that…

Full Name: Alu Seorsa Feanor (Her nickname is Al and only Al. Call her Allie and she will "let slip the dogs of war" upon you).

Age: 15

House Affiliation: Slytherin

Year: 6th

D.O.B.: November 20th, 1987

Blood: Pure “Magid Lamia” -O

Heritage: Polish and German mainly. Irish, Scottish, Cherokee, and Blackfoot Indian, and of course British.

Lives: In a wooded area of England, hidden away from Muggles (the charms helping as well), in a castle-like mansion with the servants of the household, and a few elves, plus her animals.




At the Zoo *cough* Ah-hem... Mansion

At Hogwarts (Yes I know there is more than one...)


Very respectful towards everyone, but is much of a devil in her own way. Can be very comical (having a quick tongue), and klutzy, yet graceful and serious at the precise times. She is also flexible and easy-going, yet sticks to her own schedule. And she has always been quite the tomboy, never failing a dare given to her yet. Alu, let's say, walks to the beat of a different drummer, open to all yet prefers to stay by herself, never attaching herself to anyone except her animals. Almost everyone likes her because she is an easy-silent ear. Ready to listen to anyone with problems. From the first-years to the sevenths, counseling each in her unique, blunt, yet motherly manner. The ones who do not like her, despise her out of their own jealousy. Unfortunately, that witty tongue of her's has gotten her into some trouble before. This is mostly because SOME PEOPLE who I shall name as anonymous *cough* Gabby *cough* have the nerve to call her an orphan dirty Slytherin. Let's just say she is very proud and protective shall we... So now whenever she wishes to speak back to someone, she just says it in her head. Unless if you anger her over the brink of course... Then everything is up in the air.



Alright... Here's the gist of it all. She was born to very wealthy parents of the Slytherin House, both distinguished but soon to be forgotten. Since both parents were amongst the early Death Eaters, she was brought up in harsh, cruel ways, which made her a quite, shy child for many a year. She gained her mother's smarts and her father's strengths, and both their devilish charm, yet she had a quality all her own that came from niether side of the family. Her gentle ways towards animals and people of all kinds. Of course her parents wished to weed this out of their daughter so whenever she made friends of beasts, they were killed, scarring the girl to the point that she no longer sobbed at death. Only silent tears would come down her face, and sometimes the tears didn't come at all.

Unfortunately, as her parents were one of the first generation of Death Eaters, they were one of the first to be caught and thrown into Azkaban, both having said to have died within a period of three years. By the time she was 8 years of age, she was already an orphan.

Orphan... How she did and still does despise that term. Yet she was plagued with this cruel title as much as the scars of her teachings as a child did. But this scathed her mind and heart, not her back, chest and stomach.

As soon as her parents died, she was entrusted the family estates and all the belongings within, leaving the older, and loyal servants to take care of the finances. Ocassionally a person of the Ministry would drop by as they still do today whenever Alu is within the mansion, just to make sure all things are right, not only because she was a child, but of what haunts her.

On one dreary spring night in March, a group of surviving Death Eaters came to the mansion and woke up the child, who at the time was 9, and tried to make her finish off the pledge her parents started when she was born to become a Death eater herself. Of course she declined, many times at that. Each time she said no, a Death Eater would grab one of her pets and kill it. She tried to fight back, of course to no avail, and soon they moved on to the house-elves to kill. But one of the servants slip past the Death Eaters's guard and called upon the Ministry. The Ministry finally came, finding quiet Alu on her knees, all by herself, tear-soaked, and bleeding from her back, stomach, and forehead where she was struck, all her pets, her friends, dead. But they were not the only dead corpses surrounding her. Of the fifteen Death Eaters that came, eight lay dead around her. How they died no one knows...

Weeks passed by and thanks to the tight security of the Ministry, nothing more happened to that drastic effect ever again. And as noted before, at least once a month a person from the Ministry would pass by and check up on her. But since recent events in the wizarding world, they now come to check up once a week whilst Alu is home. And eventually the girl's wounds healed to nothingness, but her heart still bleed for her lost friends. All of this occuring a year and a spring before she attended Hogwarts.

Finally, the letter did come and with speed she received all of her books, uniforms, etc. early that summer, all an attempt by the servants to cheer the child up and to take her mind off of the recent events. And Alu followed accordingly, diving right into a world of unkown, a world where wizards were not the only beings, a world where her limited life could stretch over vast lands and cultures. A place of solace and peace where the stars were not only beautiful, but had a deeper meaning and translation, a place where not only did the flowers smelled of the warm sun, but could be mixed together to bring about healing or harm. And so her educational career began.

She entered as one of the youngest in her class, and was later bumped up to second year after being caught snoring during class, yet acing tests. During her first years within the castle she was quite quiet, but eventually she did open up, becoming the crazy, comical, wild child that she is today, never telling anyone of her past, and avoiding all things that may turn ehr power-hungry for fear of becoming what her parents were (she turned down becoming a Prefect a couple times), hoping she would forget it all. Yet to this day she has nightmares of that night... Sometimes she wakes up sweating buckets, claiming to have heard the last screams of her friends of long ago...

And recently whilst at Hogwarts, she has aquired something that is often feared by many. Just beware her on a bad day. She doesn't want anyone to be hurt...

And this is where the past meets the present and where her life as now begins...

"And here we have six missing Death Eaters... three dead in my service..."