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- Chapter 2-
"Ojama itashinashita! Mata o-me ni kakarimasyoo!"
Momiji cheerfully sent the last customer on her way, closed the register and heaved a sigh. She had no idea working in a flower shop could be so hard. The old women she could handle, but the high-school girls that swarmed the place in the afternoon had been a challenge to her temper. Constantly demanding attention, cheerfully clattering like brainless hens, hindering their job...
The guys seemed used to it, even resigned... all except one who seemed to enjoy it, almost craving feminine attention. The pot she was holding protested her rough handling as she watched Youji wave the last of the chits away, exchanging sweet nonsense.
Youji noticed her dark look and winked at her!
The pot gave in under the pressure.
"Momiji-san, are you alright?" Ken asked with concern.
"Fine!" she snapped handling him the pieces "The pot was defected"
She chose to ignore Youji's amused glance.
Ken sighed. He could tell life wouldn't be easy with those two picking on each other like a couple of kids.
His thoughts turned to the youngest member of their group laying in his bed struggling to defeat the weakness that had overcome him. Ken could tell the physical injuries weren't the only thing that were weighing down on the kid. If Omi would just open up, give any sign of what was torturing him, he was sure that together they could fix things. But Omi kept everything inside, as all of them did because some things just weren't meant to be shared.
Ken dumped the pieces in the waste-bin and helped the others shut the shop.

"What do you mean there's no food in the house?"
"Just what I said"
Ken entered the room and froze as the tension rode over him.
"So what do you usually eat?" the girl demanded, hands on her hips
"Food" Youji replied.
Momiji's invisible hackles rose like an angry cat's fur.
"Instead of complaining, why don't you make yourself useful"
"Excuse me?" The girl shut the fridge's door with exaggerated care.
If Ken could've done it, he would've put a cork in Youji's mouth.
"You're a woman. Cook"
Ken hid his face in his hand, stiffening a groan.
The girl's eyes flashed dangerously under the curtain of hair that suddenly hid her face. If her stiff back was any indication of what was to come, Ken feared for Youji's life.
Momiji grabbed the nearest pot...
-Ken closed his eyes-
and started filling it with water, then took a couple of things from the cabinet, muttering things such as "What do you expect from a houseful of bachelors?"
Under their incredulous stares, Momiji was soon whipping a meal out of the raw ingredients they hadn't even known were in the house.
"Ready!" she announced with a smile, placing a plate in front of Youji who regarded it with suspicion.
"Well? Eat up before it gets cold!" Momiji urged him sweetly.
Relieved to see the others eating their meal without suffering any side-effects, Youji picked up his fork and dug in.
Aya and Ken watched him wearily as his face suddenly paled then turned to an unhealthy shade of red.
"What the matter Youji? Isn't it the way you like it... spicy?" Momiji asked innocently.
Youji ran out the nearest door, with no breath to let out his curses.
Momiji giggled happily while Aya and Ken exchanged a worried glance.
Things were gonna be decidedly interesting with Momiji in the house with them.

Momiji hesitated outside the door of the one member of Weiss she hadn't fed yet. Having revenged herself on Youji to her satisfaction-"You're a woman. Cook." Hah!-she had realized that now Momoe-san was gone for the night no one was going to see to it that Omi ate but her. So here she was, trying to figure out how she should manage balancing the tray while she opened the door.
She heard the muffled sound of a choked sniffle from inside the room and shook her head. This was bad. There was something eating away at that boy, and if none of them discovered what was wrong soon, she didn't know what was going to happen. Momiji freed one hand to turn the doorknob and nudged the door open.
Omi rubbed his good hand quickly across his eyes and looked up as she came in. His expression shifted into confused as his eyes fell on her, then frightened as his mind registered an unfamiliar face. Momiji could see him franticly trying to think back, perhaps to try and dredge up some memory of who she was. "I'm Momiji Yanagiya," she said quickly, moving to set the tray on the small table by the side of the bed. "Don't worry; I don't think you know me already. I'm the one who brought you back here after you got hurt?" She looked for some sign of understanding in Omi's eyes and was relieved when he nodded slowly. "I'm going to be with you guys for awhile. I was sent here to join up with Weiss, at least temporarily. Here, look-I brought you something to eat."
Omi glanced over at the food by the side of the bed. "Thanks…but-"
Momiji frowned. "But nothing. You'd better eat it, pal. I'm gonna be mad if you don't even try, and you don't want to piss off your new partner already, do you?"
That at least brought a shaky smile to Omi's face, but it faded quickly. "No, not really," he admitted. "H-how're the others?"
Momiji shrugged. "Fine, far as I can see. Worried about you. No team is quite the same when one of its members is out of commission. I can't take your place, Omi; no one can. Weiss needs you back. So hurry up and get better, okay?"
Omi blinked at her, looking surprised, then the bleak look in his eyes faded a little. "Okay," he said, accepting the tray of food she placed across his lap. "I'll try."
I'll try, Momiji thought to herself. Not I will, but I'll try. Oh, well, it's better than nothing, isn't it? He's willing to try and eat, at least, that's something. "You'd better."
And he did try, she'd give him that. Omi struggled through about half of what she'd made for him before he sank back weakly against his pillows and shook his head. Momiji was glad to see a bit more color in his pale cheeks and reclaimed the tray, pleased with herself. It's better than any of the others have done in pulling him out of this. "That's good," she said. "Get some sleep now, all right? And don't worry about anything."
Omi smiled a little again. "All right, Momiji-san." She was almost to the door when he added, sleepily, "And thank you."
"You're welcome," Momiji said softly, watching his eyes close as he fell into sleep. She stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind her as quietly as she could.
"Hello, Manx," she said as soon as the door was closed, just barely managing not to jump about a foot as she registered the other woman's presence. "You want something?"
"I don't; Persia wants an interview. You're Yanagiya's adopted daughter, right?"
Momiji grimaced. She did not like being reminded of her adopted father in any way other than his capacity as her boss. "If you can call it that, yes. Let's put it this way-he's about as much my father as Persia is Omi's. Just call him my boss, please?"
Manx raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on it. "All right, then, if that's the way you want it." She gestured at the room Momiji had just left. "How is he?"
"Getting better. He's basically off the drugs and I don't think you're going to have to give him any Prozac, if that's what you want to know."
"I wanted to know how he was doing." Manx's perfectly made-up face had darkened just a little.
Momiji relented. After all, this woman seemed nice, nicer than the go-betweens she'd worked with before, seemed to actually care about the four members of Weiss and how they were. "You could go in and check on him yourself," she suggested.
"I wouldn't want to wake him. He gets little enough sleep as it is. Come on, then. Persia's waiting."
(c) Yoshinobu Akita-Yuya Kusaka/KADOKAWA SHOTEN-TBS. All rights reserved.