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Fae Eq


Too attempt to make this as simple as possible, first go to points page to see your current points, (you can use all of said points to bid on any piece of eq your eligible for) Then go to the eq pages, at the top of the page are the list of names of people that are eligible to bid on this eq (you must have been on '1' run at this zone to bid on eq from this zone.

Then scroll down, if you see an item you want to bid on, scroll to the right, at the right should be two brackets [], between the first should be code for it, like e101, and next to that would be bids if any have been placed yet, obviously you have to upbid if it's already been bid on, minbid on all base items is 2, base +1 3, and max 4.

I realize this is a bit of work but I can't figure out how to make it more simple, after all's said and done, just mudmail me (Faelicya) a note saying something like 5points on e101. And it'll be recorded, once a bid has started on an item, it will last for 48hours from when it started before selling. Eq will remain in database for about 30days before being deleted.

Finally one additional note, to fascilitate canceling of bids, a 10% charge rounded off will be charged for canceling. If your new to rounding that means anything less then 5 is free, 5-10 1pt, 10-14 1pt, 15-24 2pts etc.

Also would like to hear your opinions, on whether people should be allowed to share/give their points to someone else. As of this time you can't.

Love, Faelicya

Also here is another item that was popped on some run, that I don't really remember. Anyone can bid on it thanks. a dragon crystal (pristine) [o01] [] []

EQ Listings

Elysium Day 2
Elysium Day 1
Verigaard Keep
Demonforge Day 1
BStone Day 1
BStone Day 2
BStone Day 3
Tomb Day 1

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