Dragons and Rose Petals

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Hehehehhe. When David says "Power Rangers" it sounds like he's saying "porn star". Heehee!
So now the boyz are in Chicago with Mom and I'm here with Char and Dadda. Charlotte's taking a Trig course (hah!) and my Dad's working over the summer and being crazy.
The kids in the CHI center were either hyper or horny. .. I couldn't really tell. They were into the hugging/holding hands scene today, and they pushed me over during end-of-day circle time to hug me some more. BUT-it was more of a feeling-up kinda thing than any type of hugging I'd ever seen/felt. . . At least more than three kids showed up!
For the past hour, I've been playing tag with a Papa John's guy. No, not really. he's been wandering our neighborhood trying to find my Dad, who happens to be running at the moment. Good times, good times.
Yea and Wexler's been e-mailing me over and over cuz the poor thing ain't got no AIM. Wow, I really need to get in shape for Cross-Country. People this summer have been going crazy thinking they can do stuff that they can't. I'm not naming anybody because when I told my Mom about it on the way back from the infamous American Idol concert at the MCI Center (don't ask), she said I was stuck-up and-grrr what's the phrase???? Brb I wrote it down somewhere. I was THAT pissed.
Darn. Couldn't find it. It'll bug me for a while but sohk. Anyway, it was something you'd never imagine your mother (if she's half-decent) would say to you.

Yeah, I know. Haven't written in a while. I guess I'll make it known what I did over the weekend. Saturday I went to Georgetown with Daniel and Brandon. Once again, the people I went with thought I was good at planning things. HAH!
So ANYWAY, I was really late meeting up with Daniel, so he was walking around () and he saw Liam and his bf! YAY! After walking to a bus stop and going on a LONG bus ride, we walked down to the awesome Georgetown movie theatre. We waited about 20 minutes for Brandini, who, as a lazy, extremely blond and tan NW, D.C. guy, was late.
We saw Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (EW).
On Sunday, I was going to go to the Red Box vending machine thang in Bethesda, but I went with my sister to the Eastern Market. I have to say, we had quite an adventure on the Metro. The Eastern Market is like a flea market and some stores which all revolve a middle-eastern theme. I bought an antique charm bracelet and hot pink, diamond-shaped earrings. Me and Char ate a "tuscan" sub at Quizno's. That was soooooo good. When we were leaving, I saw that they had sliced banana peppers, so I was forced to take some. They ended up spilling their juices (hehe you sickos) all over my sister's purchases.
And today, plans got screwed with Bri and Aaron :( so I went to volunteer. Only David, Malik, and Demond showed up for "class". We didn't really do much today, and it was very interesting having four female "teachers" and three male "students". We spent more time than usual in the play room (which rocks, by the way). Basically, I spent most of the day staring into space and trying to wake up. TTFN!

I'd like to wish both my Dad and Aaron S. a extremely happy and generally awesome B-Day.
Today, the community service thing was cool, but all the kids were having fits. I found out that the other dude who was volunteering is only 17. I thought he was in his 20's. I REALLY think poor Trinity is absorbing so much more than the counselor people think. She actually recognized my voice and looked over at me. When the hispanic lady, LaSerena, was trying to help her hold and use a piece of chalk, I saw Trinity holding out her index finger on her other hand. (We were playing a counting game earlier.) Gina was absent (yessss! Noone to break my already screwed fingers).
After I left the CHI center thing, my Mom took me straight to the dentist, where I got a cleaning. I HATE that Mr. Snoopy thing. It's evil and it sounds like a drill. Mr. Thirsty is and always will be the best.
Tom's friend Andre came over just now. He is sooooo cute. But not as cute as Camille or Trinity.

JEEZ, those kids were insane today. Even more than yesterday because a clown, "Fast Freddy" came, and they got a buffet lunch and popsicles. Lucky b******s.
Whatever. I still (sorta) love Malik, Demond (note his name), Gina (my neighbor), Camille, Berouk, Josh, Trinity, David, and that other kid. The head counselor/teacher, "Miss" Diane, is practically illiterate, very loud, and doesn't shave her armpits. The other ladies rock. They're so cool and funny (or cool and crazy if you're Camille and the other girl). It's so sad to see all these kids struggle with things that some of us took for granted when we were young. Aside from Josh, Trinity, and Gina, all the kids have bad learning disabilities. I have nooooo clue what Josh's problem is, but he cries a lot and it makes him sound sort of like a dying guinea pig. Trinity. Poor girl; she's so messed up, but very cute. Gina is from down the street. She's small, has an adorable pair of blue eyes under those huge, pink-rimmed glasses, and has either a mental retardation thing or cerebral palsy.
"Fast Freddy"'s act was pretty lame, but hilarious all the same (rhyme!). And the mother of this cute, tubby, little hispanic kid in the younger class came with her twin toddlers. These girls were SOOOO adorable-they could be child models. Like you'd care what their outfits looked like, but I'm going to tell you anyway. They were wearing lacy socks folded over shiny mary-janes; small, pink, embroidered skirts with green tank tops; and gold necklaces.
Oh, yeah. Two B-Days tomorrow. As I organize my many incomplete tasks which need to be finished today, I wear my hair sumo-wrestler style and must bid you adios. Adios.

Ugh. The little kids at the place I'm volunteering at are really tough to deal with. Today I also went to the pool but didn't swim (duh). Oh yeah. I "studied" for infinite hours and just captured a random video from the beach. Too bad it's already 9.

I got a lot done today and wrote a really long entry, but it got erased :( screw it.
Oh yeah, go to Lonnie's Movie Page: yea right here.
Yay! I'm a "hero dragon"
You are the hero dragon, look at picture for more info.
The Hero Dragon, look at picture for more

What Type of Dragon are You? by pupsuper
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm beat like a woman whose husband wears wife-beaters! I told mi madre to wake me up earlier so I get back into a normal sleep cycle, but she woke me up at 11:45 (not that much earlier than I had been waking up each morning-or afternoon). And now I'm still awake and its 12:00. Great. Whatever. I've been having awesome conversations with my friends over AIM at night, so the tiredness has been worth it.
Oh, Nate, I'm really sorry your weeks been a drag. That sucks "like whoa" (power to the small-boned women of the world!).
I really miss everyone from ILC-I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH IT'S FRICKIN REDICULOUS!!! heehee. However, I'm sorry but I can't say the same to all the guys who who didn't except my prudosity. Every year I come back from camp with like 30 new friends (and AIM screen names). This kid (let's call him Bob) is cute and nice and all, but SERIOUSLY I'm not about to date him. And EVERYONE (yes, even the oldest younger bro) wanted me to hook up with him. I'm SORRY people but it's not happening! (By the way, the ohk punctuation used by me on this website is out of respect for my friend John.)
Wow, I really need to get back to summer reading, SAT crap, community service stuff, and attempt to get in shape for cross-country this fall (grrrrrrr).

Wow this is my third entry! I'm so proud of myself!
But AGH if only my mom had a job and my dad had a better one. . . A lot of my friends are doing CTY stuff, and instead of the annoying math and writing courses, they're taking cool things like philosophy. My mom says she doesn't have the money to send me to any "expensive" summer courses.
But-grr now I feel selfish. I mean, my parents have to pay for four other kids and the things THEY want to do. It's sort of my mom's fault though because she bought and renovated a beach house, remodeled our kitchen and computer room, bought a new car, bought a new computer, and sent me to a private school (NOT that I'm complaining, but two of my siblings also attend private school).
Seriously though, we've got some issues concerning $$$$$(5 $s for 5 kids).

How exciting! I'm being forced to do community service. Oh well. I'd be willing to do a lot in order to get into Pomona. I just need to escape my family, so how cool would it be to go to the WEST coast? I stopped in CA on the way to Jamaica, but it was only an airport :( No real CA sights or sounds. . . or touches or tastes or smells or extra-sensory stuffs (haha-stuffs lol)
Ohk. The main annoyance of the day is how I have this annoying posse of guys (whom I DON'T like) following me around in school (lol just a thought now that I'm on vaca and all). The thing is, I'm not used to this! In middle school (I'm in 9th) I was just another sweet little girl who hung around the outcasts. Nobody was awesome friends with me; nobody hated me. I came into this new school, and without even knowing I sorta started this growing clique of people who liked me over this slut.
I REALLY don't like to be in center stage, and I don't know why my social life changed so much. Off my fingers, I can name 20 guys who wouldn't mind getting with me. I'm sorry, but that is just gross. It makes me feel like a living showcase of what people want. According to my friends, Lisa and Nate, I sorta lead guys on-and I think I lead people on too. I have this complex where I CAN'T be mean. It takes a sh*tload of peer pressure/support or hatred on my part to insult or really hurt someone. Ohk. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Hahahahaha you, as a visitor to my site, cannot respond to that simple yet thoroughly annoying question because I havent given you my email address!
Ohk fine I'll stop.
It is a lovely (ew, not) summer's day and I am feeling NOT tired 4 once. . . think about it. . . well anyway, I used to work on a site at 69megs.com but it got screwed over :(

It's a rose and it's so damn pretty I think I'll have to slap one of my various siblings

About me. Here. Now:
*I am rose
*15 this september (virgos born in the yr of the dragon rock!)
*I have 4 siblings
*I do way too much extra-curriculars for my own good *ohk

yea. I guess thats all i feel like telling you.
<3 Rose

YUM! That lychee just looks SO damn good!

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Email: Nyago76@aol.com