Just a few simple things to help keep peace.

1.) Please do not intentionally train or kill steal from anyone.

2.) Ninja looting and scam attempts will not be tolerated at all.

3.) Asking for help from fellow guildmates is not a problem, this is what we are here for. But this can be taken too far or abused. Example: If your in need of a port, ask to see if any druids or wizards are available, if not please do not keep on asking them. Same thing with needing a rez. See if any clerics that are nearby are available. On asking for ports and gettings rez's please do not expect someone who's in a group several zones away run all the way too you. This isn't fair too the person involved. Sometime it is much easier and quicker too just donate for service you need.

4.) At times certain people prefer not too show their characters class. This is fine and I don't blame you. However do please not go /anon. When you go anon it hides our guild tag, and we need too be seen. So for example your a druid and don't want too be bothered with "Will you port me?" spam please use /role. By using /role this will hides your class and lvl while allowing you to proudly display your guildtag.

5.) If you have a problem with another member and cannot resolve the issue take it too an officer. They will do what they can or take it too the guild leader.
- If you have a problem with an officer, please contact the guild leader.
- If you have a problem with the guild co-leaders please talk to one of the other available officers.

6.) If you are warned for something by a officer please do not make it out to be more then that. If you feel you've been wronged; take a breath, relax, and calmly explain your case.

These will all help keep peace in the guild and also help you to make new friends :)