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About Me

Most people call me Raman (other Ram or Rom and other nick names I'm not going to go into.) I like anime manga etc., and I am not exaclty normal. Why you ask? If you've never herd my voice or seen my face, you could easily mistake me for a boy (and I have herd all those jokes people have made behinde my back!), but this isn't what makes me different, some people think I am different, because of the music I listen to (Jrock e.g. Malice Mizer and Plastic Tree). Though this is only some people, more people kind my like of "death and destruction" earie and abnormal. Then again, people think it is weird, that I care for no-one and denie the emotion of love. Some people think that my occasionaly isolation from others is "weird", and the fact that I am the most hated amoungst people who meet me. Oh, but there is lots more about me, that people hate and dispise about me, but I'm not going to tell you everything. Why? Because it would just take to long. Of course there are reasons why people like me. My humuor, those it isn't great I can get few laughs out of a person, and my story-telling, thats is just comedy in itself, even if it is ment to be serious.

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