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Welcome To
Dungeons & Dragons


Hello and Welcome to Jon's Dungeon and Dragons Realm. Dungeons and Dragons happens to be one of my hobbies so I decided to create a web site with my experiences, characters and story lines. This site is not going to be anything special but I hope that it will help or entertain anyone with this same hobby.

Basically I am going to include many things from my experiences as a DM (Dungeon Master) and as a player. I played only a little of the "old rules" from editions 1 and 2. I now play with the 3rd edition rules and really do like them for the most part. I try to keep up with the game by going to the Wizards of the Sword Coast web site as much as possible. It of course it becoming a very costly hobby and I can't keep up with all the books. (Kind of like the Magic the Gathering card game, just to many and to expensive)

Sections of this site will include:

  • Dungeons - which will include dungeons I have created and ones that I have used from generated from generators.
  • Characters - this will include past and present characters that I or others have used in our adventures.
  • NPC - these will be past, present, and future NPC's that I have incorporated into games. NOTE: Some of these ended up being characters.
  • Quests - Past and Current quests that are going on. Not as in depth as stories.
  • Stories - these are story lines for the quests or even a story of past adventures, some may be stories of characters, etc.
  • Photos - not really photos persay but pictures and other things I have come across that I would like to share with you.
  • Links - this is going to contain links (a no brainer) of D&D stuff and misc links I like to visit (or other sites I've created)

Well since you know now what this site is about then go ahead and start your adventure. Have Fun and Enjoy!!


Last Updated:
December 19, 2003
Email any Questions or Comments
Feel Free to Email Me
©, 2003All Rights Researved:
Version 2