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Ok pics of family and friends.

This is my stepfather Fran and my brother DJ. Fran is the one standing up and Dj the one sitting down. Love them to pieces.

Three Generations. My grandmother, myself and i. This was taken two years ago.

Ok now for some ok pics of myself and well pics i dont like but you know might as well show them off.

Ok this is my senior pic from high school. I was 17 then. Not my lowest weight i was ever in the last 12 years but unfortunately i cant find my pics from the Omaha year as i call it... i think my mom has them still but she has a trunk full of pics and it will take a zillion days to go through them all. UGH!!

This is a pic about two weeks before the three generation pic. I hate this pic but oh well.

A few months back my friend Wade snapped this one of me. I've lost about 40 lbs since this pic.. Maybe not exactly that much but close to it.

I'll try to post more pics as i go but with being on webtv its hard to keep up with posting all this stuff. Because of the scanning and trying to transload to the pages here.