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Welcome to my page of original stories, fan fictions, and poems. All of these works are mine unless otherwise noted, so please don't take my ideas, characters, settings, ect. Other than that, enjoy.

Feed back is always welcome. Please send comments here

Dreamforever will be moving to a new site in a month or two as I am changing providers. I will be making a temporary move in late July to an angelfire account, then a move to the ne site, then hopefully a final move to my own domain. The whole thing should be done by December or January. When this site is moved to the domain, it will get a complete overhaul, but it will not be updated until then.

Original Stories * Fan Fictions * Poems

Original piture drawn by Sammi. See it at "Rain" is fron Cowboy Bebop and owned by people other than me. I'm just using the lyrics for my own persnal non-profit use.

Cliches I belong to:
glomped bishonen [|] glomped Vash
False Image * Nemic Ravenwing
scented // rain
mage | Liath
carbonated * Dr. Pepper
space cowgirls ^ Stargate SG-1
Miko * Knives
torallal | Thom
got Mac?
I [heart] my mac
~ tide ~
+ oceanid +