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My Simple Corner of the Net

So here you are visiting my little corner of cyberspace... Hope you enjoy... don't get lost now

So here's a little bit about me...
Name: Joe
Age: 26
Location:Indiana, PA
Occupation: Just got done with my year of active duty, now back to working on cars and trying to finish my degree... only 28 credits left!!!
Hobbies: Reading, sleeping, hanging out, partying, going out, clubbing, playing sports, playing on the computer
Pets: 1 Cat named Vincenzo
Tattoos/Piercings: I currently have 8 tattoos (each arm, each leg, each shoulder, spine and neck) and I have 5 holes in each ear,a 10 gauge barbell in my tongue, and just got both my nipples pierced on jan 30th
AIM Name: SoCalJ78
Yahoo Name: quiksilverdragon78
Music: Techno, Rap, Pop, Country and just about everything else

Are You HOT or NOT?

Ok now I know what ya really wanna know... what I look like.
So here, for your viewing pleasure are some pictures of me. Hope ya like!!!