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You walk in happily one more into the building. And once again you enter to find Breanna awaiting your arrival, ready to show you to Barak. You walk along with her,woundering how she always knew you where comming without you forwarning her. Then you smirked, how silly, 'magic', she was a hogwarts teacher after all. You continued to ponder about her and this odd world you had fallen into, you continued to think, her voice going farther and farther away, as if she was almost 100 feet away. You just couldn't seem to pay attention at the moment.

It wasn't long before you appeared by that great big door, and once more you watched as Branna placed her hand upon it and opened it. You always where left in awe when you saw how easily her magic unlocked and moved the humongus door, once in a while a little jealous that you didn't have the gift. You trailed into the room aftr her, the door closing almost ghostly behind you with a lound thud, it was something that you once again ignored as you looked aound the huge environment in the room, to you it seemed as if it was really outside. Breanna smiled and noded to you gently as she looked around, you could tell she was pleased with the final turnout of her har work. "I have finally this place," she said matter of factly, "I no longer have to worry about Barak being to hot or cold. I took some tests to see the comfortable temperature for her, and then made the air that temperature all the time. She seems to like it, she isn't complaning to I think she is content." She smiled to you, looking around for her. It wasn't long before you saw the Blue dragon prancing out from the woods. You where shocked at her new looks. She was larger and more masculant then mefore, her horns and ear/fins had grown quite a bit. Her tail fin also largening. Barak walked up to you casually, she seemed very content and happy with herself. Breanna smiled and patted her head gently, the Dragon rubbing her caretakers palm. You joined Breanna in smiling. "She sure has gotten bigger, and she seems way more relaxed then when I last saw her." Breanna noded gently to you. "Ya, that is true. She has grown a lot, I have actually been surprised, she seems to have a rapid growth now. But then again, you haven't visited in a while." You return the nod. "Yes, I have been really busy, I have a ton to do now,my job and school, it's a lot to handle." She smiled. "Well trust me, I know how hard a job can be on you. And as for her new temperment, she has just met a boy. His name is Ash, and he is a smoke dragon. He really is a sweetie, but he's a little bit of a trickster." She smirked at this and looked to you swiftly. "Ash tried to play a trick on Barak and she really wasn't in the mood....he has three scars on his right shoulderblade to prove it as well. Barak didn't mean to hurt him, just wanted to tell him what was what, ain't that right Barak?" Her attention had turned to the Dragon Who noded and turned prancing around. Breanna watched and sighed. "Okay then Barak, we will go." Breanna turned to you and smiled. "Barak wants to see sh now, I suppose they will just hang out and relax. Anyway we should go before she throws a fit, I doubt you'll want to come but you might. Anyway, do you?" They both looked at you smiling, awaiting your answer.

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