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The Dragonknights Lair

My Other Lairs

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My Faorite Dragons(they're in order from favorite to least favorite).

My Favorite Web Sites

Wareham Home Portal - Free movie tickets,information,and other stuff.
Freaksrus World-Anime, Fantasy, Scifi, Books, Writing, Her Family, The Site Fights and more.
~=>Anime Crisis <=~ Great Anime music.

Well, this is me and my first and favorite dragon.Her name is Crystal but I luv all my little baby dragons!But she IS my favorite.My friend Cryanderan took the picture of us.

This is my little Silver.He's the smallest dragon I have!But he was so cute I had to keep him.He was taking a nap.When I took his picture he was frurious at me for at least a month!But he forgets pretty easily, so after 1 week he started talkin to me again!

This is Cris'na(right) and Jekk'ran(left).Don't worry this is normal.They get in fights a lot.I just felt like taking a picture but after I took the picture I fell in the lava!It hurt but they both saw the flash and reascued me!Sure I had tons of burns but that ok.

This one I painted of my Shenenisis.I think I did a good job painting her.Acctualy I think I need to put more color into it.

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