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Dragonpuff Story

Dragonpuff Adventure…

Dragonpuff known as Danielle is known as the hero of this story as she struggles to save the world of its last days…right now she is currently fighting the most evil demon of the universe. Will she survive? Read to find out. Please note Dragonpuff a young girl that’s have human and half dragon. Another important character in this story is named Edxecutor. He is one of the keys to saving the universe as well as other characters that may appear in this story. Enjoy! (I will continue to write more later) Writer – Danielle C. BTW this story is made both isn't just in 1st person point of view so dont get confused by it O.o Guess I like to be different.

Dragonpuff slowly gets up...she was knocked unconscious. (Please NOTE I'M a girl in real life!!! a strong one at this story) dragonpuff glares at satin "you shall never destroy me!" Mwahahahah! - Satan Dragonpuff closes her eyes Contacts Edxecutor through her telekinesis powers. Wait a second!!?!??! OH MY GOD WHATS HAPPENING!?!!?!? MY BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHH! :::dragonpuff screams in agony::::

Satan- " hahah! You fool! I killed edxecutor!!!!!" Dragonpuff's thoughts--> As I stood there waiting I knew that it could not have been possible..... I felt his presence. Yet somehow.... I could see a small child in the distance as if calling me to come to him...but who was it? I decided to to lure Satan to sleep by transmitting special sleep waves at him (don’t ask). The child was merely laughing why I could not tell. I ran to the child and asked him why he had found it amusing. He gazed upon me with his beady little eyes. He appeared to have really dark hair and dark eyes. He looked as if he had run a mile and looked quite pale. Strange thing was he had reminded me of someone I once knew. "Why are you here shouldn’t you be in a safer place how did you get here?" no answer. The boy continued to if trying to tell me something..why wouldn’t he speak? The boy looked at me then at the sword he waved his hand in a circular motion and all of a sudden the sword came back together like magick. I knew that Satan would wake up soon..I had to think fast for time was running out.. Only thing I had was a strange boy and a fixed sword. I could only hope more help would arrive....this boy is quite a mystery.. Could he be the key to destroying Satan? And is Ed really dead? What’s going to happen next? TO BE CONTINUED!!!

“Mwhahah! You can’t destroy me! I’m the most powerful being in the universe!” said Satan. I turned back to the boy to see if he had any other tricks up his sleeve, but next thing I know he disappears out of thin air. “Great…”, I thought to myself. Satan lowered his hand and started to squeeze me tightly. He continued to harden his grip. I struggled mercilessly, pleading for help. “Tell you what, I think death might be a little too generous for you. Instead I’ll send you to an unknown world where noone will be able to find you and you shall be left alone forever in the midst of shadows and darkness! HAHAHA!.” Next thing I know a bright shiny greenish light forms into a circular portal. I was slowly being pulled toward it. “Farewell Dragonpuff, have a nice dooms day!”, yelled Satan. I tried desperately to hold my strength, but I couldn’t resist the portal’s pull.

Faint noises could be heard around me. I opened my eyes as Satan had said it was very bleak, and depressing. As far as the eye could see there was nothing but sand and gray clouds. It was much like a desert except there was something unique about it that differed from the deserts on earth. At least it wasn’t scorching hot, in fact there was a faint breeze so being there (at the time) was bearable. I decided to get a look around my new surroundings even though there wasn’t much to see. While walking I stumbled upon something. Hmm that was strange, I thought. For whatever reason the “thing” I came across couldn’t be seen. At first I thought I was losing my mind, but sure enough a shadow began to take form, it appeared very ghost like in its appearance. “who..who are you,” I muttered. “Dragonpuff, if you are to leave this place you must prove yourself worthy of it.” “What? I’m not sure if I understand. How am I to do that if there is nothing here?”, I proclaimed. “Think of this as a test, but let the problems seek you instead of you seeking it”, Explained the ghost. Suddenly the ghost vanished and once again I was left alone. I sat down pondering about what I should do next. I feared what would become of me if I couldn’t find the things necessary to stay alive. Back when I was on earth I remembered the teachings of the wise Edxecutor. How I missed him so. Suddenly it dawned on me that perhaps finding a way to reach his mind through meditation would work, but I also remembered how the last time I tried to communicate with him my mind exploded with pain..I had not known the reason for this. I sat wondering how long I’d have to wait before my first task would come to me. After awhile the sun began to go down, not that there was much light before but since night was approaching it made it even harder to see things. Fear was starting to creep up on me, like the venom of a poisonous snake. I forced myself to get some sleep so I could prepare myself for what unexpected events I may have ahead. (to be cont…again)

All of a sudden I heard a screeching noise, so loud it literally blasted my ear drums. I awoke to find myself in a strange chamber. There was a dim light coming from the torches on the wall. “hmmm, that’s odd,” I thought to myself. How could I have ended up here? Did I somehow sleep walk? Sitting here guessing, I figured, wasn’t going to get me anywhere. Standing still only made me nervous, so I got up and started to walk. I could here noises in the distance; some louder then others. I shuddered, and I kept telling myself to ignore it and move on. I knew the danger that lay out ahead of me was inevitable. Yet it was hope that kept me going. As I continued to walk I a strange looking creature came up to me and grabbed me from behind. I gasped and struggled to break free. I could feel myself choking; next thing I know I’m knocked out. Once again I wake to find myself chained to a chair. Sitting upon the chair was a demon like creature. I assumed this was his throne. I knew it couldn’t have been Satan; he was much too small. “You are now my slave!” I heard him say in a deep booming voice. “I’ll find a way to escape you, you big fag!” “Don’t make me laugh”, said the demon. I tried to think of a plan, but for the time being I felt hopeless. How long I would have to stay with this demon was unknown. I cursed at myself for being so absent minded. A true Draconian warrior never lets their guard down. Days passed and I felt my strength draining away. “Once you’re dead I can finally eat you! Not only that, but I will turn you into a zombie! You’ll be miserable for the rest of your life and Satan will reward me!” “Yea, well I don’t plan on giving up any time soon!” I said. The demon kept yelling insults at me and I all I could do was simply ignore him. “I think to end this faster I will take you to my torture chamber, there you will beg for death before the end!” he explained. He picked me up and started dragging me like a rag doll across the room into the hall. I kept preying to god; preying that somehow some way someone would come to save me. An angel or heck even a frog! ANYTHING! I started to whimper. I wanted to go home so badly. I heard another noise that was not familiar to me. Perhaps my prayers had been answered, or at least I hoped. Suddenly the demon started to gag, almost as if it was being choked; yet I knew he wasn’t. It was hard for me to retain my consciousness because of how weak I was from the lack of food I was getting. In the distance I could see a black figure. He was wearing a black cloak and it looked like he was trying to hide his face. He was also carrying a long sword. He whispered, “I’m here to help you, just trust me.” At the moment I really didn’t care. I just wanted to get myself out of this nightmare. Next thing I know I’m back outside. As always it was gray and dull. “So, who are you?” I struggled to say. “I’m afraid I cannot tell you that, but you shall find out someday. The time has not yet come.” I could here a hint of sadness in his voice, and there was something about his presence that made me feel safe and secure. Something about the way he spoke that sounded familiar to me. I knew it couldn’t have been Edxecutor, but who? I wanted him to stay and protect me, but he looked at me with a look I could not define. He turned away and I said, “Hey, where are you going? You can’t just leave me here!” He did not speak he continued to walk into the darkness. He only left me with great confusion. I must regain confidence in myself, I thought. It is the only way I can overcome this “Labyrinth Zone”. Little did I know there was much more to this unknown person then I realized. Who is this mysterious person? Will he come back again? What other dangers await dragonpuff? TO BE CONTINUED :O

Upon the horizon, storm clouds began to take form. Insects could be seen scattering about the ground. Dragonpuff continued to catch as many as she could. Sadly for her it was the only prevalent thing there was to eat.

Dragonpuff’s thoughts: I had not known how much time had passed since I first got here. Days, weeks, months, who knows. Since I had nothing else better to do I decided to go exploring, I couldn’t help but think about the things that the spirit had told me about letting the problems find me. I questioned whether it was a good idea to trust this thing or not. In fact trust was a hard thing to come by in this desolate place. Everything appeared to be grim, or sinister anyway. As I was walking I stumbled upon some sort of book. It was no ordinary book in fact it appeared to be a book of maps. Upon the maps there were many symbols and the language it was written in could not be interpreted. It was a unique language all in itself. As I was flipping through the pages, there was one page that caught my interest. There was a picture of a boy similar to the one I saw previously earlier on in my adventure. Next to him was a map. A little red dot could be seen clearly upon it. Little red letters I could understand were printed above and it said, “You are here”. To the right of the map another dot, except this time it appeared to be a black color. I had no idea what it could have represented. It could be a landmark, or perhaps even another person. I didn’t think standing in one place would get me anywhere so I attempted to walk in the direction of where the black dot was. My thoughts kept leading me in the wrong direction mainly because the black dot could be anything. It could be a trap, a person, or perhaps a landmark of some sort. After dwelling on the black dot I figured I had no choice. I couldn’t make good use of my time standing still, so I steadily got up and started to approach my next target. Hours past and finally I discovered what this “black dot” was. As it turns out it was a landmark. Not just any landmark though. It appeared to be something like a castle. I approached this building with much caution. Who knows what could be lurking in this place. I almost felt like I was doing the same thing over and over again. What if I’m only repeating myself? I slowly opened the door to find myself in a chamber full of mirrors. I walked in expecting to see my reflection in the mirror but what I really did see scared me. All of the mirrors had the same reflection except for one. This particular mirror was not my reflection, but it was the reflection of the demon that tried to take me from before. The demon chuckled and glared at me. “Dragonpuff..why do you let yourself suffer?” For a while I stood speechless in front of the mirror then I said, “ Wha..What do you mean?” “You know what I mean fool! All your life you wasted your time dwelling on the ways of the light. Always finding reasons to love others instead of hate. What good does this do you? We all know that love can cause as much pain as hate. Think how much time you waste dwelling on that precious boy of yours. He could easily be yours..that is if you join me!” What he said shocked me. “What boy are you talking about? I care about everyone equally”, I muttered. “hah! Don’t be stupid! I know very well whom you like and don’t like. I know more then you realize. In fact I know the very person you desire most, but he could never love someone as pathetic as you. You might as well just give up. Now don’t be afraid, walk into this mirror and you shall have more power then you could ever imagine. You will no longer be a slave to love. Aren’t you tired of not getting the respect you feel you deserve..especially for the one you long for?” I stood motionless for a while and stood thinking about what all the demon had said. He did have a point on a few things. All my life it seemed I had failed to find someone I could love and be loved in return. I had failed to find a man that respected me the way I had wanted. Brief memories arose in my mind, memories of when my previous boyfriend had attempted to rape and tantalize me. I frowned. There was a point when the demon almost had me, but I turned away. “NO!” I screamed. “I will have no part of this! I don’t know what you are talking about. What are you going to do about it!?” “Alright then..It’s your choice..but let me forewarn you that eventually I will have you! Before I do .. I might just have some fun with you.” Before I had the chance to respond the demon vanished. The mirror’s reflection changed and came back to normal. It hadn’t made any sense to me, then again nothing ever did. What was the point of this? I turned and started to leave but before I reached the door a faint whisper could be heard in the distance. “Do realize that I’m going destroy your innermost desire.” After hearing this, I hadn’t wanted to hear anymore. I dashed out of the room without a word and ran into the horizon. I ran as fast as I could, finally I stopped panting. Tears formed behind my eyes because I knew that this was only the beginning of my worst fears. Since I still had the book with me I decided to open the book for comfort. Only this time the map changed… And it appears that a new destiny lies out before me.

What could be Dragonpuff’s most innermost desire? And could it be destroyed? Will she ever side with the demon? What is Dragonpuff’s next destiny? To be continued!!!!! Over and over again Dragonpuff could hear the demon's words repeating itself in her mind. She tried desperatly to stop dwelling on it, but no matter how hard she tried they simply came back to haunt her. It felt like a curse. "Hmmm.. why do I feel as though I need this book anyway", said Dragonpuff quite angrily. Inside Dragonpuff felt sick and incredibly lonely. All she had was a book that seemed to direct her into constant trouble and scattering bugs around her feet. Dragonpuff couldn't help but wonder how long she would have to endure all this pain before it finally ended. Without realizing it the boy she had encountered earlier in the story stood before her. "Hey! uh..think you could help me out a bit?" asked Dragonpuff. The boy continued staring at her just as he had before. "Oh...teh..your a great help", said Dragonpuff sarcastically. Finally the boy pointed towards the North. "Ahhh so thats where I have to go. Ok Then thanks kid. I still wonder why you don't talk to me", sighed Dragonpuff. She knew it would be a waste of time to figure out that boy, so she continued on towards the North. Eventually Dragonpuff felt as though she wanted to turn back because the shadows and darkness increased each time she took a step. Finally it became so dark that she had a hard time noticing anything at all. "Welcome Dragonpuff", came a booming voice. Dragonpuff jumped in shock. From out of nowhere came a blinding light and next thing Dragonpuff knew she stood in the middle of what appeared to be a big circle with fire all around it.Out of nowhere what appeared to be a Dragon stood in front of her. "So who are you exactly", muttered Dragonpuff. "I'm the servent of the dark, you can call me Danen", replied the Dragon. Dragonpuff stood bewildered by what the Dragon had said. "Excuse me? What exactly is that?" asked Dragonpuff. The dragon looked at her awkardly. "To make this more understandable for your weak mind, I'm the demon's pet". "So why exactly did he send you here? Because he's afraid of what might happen to him next time I see him again?" Dragonpuff said rather amusingly. "Enough of this chit chat we're wasting time. I know my master wouldn't want us late. Come on my back i'm going to fly you off to my master he has a surprise there waiting for you", grinned Danen. Dragonpuff really hadn't planned on going back to the demon again, but it made sense to her that the only way to get out of this nightmare was to destroy him. It seemed to her that they wern't flying at all because of how dark it was around them. Finally the dragon came to a landing in front of yet another castle. "I've gotta be dreaming", thought Dragonpuff. Dragonpuff felt as though she was repeating the same thing over again. "This is where I leave you. My master shouldnt be too far within the castle. NOW MOVE IT! Before I fry you to death" ordered Danen. Dragonpuff walked inside rather cautiously. She walked down the hall until she came across yet another door. After walking in she found the demon once again sitting upon his throne. "So are we just gonna keep repeating the same things over again until I find a way to defeat you?" asked Dragonpuff. She was getting impatient. The Demon grinned. "No in fact I think you'll enjoy what I have planned for you this time.I just so happend to capture that little friend of yours. The one who saved you from my cluthes that one time", laughed the Demon. Dragonpuff could see the Demon was holding a chain that was attached to what appeared to be another human. She couldn't tell who it was because the person was covered with that black cloak. Dragonpuff finally assumed that it was probably the man that had saved her one of the times she was with the Demon. It seemed awkward to her that he appeared to be hiding his identity to her. "Get up fool! Show the girl who you really are! Now that you're my slave you will be forced to kill her", said the Demon. Finally the man had no choice he pulled his cloak off to reveal his identity. Dragonpuff gasped, " can't be". Who is this man that Dragonpuff recognizes? Will she ever destroy that demon? And not only that will she be able to get past the dragon? find out later! Dragonpuff remembered how she would have visions of this man. She struggled to understand who this person really was or why he came to be. “I know what you are thinking…you wish to inquire who this young man is. Don’t you? Think deep within your self”, spoke the demon. Dragonpuff struggled for words, but could find none. Finally she had regained conscious of who he was in a dream she had witnessed. “I think I recall seeing shadows around me. I had not known why, but then I remember a shadow beginning to take form into a person. Next thing I knew it was him, but I have not been able to figure out his actual identity until now”, mused Dragonpuff. “Well I will reveal his identity for you. Even though he has saved you numerous times, he is in fact a betrayer! He lead me to you. How else do you think I found you? By common sense you should know that everybody has a light side and a dark side. You tried so hard to ignore it, but you only made it into something much stronger, something so real. And now you face it.” Explained the demon. Dragonpuff looked upon this mysterious man that was Dragonpuffs so called inner evil. He looked blankly into Dragonpuff’s eyes. “Does he have a name? If so I would much like to know”, asked Dragonpuff. The demon laughed, “hah! You wish to know if your opposite has a name? That name is held deep inside of you, but I highly doubt you will figure it out. For now I’m tired of playing petty games with you. I’m in a playful mood and I do believe it will provide great entertainment.” “What exactly do you have planned? Haven’t I provided you with enough since I’ve been here? Watch out your overconfidence is your undoing” “Quiet mortal! I will send you and that pathetic shadow of yours to a dimension in which you will be forced to work with each other. Since you two are both opposites I know it will not work and you will be suck there forever. Unless by some miracle you escape, but I will see to it this time that you do not”, said the demon. “Unless…you destroy him once and for all right at this very moment! Just think, if you kill him he will not be part of you anymore. You will no longer feel the sarrow, grief, or misery. Think of how peaceful you will be. “Wait this is too good to be true”, interrupted Dragonpuff. “It’s just too easy. If I kill him it is likely something awful will happen to me, like death. Why else would you tell me this?” “It is your choice youngling this is the faster way out. But if you prefer misery over peace then so be it.” After the demon spoke he through a sword at Dragonpuff. It was perhaps the most intricate sword she had seen in her life. “Go on kill him..” Anger swelled up in Dragnpuff. She had wanted to rid these feelings she had within her for so long. The demon continued to encourage her. “Just think no more inner turmoil. Look at him he is pathetic and weak. You said yourself that love is stronger then hate.” Dragonpuff slowly lifted the sword. Meanwhile the chains around the “shadow’ disappeared and he was free to defend himself, but did not. His face was sullen and his grayish eyes held no emotion, but somehow it was almost as if he had wanted it. Like somehow he was like a genie trapped inside a lamp, wanting his freedom. Dragonpuff began to lower the sword. “Without love there is not hate one cannot live without the other. It resides within every living creature. Why do you not speak?” Suddenly the man spoke. “You’ve wanted this all along havn’t you? I’ve followed you around for so long. I have been like a parasite eating away at your happiness. I have nothing else to say. I do not wish to encourage you, or dissuade you into killing me. I do not care either way because I will be satisfied for whichever you do.” The demon grimaced. “Dragonpuff kill him now before your chance ends! If you do not both of you will be sent into another world where you will be stuck with each other! A fate I am sure you do not want.” The anger within Dragonpuff was strong, but inside she felt she was being sent certain messages. She knew that if she destroyed the demon her life would probably be over, but if she did not she would be forced to stay with this evil presence until she could find a way to solve this puzzle. The more she thought the more she realized she would be better off continuing on then giving up. Besides she did not know the consequences if she had destroyed the darker soul. Dragonpuff dropped the sword. “ I am sorry I can’t do this. I would rather take a chance living then dieing. I think It would be a rather foolish choice.” “Fine then suffer the consequences of being tied with your dark soul!” The demon turned to the man. “I am disspointed in you. Wasn’t it your freedom that you so desired? Is this not why you helped me bring Dragonpuff to me? Oh well it does not matter. At least I get to have a little more fun.” With that being spoken the demon pointed past Dragonpuff and created a portal similar to the one Dragonpuff had been sucked into before. “NOOOOOO!”, screamed Dragonpuff. Both Dragonpuff and the dark one got pulled into it. For now Dragonpuff’s fate lies undetermined. The portal opened into a deserted forest, which held minimal wildlife of any sort so foraging would be difficult for Dragonpuff. Both Dragonpuff and her mysterious acquaintance fell onto the ground. “Well even though I don’t want anything to do with you it appears I have no choice”, said Dragonpuff with a hint of frustration in her voice. The man appeared to be smiling contently. “You like to see me suffer don’t you? Well it is obvious; I can tell you feed off my negative energy. Tell me why did you not encourage me to kill you?” “For one thing, If I killed you it would be the end of me, but then again I would not have to put up with dealing with what I am. It is rather tiring being dark all the time. Not that I dislike it, but I know not of love That’s why I told you it wouldn’t matter to me what your choice would be”, said the dark one. Dragonpuff started to resent feeling what she had felt before. She knew it couldn’t be prevented because of the demon’s alluring words. “So why is it that you saved me anyway? Is it true that you did that just to get a chance to get what it is you really want?” “The demon told me that if I helped capture you I would have a chance at being set free and that I would be able to have more power if I joined him. I welcomed the idea at first, but then when I saw you I realized that I could be making a fatal mistake and that putting the trust in somebody dark like me would possibly make me more of a servant rather then my own person. I would rather have my own freedom; I could not see myself serving under the likes of someone else. If I were to be laid to rest I would want to be somewhere else rather then influenced by the likes of him. I am better off with you because at least I can feed off of your misery and I know you have no control over me.” The man’s words displeased Dragonpuff, but she knew she had no choice but to accept him. “Can I at least give you a name? Or do you go by the name of anything?”, asked Dragonpuff. “Names mean nothing to me. If you wish you can call me something, it has to be of Dark taste though.” “I rather like the name Damien. I hope its dark enough for you. “That will do fine.” “That’s great at least we can agree on something” Dragonpuff said with satisfaction. “I think its about time we moved on…” What will become of Dragonpuff and Damien? Will they continue to cooperate or be at war with each other? MORE TO COME!! Go Back to Dragonfire
