Dragon Ball Z: Alternate Timeline

7/27/03 Three days to go. This is getting down to the wire. I work tommarow, Monday. Tuesday however is Prologue Heaven. The only ones that are done are Donovans and mine. There's still 6 that needs to be done. Trent and Jesse(mirai) and hopefully Jesse(chibi) will all be taken care of on Tuesday. If I can, I'd like to get Rustin in there. Chuck-sama and Joe-sama will be late. Chuck should be here around... 7:30-8:30 somewhere along them lines, and Joe won't be here till 11:00 or so. Everyone else will meet at my house, at 8:30 sharp. I'll then be going over some changes, and take everyones $3, so that I can use it for the pizza.

7/24/03 Well, because Donovan is an idiot, last night I did his prologue online. It was rather... interesting. It sucks when you are the one doing the calculations and stuff. It's kinda easy though, because you can't die in a prologue, so when something should have killed him, I was able to describe the effects of the other persons demise.

Yes, so... while playing with Donovan I was able to figure out that you get Character Allocation points, for the first level, and then every level after, you get half of the points. For exampleDonovan had his Taiya-jin. His Taiya-jin had 500 starting allocation points. Now at each level he only gains 250.

This is completely fantastic. No one is already really insanely strong. That's because I removed the Energy and Vitality stats. Donovan only has a power level of 2,235. It's perfect. Not strong, but not weak either. *nods* This way, more levels can be attained and more power upgrades can be attained. It's probably going to be imperitive for the PC's to at least have their Power Level increased. Transformations yield amazing things, but... aren't SUPER upgrades, as they had been. They help a whole hell of a lot, but don't have the large OOMPH! That they did. For example, if you have a power level of 15,000. The Super Saiya-jin effect would jack it up, and instead you would have a power level of 375,000. At that instance, that would be a hellacious power. However, I'm thinking that... it isn't, well not for what Jesse plans anyways. *nods* So yes. I'll try to have characters up by the end of the day.

7/24/03 I have everyones character, except Chucks, but rest assured it should be in either by tonight or tommarow afternoon/evening.

Lots of new updates are sprouting up all over. I finally have all but two sites on the main page, working. The only ones that don't work(yet) are Earth and Sagas. Earth will probably be up tonight. Saga's however won't be.

UPDATED:The battles page has the complete list of fights in Kesshi's prologue. Each character will have a prologue, and thus constitute even more battles. I'm going to be doing Donovans prologue tonight, most likely, as long as I get the OK from Jesse. Trents Prologue will be coming along as well...so will the other Jesse's.

UPDATE:Both the People and Masters pages are up and running! Feel free to check them all out, and be interested in the power of the universe.

7/23/03 Well everyone... this is interesting. In a strange turn of events, we have a new player. His name is Chuck, and is working on one of the most original characters I have ever seen. He'll be playing on Wednesday the 30th. Yes, the 30th. Wednesday.

So far, everyone who has submitted their characters to me has their page up. All the techniques aren't the ones they have, except for mine. I did my prologue and I'm ready for the game... a week from today. I'll be doing the prologues, and end them where Jesse needs me to. Speaking of which, we'll have 6 people playing. It's gonna be awesome. Really fun too! We're all gonna have a good time.

7/21/03 For those of you who look at the site often, you will notice that there are all kinds of new things popping up. Races, Pictures, and Techniques! All of them new. I'm also adding 3 new sections. One of those sections is a Battles Section. I thought it would be cool to record all of the battles fought during the entire series. A lot more, interesting things will pop up the more we play. Also note,there are pictures now. I'm adding some new pictures that I draw in my characters page, and I welcome everyone to draw one for their character, if you want. As always check back for more details.

7/19/03 Well, the Dragon Ball AT website and the Dragon Ball AT game has been resurrected. New characters, new techniques, and even new game mechanics, make this the best time ever to play Dragon Ball AT.

Well, since we've started to begin again, I the Goddess of Time, have decided to treat the last game as it never happened. Hopefully, we will have the most massive team of fighters ever assembled. Trent, Donovan, Jesse, Jesse, Tim, Rustin, and myself. Wow.. That's a lot of people. I can't wait to start! ^_^ I'm so excited!!! I know DB:AT has been shut down, then ressurected but seriously... this is the largest and longest lasting RPG that I've ever come up with, ya know? The best part is that it's evolving to become more and more user friendly while staying true to the show.

Now onto really exciting things. It's about 2:16 in the morning. It's a Saturday... yay! Anyways, I've been playing Legacy of Goku 2. It's a great game. I haven't played it in a long time. Anyways, I come online, and I notice... "Hey! Budokai 2 trailer... OK!" so I downloaded it to watch. Dear god. This is going to be the best DBZ fighter... EVER. What made me all excited was not the fact that there was Cell Shaded Graphics (SOOOO COOL!!!) but the fact that when they used techniques or attacked or got hit... I noticed Goku sounded...like...a girl. I was so EXCITED!!! =P Yes.. to my complete happiness, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 has cell shaded Graphics and DEFAULT (Hopefully) Japanese voices. So no one sounds alike anymore... I'm so thrilled. This is awesome. Considering the Fusions in English were Terrible!!! Anyways, more characters will be updated to the Dragon Ball AT character site. Don't worry. It'll be fun. Ya know?

Quote of the day:"I did a lot of sit-ups and push ups. I drank lots of juice." ~ Vegeta on telling Cell how he got so strong in such a short time.

6/25/03 One day left... That's it. Tommarow is the big day. Six people will go against the meanest thugs in the universe. "Is it Victory or defeat that lies in the dark?"

6/24/03 Well!!! At 7:13 PM this day, it has been confirmed. All the fighters will be in attendence. Both Jesse's, Trent, Donovan, Rustin, and Tim! Eveyone will be coming here on the 26th!!! This is a very exciting thing!! It has never been up to 6 people to stop a threat to the very existence of the planet!! SIX! X.X Holy hell that's a lot. In fact, I think I have to make my enemies stronger! So this is the plan so far. Both Donovan and Jesse will have their prologues Wednesday, unless circumstances prevent it. Rustin will have his on Thursday, as will Jesse, and Tim. Unless of course I can get a couple of you to come over before then. Tim unfortunately is out of the question... xx; You live so far away Tim...tim....tim....*echoes* Rustin I believe is spending the night at Trents, and Jesse's mom will be bringing him by 10-10:30. I'll make sure all prologues are finished, and that everything is going swell with everyone. We'll then be watching Dragon Ball Z Movie 1, "Return my Gohan!", Dragon Ball Z Movie 2, "The Worlds Strongest Man!" and... if everyone wants to Dragon Ball Z Movie 3 "Ultimate, Decisive Battle for Earth!" YES, they will be Subtitled, that way you can enjoy the ORIGINAL Japanese versions without the hindrence of stupid american puns. I'm doing this so everyone can get used to the Japanese voices, and music....because Bruce Faulkner took over the Dragon Ball Z movie music after Movie 3, in the English versions, and they're REALLY bad. HORRIBLE. The Japanese versions are the real versions, afterall, and a lot of the techniques and powers and names are kept Japanese. We'll be ordering pizza at about 6 or so. x.x I may have to buy 4 pizza's because I eat a ton, as does everyone else, I'm sure... Except the other Jesse... he eats nothing... xx; BUT THAT'S OK. I'll be purchasing all the food and stuff on Wednesday most likely. Jesse and I will be going to get it. Xx; It's nice to have a friend with a car, but I want a car of my own!!! >< Anyways, we'll play Budokai for a while...and Dragon Ball Z Hyper Dimension will be on my computer so 4 people can play at once. *nod nod* It's THE ultimate Dragon Ball Z experience. I have all the nessisary Audio files ready for use, and my story is going to be awesome. Make sure everyone is allowed to stay the night. Umm... That's all I believe.

6/23/03 Well I got the Legacy of Goku 2, and playing it... it's kinda fun. There are so many things that are shitty though. Like... For the longest time, I was... Helping out a parade in West City... instead of training to fight the Androids. Then I just gained a level. Xx; I fought a DINOSAUR!! How stupid. ALthough... the neatest thing happened after I killed off the Dino. Cooler appeared! He challenged me on New Namek. That'd be fun... I think I will go do it. I need Son-kun first. I just got to start playing as Vegeta, yay.

Anyways.. Things will go like this for Thursday. Everyone should be at my house by 9, no later than 10 in the morning. I'll go over any changes, with everyone and then I'll give a couple of prologues, unless of course they're all already done. The story of course, is going to be long, and I'm pretty sure some parts will be REALLY interesting, and other parts won't. Of course, we have a diverse cast of people... so it should be interesting. Lots of new and interesting characters are popping out all over, some good... others will be interesting to deal with. We're going to watch Dragon Ball Z Movie 9, which is one of the rarest ones to find on the internet, but we'll be watching it. A little info on that one... Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball Z, worked closely with the movie people to create this film, which takes place between after Cell's demise, and the Tenkaiichi Budokai.

Speaking of Budokai, we'll also be playing that for a while, so everyone can get into the DBZ Mood. There will be 2 Memory cards so 2 Custom characters, which of course means, Breakthrough. *nod nod* I may be working on them to get the rest of the character capsules. *shrugs* If I get to work good enough. Also, Donovan and Jesse want to battle eachother in Megaman Battle Network. *shrugs* So they're gonna do that, and of course, that'll be during the time we all play Budokai. I figured that the two people who probably haven't played Budokai before should play first, to get used to it, so that we older, better players don't make them feel bad. *chuckles* Everyone should bring at least $3, it would help me out with the food cost. You don't have to... but I would severly appreciate it.

Enough of what will happen... I've added to the techniques page. However I'm STILL WAITING FOR HISTORIES FROM EVERYONE!!!! I need them in word documents, so that I can edit them and HTML-ize them, so I can then place them on the Webpage, that your character will get. That is why I push for characters.

6/22/03 Donovan pointed out that apperently Trent was first, that's true. However, he decided to create a different character, so his character that he sent me is nall and void. Like I said though, you should create a character you're going to have fun with. Even if you don't get the prizes, don't you think that I Jason-san, will not award some type of incredible power up.

6/22/03 Well, since I created the whole prize system again, people have been scurrying to create characters. I'm really surprised how everyone is getting original with their characters. We may even have a Buu like character, which will be interesting to watch. I've sent e-mails to everyone about the game, it's only a matter of time before I get characters through Word documents, only. If it comes to me as anything else... I will be forced to delete the mail, and let other people place.

Well, so far for sure I know that Trent, Donovan, and Jesse-san will be playing. It's kinda iffy for Jesse-chan, Rustin, and Tim. If everyone does play... we'll have 6 Warriors... I think it will be an interesting game. As the people who have played before know, it's always interesting, whether it be pen throwing, or Horny, gay namekian budding...It's always a blast, and everyone has fun. I'm interested in seeing how all the PC's get along with one-another. Oh, and the moment I start getting a couple of characters and histories, I'll begin posting them, alright? Sounds like a plan. The winners of the contest will receive their rewards the day of the game, and it will be posted Wednesday afternoon. That's about it for todays updates, expect to see some changes in the Races section, as well as the techniques section.

6/21/03 I sent out Prizes again like from before. However, to my surprise, I got a character created, 10 minutes after I sent the prizes, and I got it from the most unlikely of people....Trent.
Well that's about it. Xx; I know, not much. Tonight though!!

6/20/03 Almost two months without saying a word. That's how long the DBAT RPG has been laying in dormancy. I have to admit, that I myself started to fade from the Dragon Ball Z light, and I started feeling depressed, and I didn't know why. Now I know, it's because I was Dragon Ball Z Deprived. Now I'm back, and perkier than ever. With lots of new and interesting story plots, character races, techniques, and things everyone loved.
Five more days... Anyways... Yeah.

4/26/03 Wow, by saying about the characters and awarding prizes,I got most of them like clockwork. I'll have to keep in mind that it works like this. Anyways. School is winding down, and the summer months are almost here. I have 2 jobs during the summer, but I will have weekends off. Which means, that the Dragon Ball AT game will be played on Weekends. Probably Friday and Saturday. I don't know if I'm going to take the second job though, I'm really... Concerned about it. It's Mon-Fri 11-2 doing dishes. I've done dishes before, and it wasn't that hard, but it's EVERYDAY. And on top of that, I may have to work at BiLo after those days... Grahhh. I dunno. I do know that our first summer game, and our last of the character arc, will be probably the second weekend of June. I would like to have a couple of movies by then. The movies, which will be rather large ones, will be more concerned on each of the characters. The First one, is when Trent and Jesse get together. I have no idea when that will be, but it's going to be called "Cold Warriors!! The super, amazing Fight!"

Another happy thing is that I got my DSL. I can download songs like they were .wav's and I can download movies like they were songs. It's just completely awesome. My webpage was.... not accepting add ons from my DSL-ified computer, so I had to wait a while, but now... as you see it works just fine.

Another stipulation about this summer is, I may be going to Oregon for a week or two. I'm really excited about that.

As for updates, the Guide now works. It has a techniques page, and a Races page. Both are good to look at. I will announce the winners at the game on Friday. There will be a movie taking place on Friday. It's important that everyone who is in the current character arc be there. Jesse, Trent, and Jesse. I need you three here, so that we can power up your characters a bit. Of course, both Jesse's still need to allocate character points, making them stronger.

I've also started working on the character sheets for v.3.0, which will be the new character arc sheets. I'll be sending an example in Monday's newsletter. I was recently talking to Trent about the new implements for the third character arc, and he thought that they were good. I think that's everything for the day.

4/21/03 Like I said in the e-mail, I'd like everyones new PC's created by Friday of next week. That way, like I said, I can create prologues and the first saga. I'm going to tie in my PC to the first saga, which is allowed, because he won't be the one to stop anything. You guys will. Anyways...

First Place The person who gives me their new PC first will receive 1000 points added onto their Power Level, as well as Shin Ki Flash, a Kaiou-ken type technique.

Second Place The person who gives me their new PC will receive 500 points added to their power level, and "Ki Barrage" a pretty beefy technique.

Third Place The third person who gives me their new PC will receive 250 points to their Power Level, and will start with "Super Power Up"

Fourth Place The fourth person who gives me their new PC will receive 150 points added to their Power Up

The last two people who give me their new PC's... will suffer penalties... It'll make it really interesting! The two people who come up with their PC's last, won't recieve the 5 times Character allocation points. It'll only be doubled! So if you're a Saiya-jin...instead of having 1,875, you'll only have... 750. Hee hee... xx; See! Hurry up!

4/19/03 Well. First off I have some bad news. David, or rather Artificial Human No. 1 has been... dismantled. David is going through... a lot, with college and graduation. So, he's not going to be with the group for a while, if ever again. David you'll be missed.

Anyways onto something a bit more exciting. I'm pretty lazy, but you should all find your newsletters in your mail boxes tommarow. Consider it the little black jelly bean from the Easter rabbit. I've been tweaking transformations a lot. They're pretty important things, you have to admit. Saiya-jin Transformations are fine the way they are, but Changeling Transformations are my biggest beef right now. No longer will you multiply your power level by 5. Instead, you will take your power level and double it. You must understand that if a changeling were to get it's transformations early it would be unstoppable. So, now when you transform, everything doubles. Strength, Speed, Spirit, Mind, Energy, and Vitality. The reason this change has occured is because of me watching the Freeza Saga for the umteenth million time. In it I calculated Freeza's power level in his first form. 750,000. When he fights Nail, Freeza states that he is 500,000 times stronger than he is. So 150,000 + 500,000 = 750,000. Double it, and as Freeza stated when he Transformed into his "King Cold" form, "...my battle power has reached well over one million..." It was 1,500,000. So, I was wrong in the Power up, of the changelings. Second off, the stats increase, as do a whole lot of benefits. Hiroe's Strength is 17,000 if he were to double that, he would have 34,000. Which is one new bracket. It all adds new and awesome changes to each Changeling in the way of Power.

So yeah, that's about it in the way of game updates. Since David cancelled on us, we may in fact have a "movie" this coming weekend. April 25th or so. I don't know yet, if work will allow it or not. Hopefully everyone can make it.

I'd also like to say something to the two new guys that want to join. You guys will make your appearance in the next round of Stories. Since David quit, Little Jesse, and Trent have to come up with a story. Xx; Even if it's a movie. xx; I'll be doing the Final Story of these character arcs, and the First one of the new character Arcs. Tim and Clancy will be in the new arc. I'm doing the story telling, so they can get used to everything.

Another important note to mention is something that will be stated in your newsletters. Unfortunately your characters will be winding down soon. With only 3 more stories left for the current band we have, it's not that far off. However, when something ends, another thing begins, and that's just what is going to happen. Dragon Ball AT won't end. Tim and Clancy will have created their first characters, but the rest of us will be on our second characters. (Trent, Big Jesse, and myself are on our third). With Tim and Clancy playing there will be 5 AT Senshi fighting at once. That's a lot, and it'll bring a diversity of characters to play. Thanks for your interest guys.

4/17/03 Hmm. I've been sick for quite a while, and I've finally had the urge to clean up the site. During Easter Break the site should be pretty well taken care of. Links and everything will work completely. Which will be really nice to see. Also, since I didn't have school today, I worked with the system a little bit more. I also fixed some Transformations up a bit. Namekians were my top priority, because we all know that Trent is in such a hurry to get a Namekian. This is a hellacious thing for him, because he's the PC of the week(s).

Having a Namek merge with you, will multiply your stats by 20. Not by 10. Now, now... hold on a minute, before all of you smack me, there is a heavy stipulation. LIMIT 2 nameks. That's it. Two, ni, dos, du! So that's that.
Things are getting really nice, with school winding down, and everything seems to be going smoothly with a lot of things.
David apparently got accepted to Clarion University, so CONGRADULATIONS DAVID. Well that about does it for the update for today.

4/11/03 Welly well well! This is kinda cool. Using my amazing-ness I have solved the many problems of HTML. Yay. xx; So now we can get to the juice of the site. It's been kinda slow with updates, but hey I've been sick. My birthday was this week... I'm going to be sick.... Anyways. Websites are kinda fun to make, now that I'm intelligent enough to use such amazing secrets.
Trent and Jesse M, and myself were having a "movie" earlier tonight, because I guess Jesse won't be able to make it to the next day. Hey, we were having fun... afterall nothing is better than being the Elite of the elite, of the elite... of Saiya-jin Speds. I'll probably put the movie in a section of it's own. I thought of it on the spot as a tie-in to Masayuki's Prologue and did it turn out good! xx;
Anyways... Each character will have his own site. So far we have five, but don't worry we may have two more. ^^ It'll be real cool this summer, there's gonna be like 7 people at once. I'm also thinking about cleaning the basement so that we can have it down here, because as I'm sure most of you would agree it's really crowded in the spare room, what with that God damned bed and all.

3/31/03 Get this! We're going to have another Dragon Ball AT game during easter break, so says my mom! Weird huh?

3/31/03 This is it guys! This is where the site is going to be. Check back here for an online players guide, a review section, and loads of information you'll need to know.

Characters -- List of all the PC's and specific stats
Sagas -- Stories that have been finished
Masters -- The many great teachers of the Universe
People -- Interesting characters that make this as fun as possible
Earth -- A map of all the places to go on Earth
Online Guide and Sheets -- Quick Reference on Everything you need for the game
The Many Battles in DB:AT

Email: syns_of_the_soul@hotmail.com