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Blake's Home Page

This week's Notes!


Hello everybody! I know it's been a long time but complain all you's mine! HAHAHAHAHA!!! ANYWAYS! New news...let's see...first off...not moving this summer, you can thank who ever you want to for that. Second, I didn't make Free Design, so don't ask me why I'm bitter, now you know. And Third, sence Torey quit talking to me and returning my calls a while ago, I gave up and have moved on...and now Sandi and I are very happy together...if anyone has any questions or comments, please keep them to yourself cause I don't really care...and have a nice day...


Wow...It has been far too long sence I've updated this bad boy...Sorry everyone!!! Been a little busy with school and all but I'll try to keep with it...for those of you who don't know I will be moving to Gresham(south of portland) this know...


Hey everyone! Been in Idaho for awhile so I haven't updated...the good news is that I have a new song on my songs page!

Awesome Phrase and Words List

  • Blike's mends my shovel
  • All your base are belong to us!
  • Never crush the food that hands you
  • I lead the mice to the river of kool aid and open up the flood gates
  • You're a motherfucking piece of shit and you'll never amount to nothing...
  • In coming message from the big, giant head!

Some Cool Links Websites & Navigation

From Command & Conquer to Dune
My Favorite Video Game Page
A good place for Lyrics
Tanner Cowen's MSN page
HomeStar! This site's hillirious!
My Editorial Page
My Song Page
