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Welcome to the Realm of Justice

Welcome, For now you may call me Justice. I am a Junior at Sam Houston State University in Hunstville. I am an amateur poet and artist. As well, I do environmental theatre. I have performed at several places. I spent several years performing at the Texas Renaissance Festival, and I recently performed at Excalibur Fantasy Faire. If you want to check out some pictures taken of my goblin character at Excalibur check this out. Picture Gallery.

I am studying to be a history teacher. Which I will do while I am in grad school, and love the subject. I am going to grad school to study theology and be a minister.

This website began as a preliminary effort to post some of my poetry Poem Page and artwork. The artwork will show up whenever I can get it scanned. I am currently working on a series of short stories, which may soon become a book. If you wish to read the first installment take this little door for "A Walk in the Park."

Thanks go out to the inspirations of all of my work. Above all else is the Lord exalted, He who is the deliverer and savior of all. Also thanks go out to my dearest earthly friend who often gives me inspiration.

For all of you who are unaware, I now have some of my stuff published on this site Elfwood. I have recently submitted new material for consideration. So, if you like my stuff keep an eye on that page, because new stuff will probably make it there first. If you don't like my stuff check the home site out anyways Elfwood Mainsite. It is an amazing site, with many talented artists and writers.