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My Harry Potter FanFiction Website

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!************************************************************************************************************************************ Read and Review my Fanfic~*!*~ Thanx~Email is below *********************************************************************************** ************************************************************************ Please tell me what u think~*!*~********************************************************************************************* ************* If u have a fanfiction that you would like to be on this website, email your story to me at y email that is listed! I would love to have it posted on my webstite!** ************************************************* ******************************* ******************* **************Please Review~*!*~ ********************************************************************** Chapter 8 is in the making an dalmost finsihed1 YAY! Sorry I'm abit excited about that but it should be finished real soon so keep checkin back!! Please email about what you think~*!*~


~My~FanFiction~Enchanted~PG13 for language and some violence so probably be other stuff soon~a story about Draco and how his life's a mess until something happens but then he's not sure which path to choose when he learns the real truth~Please R&R!!~
