I have had 28 rats at the same time in the past. All of them were trained very well to do many tricks that even my dog couldn't do. They make very loyal and loving pets. The eat many things like cheese, nuts and vegetables. Rats can be very easy pets to own, since they take very little care.
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Rats are often treated unfairly asthough they aren't as good as other animals. Many people are afraid of them and think that they are filthy, which they definately are not. They got their bad reputation from some rats that carried desease, but people do not understand that not all rats do. In fact, rats are very clean animals and wash themselves and their food with clean water. Usually when people see a rat, their first move is very repulsive, they scream and try to kill it. But sometimes, its not repulsive. Luckly, rats are mot close to extiction, since can have many babys, sometimes even 20 at a time!
When they are first born, they are pink and hairless and their eyes are only little slits, that they can not open for a while. They are quite helpless and rely entirely on there mother.


Spiders are fascinating animals, that don't get the propper credit or respect they deserve. Spiders are responsable for keeping pests away from crops and people's homes. They also help keeping the insect world in balance. For some reason, spiders have a horible reputation and people are afraid of them. Maybe because of strange old tales, or books, or movies, do humans get this fear. It could even be because of the way they look. But humans have almost no reason to be afraid since very few spiders have a fatel bite, and there are over 40,000 kinds of spiders we have descovered! But there are sure to be more, just waiting to be discovered! Spiders are smart animals and have interesting ways of living, like the amazing wolf spider that carries it's babies on it's back. -Or the Orb weaver, that spins and beautiful elabrate web to get food.
In truth, spiders are just like any other animals and are often shy or have bad eyesight like the Brown Recluse, or the Black Widow, which are 2 kinds of dangerouse spiders that can be found in America. But most are harmless.


Though bats are among some of the worlds most disliked animals,they are very helpful animals to the world. People are afraid of them maybe because they are used in many scary films and as a part of halloween decoratons. They are considered dark and evil. (don't ask me why) But I think that the fact that they only come out at night might have something to do with it. If only people knew some true facts about bats they may change their opinion. Like the fact that bats go out to hunt at night, but some bats can't find anything to eat. If this happens, the bats who find things to eat share with those that didn't. Bats aren't truely evil, they have just been lied about. Also, they eat pesky insects that bite or destroy crops. They are vey helpful to farmers, that is if the farmers aren't afraid of them!


For some reason, many people are terrified of sharks. Especially after hearing about so many shark attacks, but it is extremely rare to get bitten by a shark. You just have to know a little about how to stay safe. Really, sharks are afraid of humans and the only time they bite humans, is when they think they are seals or fish. They might take a bite and then spit it out beacauce they don't like the taste of humans. But they are atracted to blood and if you are bleeding, it is not a very good idea to go in the Ocean. Sharks are not evil, but like any other animal, they need to eat. Luckly, humans are not on the menu!


There are many movies that take place out in the western part of the US. Like cowboy movies for example. Alot of the time a snake or scorpion looking for shelter will crawl into a cowboy's boot. When he put his foot down inside, he gets a horible bite. Yikes! But unfortunately for the snakes, this gives them a bad name. And all around the world they are hunted. Sometimes for decoration and sometimes people think that if they rid the world of poisonous snakes, the Earth will be a better place. But snakes are fascinating creatures and a world without snakes would not be a better world at all. Not only because of their astounding beauty, but they also eat pesky insects and rodents that can sometimes grow out of hand.