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Video Games
:. Kingdom Hearts
:. Final Fantasy X
:. Tekken Tag
:. Zone Of The Enders
:. Dead Or Alive 3
:. Blooodrayne
:. Halo
:. More...

:. Yu-Yu Hakusho
:. Inuyasha
:. Trigun
:. Cowboy Bebop
:. .Hack//sign
:. Lupin The 3rd
:. Rorouni Kenshin
:. More...

:. Neopets
:. My Guild
:. My Shop
:. Game Srategys
:. Pet Bios
:. All Colors
:. News
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Welcome to DemonPets

This is a brand new site about video games, anime, and neopets. All of the stuff is soon to come as I am working on them. Check back in a week or so. It should be done then.


Name:Alex Young
Post: We have anew layout most of the links and a banner are coming.

2003 Copyrighted By Alex Young- design by enhancedesign