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February 14th, 2007
Tomorrow night late in the morning the 2007 version of the Demonic Legion will have reached one year. In light of that this message is regarding shamanship in the clan. Three members so far have already been chosen for Shamanship. DL-Slaynn, DL-Arait, and DL-DrPhilGood will become shamans when their probation periods are up. As three shamans are enough to keep the small clan in line no new shamans will be appointed until membership increases. There is no formal requirement for shamanship the three I have chosen are three of my dearest friends on Bnet, there's is a strong possibility however that at least one of the two remaining spots will be awarded upon victory of a Solo Tournament amongst clan members. If you are interested in becoming a shaman in the future or have any questions, simply message me.
February 7th, 2007
Like a phoenix arising from the ashes the Demonic Legion is back more than three years after its death. Co-Leader of the 2003 version, DL-Daboo has assumed new leadership of the clan. He is the head webdesigner of this site and is open to any suggestions from members such as, discussion boards, replay page, etc. Only two original members are in the 2007 remake, Daboo and Slaynn. Hopefully in due time DL-Newt, member of a small remake in 2004, will also rejoin the Legion. The plan is to make a well-organized and well-mannered clan that enhances the gaming experience for all members.