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Decibel's Solitary Confinement
The American Flag flying high and proud... and upside-down..
Picture Gallery
Blanks of the      Moment
Mother said not to play with your food... Do you everything momma tells you, bitch?


8 June 2003:
-Added index.html, music.htm, and botm.htm.

Hello! Bonjour! Hola! Guten Tag! Salutations! Hallo! Allo! Xaipete! Bom Dia! G'day! Privyet! Ahoj! Konnichiwa!

Welcome to my humble abode, fellow citizen of the world! I introduce myself, Decibel MacManus, mischief-making trickster and artist of the most rare and interesting variety. Although I must say, my home may not offer much, I willingly share what I do have with you, in hopes that we may both be left better off from the exchange. As with most of today's talented tricksters and artists, I have left out various pieces of work which I have created, whether it be poetry, art, or a musical composition for your enjoyment and examination. Along with these, there can be found a few other items of possible interest, including a book of facts about myself, my travel journal, and a collection of pictures from my adventures around the realms.

I apologize for the unfinished nature of my home, friends, but I intent to fix that with time. Also, if you find anything broken with various sections, fixtures, appliances, or other such items, please tell me. Likewise, if you have any suggestions for making my domicile more eye-friendly, share your insights. I would be most appreciative. :)

And with that, I bid you farewell for the time being. I'll be stopping in every now and then. :)

~Decibel MacManus

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=> AIM: Drumertiger09
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