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What gender are you?
Both Male & Female
Duh whats a gender?

Pop quiz what is the answer to 354956458+3859742369834768457650-47543753647=?
both above
Ugg this is so cofusing *faints*

What would you do if you had to learn about Human sexuality?
Take it and pay attention at least I get a mark
FOne i'll take it but who says I have to listen at least I still get a mark!
I will watch and pay attention especially to the nude diagrams!
What its about sex????UKK!

What would you say if a man in black came up to you and said have you reported an aliens?
Say no and polietyly run away
Say why would I do a silly thing like that snicker and run away
I have no idea whst your talking about *try to counjur a smile* then run away as fast as you can
okay alright I am an alien nd I am her to kill your leader muhahahaahahaaha!

Do you think that this quiz makes any sence?
duh what was the question again?

Okay last and final question what is your name?
How are you suppose to know and how am I suppose to type it down?
Ths is just rubish I ain't ganna circle anymore of these do hickeys!
I dunno Marien?
Duh I think my name is duh?

Everything here is made by digi_girltomboy!