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Ten Harmful Diseases and Infections

This site has information on varying types of diseases. Some can not be cured with our current knowledge, and some won't kill you if left alone. The information on the site shows what symptoms someone may show for them having any one of these diseases.

This is a picture of a Gonorrhea-infected female. The left fallopian tube is inflamed (1), and the right fallopian tube is normal (2).


A harmful cancer that takes years to develop.


A non-contagious infection that is caused by bacterial infections.


A very deadly STD virus with no known cure.


A harmful bone disease.

Lassa Fever

A virus that can have devastating effects.


A life-threatining infection.

Lower Respiratory Tract Infection

An infection that varies in severity in the lower respiratory system.

Urinary Tract Infection

A common bacterial infection.

Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

An infection that varies in severity in the upper respiratory system.


A curable STD that can cause great harm if ignored. 10 harmful diseases/infections Sources of Information

Lymphoma: Cutaneous T-Cell
Cellulitus: Symptoms and Signs
HIV, AIDS and Older People
Lassa fever - Symptoms
Community management of lower respiratory tract infection in adults
Urinary Tract Infections
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI)