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Hello and welcome to Dragonball Z Legends RPG. I hope you enjoy your stay. While on this rpg you will experience, a new era of dbz to a level that has yet to be reached. But before I go any further I have to tell you people this rpg is not chat based, battles will be written and e-mail training can be accepted if you wish to do so. I don't have much time to sit in a chatroom and play like that so I made it easier for you people to just e-mail me things such as items, training, etc. But more indept of what this rpg is about will be in the rules page.

News & Updates

Subject: Building of the Rpg
Date: May 16, 2003
Posted by: WebMaster

Update: the site is in its first stages of building, check back in a few may e-mail me at if you wish to join.


Subject: Other Stuff
Date:May 16,2003
Posted by: WebMaster

Update: This part of the site is not just for site updates. I will also post other things like, if some of you are interested when dbz movies or games are being released I will post them here.
