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The Personal Journal of Lord Darius Grimere

Darius Grimere


3rd month of the Dominian year 435.

This is the beganing of my journal as it marks, more or less, the beganning of my interaction with the human species. Sides have been taking against forces which have risen to claim dominance over these lands. The Fallen Prince of my kind wars against most of his breathern, and one man has risen up to fight against him and calm the terror he sees. I presented myself to the Lord Arimus Domini, who had the forsight to recognize that I possesed certain skills and uses that would be benificial to his cause.

5th month of the Dominian year 435.

After a brief period of establishing a warcamp and gathering supplies, Arimus and myself have set out to gather allies in our cause. Me among my kind and he among his. I have begun to scower the deep after my short interlude apon the surface. What simple bliss I have always found dwelling in the deeps of the mountain. Whereas I do find these humans quite compelling and interesting to say the least, I can not deny my natural instincts. I have begun to rally a good number of the other Dragon Lords and Ladies, as well as a few creatures whose names and natures I will not repeat in print, for such is the power of their names, that it would drive most mad just to read them.

Ninth month of the Dominian year 435.

Arimus has proven quite tactical and advantagous in his quest to gather support. Currently, seven armies, lead by fierce human generals are under his command. Combined with my forces, we now may have some margin of hope when faced with the Dragon Prince and his forces. I do not deny that it is entirely possible that I will not live through this, and yet, I can not abide one that turns against the Dragon King. I will fight this battle, not for these humans, rather for my own kind.

1st month of the Dominian year 436.

Our attempts at information gathering has taken long, and yet, has proven almost ineffectual, as today, we were set apon by several of the Prince's force, taken quite by surprise, I might had. These human's have surprised me yet again, when I witnessed a small grouping of them put themselves into a sacraficial positioning to save one of the Dragon Lords. I do not understand their manner of thinking, or do I their motives. To our understanding it is rather simple, you are either strong enough to survive or you die. I will admit rather openly, that there remains much I do not know of the human mind.

3rd month of the Dominian year 436.

We have been encamped and under seige for almost three months now. Though I have been wounded many times now, I do consider this a valuable learning experience in combat tactics, as I have never before set myself against anouther of the Dragon Lords, let alone against such superior odds. Arimus remains a fascination to me. Dragon's do posses certain natural abilities and insticts if you will, but I still have no idea where he gets his tenacity nor ferocity from. In our brief conversations, I have learned that he possesed little to no previous battle experience. Could humans also posses such instincts or be born with certain abilities?

4th month of the Dominian year 436.

We have finally overcome our enemies and won our battle and our lives. The humans have insisted in partaking a rather peculiar ritual, they call it a feast, and yet, I can not understand why they would call burning their meat untill it is so inedible before eating it, feasting. Plans are already underway to move the camp to a new location. That is all I shall mention of that anywhere. I have kept secrets for over a century now and I see no reason why I should break good habits now.

5th month of the Dominian year 436.

Our millitary council has decided to take the offensive against the enemy. Though we have yet to be attacked or discovered at our new position, none of us are much in the mood to wait for the next onslaught. Arimus wishes to strike the northern army. We shall have to cross the desert, the tar pits and the marshlands, a journey, that though I do support, I am rather not looking forward too. It shall place me even further from the depths of my beloved mountains, and I must say, I do not know when again I shall be able to steal away to my personal home.

7th month of the Dominian year 436.

We have reached a defensive position not far from the Northern armies. Our scouts have indicated that they number not far from the 10,000 mark. Needless to say, we are quite outnumbered. At Arimus' command, all of our communication at this point is by a series of hand signals, as he does not wish to risk detection by any sounds, or enemy psycics picking up on telepathy. Though I find this to be a very wise decision, I must say, such matters did not occur to me in foresite. I consider myself to be quite formidable within my own balliwick, but Arimus seems to have been born to command armies, and his skills with the sword are something to behold as well. Our military council has decided at the next new moon, to attack in perfect darkness. This idea was forwarded by myself and I shall take responsiblity if it should prove folly.

8th month of the Dominian year 436.

We launched our defensive strike against the armies of the Dragon Prince. The moonless sky offers little if any illumination this night. Arimus wishes to bring his forces strait in for a frontal assult. I wished him the best of luck and sent two other Dragon Lords of whom I place utmost confidence in to assist. The rest of the dragons will follow me as we traverse the ways of the deep. Attacking not from any flank, rather from directly underneath our enemy's feet. A draven fellow by the name of Baroknoin has enlisted with 500 of his brethren. They shall give assistance to Arimus on the flank, prefering the high ground in such endevours. I write these few sparse words as I await the attack. Next I set pen to parchment shall be after the fact

5th month of the Dominian year 437.

I have finally recovered enough to give dictation. The aid recording these words for me is able enough. Mind you, I do rather prefer handling my own affairs, but I fear a sleep of several years may be soon to come if I am to be of any use to the Lord Arimus. By my own folly, I underestimated the senses of the Prince. He engaged myself and the other Dragon Lords within the depths of the earth. Though I view the outcome utter failure, Arimus would assure me he is within my debt. His campaign and that of the Drawves was rather successful with the commanding Prince otherwise engaged. I do not, however, view the death of 24 Dragon Lords and 2 Princes as a success. Few enough of us made it out alive and only then to be in such a state as I. And yet, even now as my hand finds itself too unsteady to hold the pen myself, the oppertunity for revenge presents itself. The Dragon Prince did not excape unscathed and in my few short decades of life, I have learned the secret of his territory. There should be ample force left under Arimus' command to deal out a swift death to this insidious Prince. I gifted Arimus with all knowledge I posses of His lairs. I would hazard a guess you shall not hear again for me for quite some time.

12th month of the Dominian year 455.

I suppose at this time, I should be rather grateful to the Dragon Princess who brithed me. I have always possesed a rather fierce fortitude, even among my own kind. I have learned, by shocked looks and dimmed memories of those humans I have enleagued with, that some other races may consider my rest to have been rather long. Please consider, if you will, the longevity of my kind and the gravity of my injuries. Why, my own brethren were quite pleased, if not shocked, to see my back on my feet after such a short repose. Arimus was indeed succesful in his last strike against the Dragon Prince. It is even my understanding, that he beseached the Dragon King for assistance. If this is true, then it would be a first that any not of our kind has survived His presence. A strong man indeed! We have dined together yet again, though I still fail to understand why these people must ruin the flavor and texture of their foods with over exposure to fire. Arimus introduced me to his wife and daughter. The girl, little more then a hatchling, shows promise yet. He has named her Elanor and I should rather look forward to the day she assumes Arimus's title. Talks have began to the construction of a castle and proper rule over the lands.

10th month of the Dominian year 456.

The castle has been completed. I must give credit to Baroknoin and his kind for the archetecture and skill by which they built this castle. It is truely amazing. The corination cerimony was fascinating to say the least. Arimus discused with me at length what title I would accept for myself. He has begun to understand my nature and even better, the skills I carry with me. He finally did accept my suggestion of Chamberlain, with an understanding of how I discribe the word. As such, I shall be responsible for the protection and defense of the family at their most vunerable. Espionage and shadows shall be my weapontry, such toys I employ better then most men's swords. I will, on a side note, have the oppertunity to impress my own artistic views on the household staff as to the decor of the Lord and Ladies personal chambers. I will also be responsible for maintaining the Empire's finances, something that will prove an amusing bit of a hobby.

Still under construction