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The Squad Rocket Launcher is a multi-role support weapon, with a bore-loaded overcalibre ("RPG" style) warhead. It is designed to be used as a multi-role assault weapon. The SRL can be fired from enclosed spaces and has little visible backblast due to its use of the Davis Countershot Principle. (The backblast is taken up by a mix of plastic rods liquid counter-shot that is still dangerous to those behind the weapon.).
The basic weapon consists of a disposable launch tube, rocket, and warhead. It is fitted with a simple removable sight and trigger assembly, and is disposable. It is designed as a simple weapon to be issued in general.
The advanced launcher system consists of a sturdier re-usable launch tube, a carrying case, and an electronic sight and guidance system, and a rest. A spare parts and cleaning kit is also included. It consists of an ejector and spring, extractor, dummy extractor plug, bolt-head retaining pin, plastic cleaning rod with brass tip, bore and chamber brushes, camel's hair brush and a prismatic bore scope. It is designed as a dedicated specialists weapon.

Because the weapon is bore-loaded, it easier for a single operator to re-load. The launch tube is less bulky and different calibres of projectile can be launched from the same tube. The launcher is capable of both high angle and direct fire.


Crew: 1
Caliber (mm):
Launch Tube: 60
Warhead: variable
Weight (kg): 6
Length (mm):
Firing Position: 700
Travel Position: 700
Rifling: None
Breech Mechanism Type: N/A
Rate of Fire (rd/min): 1
Fire From Inside Building: Yes
Type: Optical
Sighting Range (m): 300


Crew: 1
Caliber (mm):
Launch Tube: 60
Warhead: variable
Weight (kg): 12
Length (mm):
Firing Position: 1,200
Travel Position: 1,200
Rifling: None
Breech Mechanism Type: N/A
Rate of Fire (rd/min): 5
Fire From Inside Building: Yes
Type: Optical
Magnification: 2.7x, 13 field of view
Location: Top of launcher/sight-left side
Sighting Range (m): 1000

Used With Range Finders: Yes
Night Sights Available: Yes
Night Sighting Range (m): 500
laser gun sight with range of moving targets out to 600 m. Can be fitted with night sights.

Ammunition Types:

Range (m):
Effective (moving): 400
Effective (stationary): 750
Penetration: 1000mm RHA steel
Weight (kg): 3.8
Muzzle Velocity(m/s): 170
Flight Velocity(m/s): 250
Time of Flight to 300 m (sec): 1.3
BASTEG (Barricade and Street Encounter Grenade)
Caliber (mm): 120
Type: Shaped-charge w/stand-off fuze
Range (m):
Effective (moving): 400
Effective (stationary): 750
Brick (m): 2
Reinforced concrete (m): +1.5
Weight (kg): 3.8
Muzzle Velocity(m/s): 170
Flight Velocity(m/s): 250
Time of Flight to 300 m (sec): 1.3
HEDP (with dual mode fuze) Range (m):
Effective (moving): 400
Effective (stationary): 750
Penetration: 750mm RHA steel
Weight (kg): 3.8
Muzzle Velocity(m/s): 170
Flight Velocity(m/s): 250
Time of Flight to 300 m (sec): 1.3
Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 235
MEP (Modular Explosive Penetrator) consists primarily of a penetrator filled with an explosive. After penetration of the protecting layer, the projectile develops its lethal fragmentation and pressure effect. No collateral damage is caused in front of the target.
60-mm grenade
Bounding Frag-HE ( explodes .5 to 1.5 m from impact)