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Just Chillin'

Friday, 5 March 2004

hey people my xanga site is down for right now so i cant really go in it and ramble about how boring life is... oh well ill post here! hehb>

my site is

Posted by dragon/d_leclair at 10:16 AM EST
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Posted by dragon/d_leclair at 9:52 AM EST
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Thursday, 29 January 2004

O M G!
Hey, omg! my friend pudge wrote me and spaz a poem here is the poem he wrote for me This is a poem for Dana, I read your thingy, you shouldn't be envious, trust me. You should concentrate on your relationship with Jason. I'm sorry for everything Life isn't what you expect it to be What you think is love might be different from thee You shouldn't feel insecure about your love You should treat it like a blessing from above You might think he's taking advantage of your being But that's the last thing he would do but you might be seeing A lot of love and a lot of cherish A lot of care but none of the perish How do you expect him to change who he is Just for the way you want his love and jizz (couldn't rhyme anything with is) You should accept his love how he gives it For love is all the same without a darkening pit. aww isnt that sweet but funny. well anyways he is a good friend of mine and i love him as a friend. i finally realized that i don't like him like that, but i was just jealus that alot of people like dori.idk. i just love him as a friend. well thats it for now ill cya l8r. luv u all. buh bye. ~Dana

Anime Graphix!
Anime Graphix!

Posted by dragon/d_leclair at 3:15 PM EST
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Wednesday, 28 January 2004

hey as u see I haven't updated this in a long time. my friend pojo likes my friend spaz. spaz is my bebst friend. shes kool. well anyways jasons friend pudge likes dori too. this is horrible wut should I do? stay out of it? i don't know wut to say when she asks me wut she should do. i just come up blank. anyways. in a couple of days it will be valentines day. im guessing im not gonna get much no one reallyl ike me cept jason. I love jason. its been 6 months but it would be kool if ya know i ad like a secret admirer or something. back to wut i was saying before. pudge really likes spaz. i hope she likes him too he is fun to hang out with. I used to like him alot. he is a great friend. but no one can take me from jason. for some reason I am envious of her. alot of people like her and she doesnt realize how lucky she is. unlike me.i really want someone to care for me and to love me. I know jason does. but he doesn't really show it and that is wut i want. "death is not to be feared, it is only a transition" sometimes I wish that was true. thank u for all who read this. I will leave it here with some quotes from my friends. buh bye. "I'm good at stuff, I'm just too lazy to do it" - Pojo "Don't waste ur life, i dont need that pain" - Twinks "I love u don't think I don't" - Jason "Mu wa ha ha" - Spaz "Your just looking for something that isn't there" - TweAK

Anime Graphix!

Posted by dragon/d_leclair at 6:18 PM EST
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Tuesday, 23 December 2003

Hey, I hope u like my site seriously it took me a long ass time to make it so u best like it. oh by the way do u like this music? yea its hella kool well im gonna go so enjoy. and have a merry xmas.

Anime Graphix!

Posted by dragon/d_leclair at 12:01 PM EST
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Message Board Guestbook

Posted by dragon/d_leclair at 11:36 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 23 December 2003 11:48 AM EST
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How many people have been to my site? heres how many:

Counter: hits!

Posted by dragon/d_leclair at 11:31 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 23 December 2003 11:49 AM EST
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Posted by dragon/d_leclair at 11:11 AM EST
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Posted by dragon/d_leclair at 11:07 AM EST
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Monday, 22 December 2003

Anime Graphix!

Posted by dragon/d_leclair at 10:09 AM EST
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