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Hey! Welcome to my website! Right now, we aren't much, but soon we shall be huge!!! Yay!!! No, but seriously, this is my summer project for this year. Making a good large website. I'm also thinking about starting to make websites for small businesses soon to raise some money so that I can perhaps buy a domain for this if it really grows like I would like it to.

I'm also going to allot my sister a section of this to do with what she pleases. If my cousin wishes too, she can also share part of this.

This site will have many branches, as I have many interests that I wish to cover in it! I hope you enjoy your visit here, and please come back for updates if there isn't much here while you are!

These are the sections that I know this website will for sure have, but there could be more or surprises in the future!

Dragonball Z
Neopets Guild layouts and more
Html help
And Lots More...!!!

I hope to get at least one section started/finished this next coming week (the first week of summer!!!), but no promises!!! Thanks for stopping bye!