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ChAnGsTa_iN_LuV @aSiAnAVEnUe.CoM
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::HeiGht:: -5`2- ::EyE CoLoR:: -Black- ::HaiR:: -Long- -Black-


ChAnGStA_iN_lUV Wit MaY KhAng ChAnGStA_iN_lUV Wit MaY KhAng
<::SoNG BlAsTiN::>Ian VAn Dahl Castles In
the Sky <::ThEmE::>MaNy DiFfErEnT CoLorZ
MaH 411 MaH 411

::NaMe::>Shong ChAnGsTA ::AGe::>14 ::DaTE bOrN::>6/9/89 ::SeX::>DoNe It....Jk...MaLe ::sTaTuS::>TaKin BaH MaH GuRl MaY ::AiM ScrEeNaMe:XxDDrHmOnGbOixX

KuV HlUb KoJ MaYKuV HlUb KoJ MaY ::>DiS MeSsaGe GoEs Out 2 MaH BaBy MaY KhAnG<:: HeY baBy....HoW u DoInG??...As 4 Me...JuxMiSsIng U...bAbY...Do U ReAlLy LoVe ME Or U Jux LiKE Me BcUz OF mAh LooKZ (even though im ugly but u think im cute)...Da FiRsT DAy I mEt ChU AnD I tAlkEd 2 U I FeLl IN LuV wiT ChU...ThAt NiTe I WAs ThiNkIn AbOuT ChU All NiTe...I wAnt u 2 No Dat I wIll TreAt U Rite ANd ThAT KuV HlUb KoJ Ib LeEj SuV

MY IrrEsiStAbLE ChiCk MaY KhAng Ish HoT MY IrrEsiStAbLE ChiCk MaY KhAng Ish HoT
::>DIS B A SkETCh DrAwInG Of MAH HoT ChiCk MaY<::
My ShOuToUtz 2 My BoiZ AnD GuRlZ My ShOuToUtz 2 My BoiZ AnD GuRlZ
::>sHoUtOuTz<:: May Khang Kaoyee Xiong April Vang Sue Yang Shur Moua Mai Kao Yang MekongYang Viva Lee Rich Chang Allen Chang Michael Chang Amy Lee Jennifer Lee Ness Lee Alex Lee Pa Houa Xiong Nick Chang
DiS B A FLix Of mY NewPhEw
My FEeLinGz

6/29/03 I HaVeNT TaLk 2 mY IrReSiStAbLE PrInCeSs foR 4 DaYz Now AnD I rEAlLy MiSShER...ICAnT WaiT UnTiL i GeT 2 C Her....I WiLl BE So HaPpY WhEn I gEt 2 C HeR....I JuX WAnT 2 SAy DAtimSoRrY 2 KaOyEeXiOng 4BreAKiN Up witHEr wetHer ShE BeliEvEz Me Or NOt...MaY....DoNT ChEAT oN Me Ok...PlEaSeI neEd uSo PlEasE b WiT me TiLl DA EnD anD DoNt MeSs ArOund WiT mY HeArT. 6/30/03 Im Am So CoNfUsEd....I DuNtNoIFMaH baBy ReAllY DoeS LoVe ME Or If ShE iSh JuX PlAyIn GaMeZ WiT mE....I WiSh I CaN Go inTo MaH BaBY GuRlZ HeArT And C IF ShE ReAllY DoEs LovE mE...IRrEsIsTaBlE pRiNcEsS...CAn I AsK u DiS....Do U ReAllY LoVe TruElY???? 7/13/03 BaBy...Im SiTtiN HeA MiSsInG u AnD WaItIng TiLl Da DaY I GeT 2 My IrReSiStAbLe PRiNcEsS...BaBy...I HoPe u No How MuCh u MeAn 2 mE...U mEaN So MUch 2 Me DAt i WaStEd mY TiME MaKinG DiS pAgE deDiCATeD...BaBy If u DoNT bEliEvE me DaT I lOvE U...I TruLy Do LovE U WiTh EvErYThiNg DaT I GoT.

LoVe POeMzLoVe POeMz ~~ONE KISS~~ one kiss is my desire from you, all ill ever ask of you, for on taste of your sweet lips, would be a dream come true. for one simple kiss, i would swim the deepest sea, i would walk through the gates of hell, i would give up the air i breathe. iwould cherish it for ever, until the day i die, never for getting that singlemoment, when your lips were pressed gently to mine. one kiss is my desire, justone moment of your time, still,I know its more than i could hope for.but,for one kiss i would die Faith Every night I think and cry A vision of you always on my mind Thinking of the day you said good-bye How could I have been so blind? You told me you loved me And I believeditwastrue. I couldn`t let myself free Although I knew we were through. I was fooled by his smile, That always looked so sweet. I was heart brokenfor a long while, Thinking about her deceit Until one day I met someone clever Ilooked into his eyes I knew our love was forever That our love will never die.