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Chamber of Carnage

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April 21st, 2003 - Lots of Reviews Recent Reviews
This week we have a number of new reviews. On Xbox we have Panzer Dragoon: Orta, Two Towers, Shenmue 2, Blood Omen 2 and Dark Alliance reviews and on Game Cube we have Metroid Prime and Super Mario Sunshine reviews. I know that the PS2 and PC sections are pathetic right now, but I hope to fix that in coming weeks.

I haven't heard anything yet about a couple of new members, but once I do I'll post it here. I'm hoping that within a few weeks we'll have another reviewer here who is strong in the PS2 section and one reviewer who is a major PC gamer. It all takes time, you know, especially when your website is as small-time as this one.

E3 is less than a month away now. If you're not excited right now don't even joke about calling yourself a hardcore gamer. Once E3 rolls around all hell is going to break loose. I think this will be a very big year for PC and console gaming and I think we'll see a number of major surprises this year.

In case you were wondering, we will not have any kind of "E3 coverage" on this site. We're strictly doing reviews, however, I will include my thoughts about E3 (and anything else I please) in my weekly updates. So booya.

It's mailbag time. The Chamber of Carnage has been around for about a month now and I've received a few e-mails from people. I'll take this time to respond:

"Why did you give Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance an 8 on Xbox? Xbox is muhc better then the Ps2 and you say the PS2 version is better why?" - Ramsfan9032

Because it is better on the Play Station 2. It pisses me off that a great developer like Konami is so half-assed that they try to emulate the Play Station 2 on the fucking Xbox. Zone of the Enders 2 proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Konami is capable of some amazing things... but Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance on Xbox proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that somebody is extremely lazy.

"Your final fantasy X review is biased. That game sux and you act like its the best game ever andyour site is stupid." - Beck23

Astonishing. Did you write this all by yourself?

"Your Halo review is so biased. It's obvious that you're an Xbox fanboy." - MrSinister73

I thought my Halo review was a pretty good review, and believe it or not a lot of people agree with my thoughts on Halo. If I were an Xbox fanboy then why wouldn't this site be strictly about Xbox reviews? Think about it, ass clown.

That's it for this week. Thanks for visiting my website and enjoy the reviews.

- Chris Carnage, 4/21/03

Splinter Cell
Metal Gear Solid 2
Max Payne
Panzer Dragoon: Orta
Two Towers
Blood Omen 2
Shenmue 2
Dark Alliance #1
Dark Alliance #2

Play Station 2
Final Fantasy X

Game Cube
Smash Bros. Melee
Zelda: Wind Waker
Skies of Arcadia
Metroid Prime
Super Mario Sunshine

PC Games
Battlefield: 1942

Our Rating System
1 - Horrible
2 - Very Bad
3 - Bad
4 - Below Average
5 - Average
6 - Above Average
7 - Good
8 - Very Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding