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*Carrie's Webpage*


Farewell. Tomorrow I leave to see my aunt. I suppose now, at any time, she can look at my website, and find this surprise which I have set up for her. Happy birthday, Janet! ^.^ Boy, it's going to be a real pain to get everything back to normal in a few days.

This time tomorrow, we will all be in the car and on the road. At noon tomorrow, we will leave. In the hour and a half before that, we will be in a tizzy packing.

I know that it will be great- trips up there always are. But now, I bid you goodbye.

A thought: Why is it that I always feel the need to explain to the cat that we will be leaving for a few days, but we have left him plenty of food, water, and kitty litter and will be back soon?


February 18th, 2004, 2:40 PM.

Bad Ideas #2
Packing for a trip *PHASE OUT!*
In the car *PHASE OUT!*
Motel life *PHASE OUT!*
The trip home *PHASE OUT!* *NEW!*
Uh...Pardon? #2 *NEW!*
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