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Camarilla UK


The Camarilla/Anarch venue is Camarilla UK's flagship venue.  It uses Laws of the Night: Revised as well as supplemental rules from the Camarilla, Sabbat, Storytellers guide(s) and Dark Epics.

In the Camarilla/Anarch venue you will play a Kindred, a vampire who clings to his humanity and either belongs to the Camarilla, a society of vampires where the Eldest control everything or fight to change the Camarilla into a more liberal society.

The Sabbat venue also uses the rules presented in Laws of the Night: Revised as well as supplemental rules from the Camarilla, Sabbat, Storytellers guide(s) and Dark Epics.

In the Sabbat venue you will play a Cainite, a vampire who does not cling to his humanity and who fights the Elders for control of their own existence.

The Garou venue uses rules presented in Laws of the Wild: Revised as well as supplemental rules from The Changing Breeds series of supplements.

In the Garou venue you will play a Garou, a werewolf dedicated to the battle for mother Earth (Gaia) against the foul corrupting Wyrm.

The Mage venue uses rules presented in Laws of Ascension: Revised as well as supplemental rules from Laws of Ascension Companion.

In the Mage venue you will play an awakened being, a worker of magic bound by the rules of reality, fighting to ascend beyond these boundries.

The Changeling venue uses rules presented in The Shining Host as well as supplemental rules from The Shining Host Players Guide.

In the Changeling venue you will play a member of the Kithain, a dreamlike magical creature bound in human form.  These creatures struggle to keep free thought and dreams alive.


The Wraith venue uses rules presented in The Oblivion.

In the Wraith venue you will play a spirit of a dead soul that cannot find rest, continually battling against the darker side of your soul; the shadow who's whispered promises can bring only oblivion.


Camarilla UK uses a rules supplement created by The Camarilla as a whole called 6.0.  Click the link on the left to get a downloadable version of these rules.
Camarilla UK protects its members by using a Code of Conduct and a document called the Tome.  These documents detail the responsibilites (including legal) of a member.

Click the link on the left to get a downloadable version of these documents.

Camarilla UK supports the spread of information within our society, websites created by and ran by members to help govern a game/domain are always welcome.

Click the link on the left to get a links page.

Camarilla UK is always looking for new members. If you are interested click the link on the left..