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Armor_Blossom’s Piece of the Sky
(under construction)


You stare around at the blank pet page. It’s just a plain, white room... No one’s here.. Funny, the title proclaimed this place as a piece of sky.

You’re about to turn around and go away, when all of a sudden a ghost draik with amber eyes comes crashing through the wall. She stops in front of you and giggles.

Hi there! I’m Armor_Blossom... Or at least I was this morning, I may decide to be a bowling ball today. Or a rubber chicken. Or maybe a dish of asparagus. *ponders* I know! I’ll be a banjo!
As you can see, I’m a ghost draik.. I wasn’t always this way, I was actually born a blue ixi, then I played with a magic poogle whichamacallit, then ‘pizza gave me a ghost draik morphing potion!

Armor Blossom babbles on for a while about everything and anything in particular, before Spaghettipizza hurries in.

Spaghettipizza: How many times have I told you not to annoy the guests!

I wasn’t annoying them, I was just talking to them!

More like talking *at* them...

Spaghettipizza pokes a white button on a white panel on the white walls. The white button lights up with a soft white light , and a white speaker you didn’t notice starts playing white noise at you. at a high volume. The white light fixtures above you wink out, the white noise stops abruptly, and all of a sudden you find yourself... standing in the middle of the night sky? You’re standing on air, the sky is a shade of midnight blue, and the stars are all around you. It seems extremely realistic... until you notice a Spotted Kau that jumps over the moon and plummets to the ground again... lucky there’s a trampoline way down there.

It’s not *my* fault the pet page is this unusual... I let blossom design it. Although now I’m beginning to think I shouldn’t have. The music currently playing is the William Tell Overture. It's almost as active and bouncy as blossom! guess I’ll be off to play Zurroball until the grundo gets angry at me for throwing him around. Call for me if Blossom annoys you too much, k? *leaves*

Hey, before we get too far I should show you my stats, right?

Level: 7
Strength: 10
Agility: 18
Defense: 17
Hit Points: 17
Intelligence: Above average
Common Sense: Precious Little


*Sniggering is heard from Jankohoko’s room*

Arrrrrghhh... I’ll turn him into a bowling ball if I ever can figure out how XP

T.H.E. P.A.S.T

Armor_Blossom takes off, calling back something about Jankohoko and bowling balls. While she’s off executing whatever her current ‘plan’ is, you walk across the sky and find a big thick book floating there. Apparently a biography on Armor_Blossom...?

Armor_Blossom was born a blue ixi on.. erm, whatever day ixis were made unrestricted. Spaghettipizza had been thinking of getting another pet for a while, and an ixi seemed as good a choice as anything else. Don’t ask where the name Armor_Blossom came from: Spaghettipizza would just tell you it was floating around way in the back of her brain, along with Athena the Odd and the Isle of Splork. (‘pizza’s neoadventure)

Armor_Blossom stayed an ixi for a while, blah blah blah. The first event worthy of recording was when she started going to the lab ray. After about a week, she was a cloud poogle, and decided to stay that way. Armor_Blossom had been your typical rambunctious young ixi, and she had become your typical rambunctious young cloud poogle.

When she wasn’t out playing some new sport or other (there was a week when she was entirely devoted to curling), she would curl up on her rainbow bean bag chair and think up weird things that often ended up in the next part of the Isle of Splork. Now, Armor_Blossom may have been energetic, but she was nothing like as you see her now. She stayed a cloud poogle for a few months, then Spaghettipizza decided to buy her a ghost Draik morphing potion, partially because the money was just sitting around in the bank account screaming “DO SOMETHING WITH ME!”. and partially because AB kept bugging pizza about how she wanted to be a Draik.

Now, we’re not entirely sure what happened when she drank the potion, but whatever it was, it changed her entire personality. AB refuses to talk about the subject. For a week or so, she’d refuse to come out of her room, and wouldn’t let anyone in. Then, entirely out of the blue, she floats right back out, even more cheerful than ever. Talk about confusing.

You turn to the next page, but it’s blank. All these blank pages, just to make you think it was a novel?!? Yeesh!

T.H.E. J.O.U.R.N.A.L.

You wander around a bit. Shouldn’t AB be back by now? You walk around across the sky. You realize that every bit of sky looks exactly the same, and you’re hopelessly lost. Now where was that Kau on the trampoline? You walk a little bit in the direction you think it might be in and--

what? You’re not supposed to be falling, this web page was designed not to let you fall, this isn’t supposed to be happening yourgonnadieyourgonnadieyourgonna--

-WHAM! You fall face first into a stone chamber. The only way out is up. Somehow you get the idea that this is Armor_Blossom’s private area and you shouldn’t be there. However, as you can’t easily get back up to solid air, you decide to look around a bit. You rub your sore head and try to focus on your surroundings.

There’s not much to see. The only items you see in the chamber are an inkwell and quill, a small, slightly battered leather-bound book, and a lit candle. The candle is apparently enchanted, as it obviously has been burning for some time, but the wax is practically unmelted.

While you wait to be ‘rescued’, you open the book. You read the first few lines, than quickly skim the pages - this is Armor_Blossom’s journal, and it offers a very different view than what you’ve seen of her so far. [[come back often, AB writes in her journal almost every day... but whether you get to see what she writes is another matter entirely.]]

Arrrgh, things have been so horrible... it’s not so bad as long as i force myself to smile and be goofy, and sometimes i can even manage a real smile, but after the play is over, i still feel so gloomy and... purposeless. Even when I’m cheerful by day, nightmares still haunt me at night. Thus I made this room, and this journal: to record my true feelings. I’ll start at the beginning, when i first drank the potion.

It was an entirely innocent-seeming potion, with a cheery red stopper, and a little glass Draik tail on the bottle. I had practically ignored the fact it would make me ghost, I was far too absorbed that it would make me a Draik. A Draik! A limited-edition pet! Let’s forget entirely that it’ll make me a practically nonexistent entity which half the population of Neopia doesn’t believe in anyway, because I’ll be a Draik! I can laugh freely at my stupidity then... it wouldn’t have mattered, whatever would happen to me, just as long as i was a Draik. I took the potion out of Spaghettipizza’s hands and practically gulped it down. It’s impossible for me to describe in words what it felt like, but, for the sake of trying to record everything, I’ll describe it as best as I can.

I knew that it had made me a Draik almost instantly, but I felt far away from the rest of the world. I was chilled to the bone- I felt like I had become a giant block of ice. I couldn’t move.

Imagine being a block of ice, suddenly tossed into a kiln, and you get roughly the effect of what it felt like. Not the heat, I was still incredibly cold, but a sense of melting, evaporating away from everything I’d ever known. Of course it wasn’t that quick - naturally, it had to draw out the torture as long as it possibly could, just to rub in the fact that I hadn’t thought and was now going to be a ghost.

A ghost! Journal, let me just explain, for the word ‘ghost’ hardly represents the feelings. Never to be able to touch anything again, to eat your favorite foods, to play your favorite games, not even to have your paws dig into the grass in the summertime. To remain apart from everyone, an observer of the world you once took part in. And to remain on the outside for an eternity! Journal, it’s unbearable! I’ll drag on forgotten while my family and closest friends die!

It’s a horrible thought, and it’s driving me insane. I’ve locked myself in my room. I can’t bear to see them. They pound on the door, beg for me to come out, but i can’t. Don’t they see? I’m an outsider now. They should leave, forget me, save themselves the trouble. I can’t go back, they shouldn’t try to make me.

* . * . * . * . *

It’s been two days. I’m still locked away. Am I going to spend eternity hidden in this room, wallowing in remorse and despair? I know I can’t just stay here, but there’s no other option, is there? I remember wondering why the ghosts used to steal our pocket money - now I know. They withered away until all they felt was bitterness and dispair and all the other emotions that smothered them until they succumbed to it. Is that my fate? I know I should do something, but I can’t go back, if I see my family again, I won’t be able to stand it.

* . * . * . * . *

It’s been five days. They’ve stopped knocking at the door, stopped pleading for me to come out. They’re leaving me alone. In another week, they’ll probably have forgotten me entirely.

* . * . * . * . *

It’s been a week. I’m going to go back. However insane it drives me, it can’t possibly be worse than this. I’ll be cheerful, I’ll be goofy, I’ll just try to forget. I need to spend as much time with them as I can. Even JankoHoko! Even Jankohoko, as dark and withdrawn as she is, who probably couldn’t care less whether i was there or not. She won’t know, but I’ll think of her more kindly than I let on - she’s the closest I know to the despair I’ve felt.

As soon as you finish reading the Journal, you find yourself back on the solid air of the main part of the petpage. Armor_Blossom floats back in, muttering somethign you can't hear (let me guess: about bowling balls?)


My family is weird. Need you know more? ... Well, if you *insist*...

First, there’s Black12. She’s supposed to be a striped cybunny. She uses the lab ray, so who knows what she is now :P She may seem a little... harsh to people at first, but that’s only until she knows she can trust you. She helps me with my plans--

*bursts in* “A.k.a MISCHIEF-MAKING!!!! I’m still paying for the pickled olive incident, missy!”

*ahem* with my PLANS. As I can’t exactly hold anything, she’s the one who *does* the things- but only after I’ve floated around to see if anyone hampers our plans. I like having Black12 as an ally - that way no one beats us up. Did I mention that she’s the battledome pet of the family?

Then there’s JankoHoko... She’s absolutely EVIL. She sits around in her room all the time. Do you know what it looks like? It has black walls and a black carpet, the furniture is all black, and the windows are tinted. Jankohoko just sits in there and sulks. And occasionally listens to AC/DC. If you dare venture into her private ‘realm’, she’ll bombard you with sarcastic remarks until you leave her alone. Favorite game? Destruct-o-match. Of all the people she hates (That’s a long list, mind you!), she hates me most. That’s why she messes up my page a lot.

Ah, then there’s alwayslittlesaphire. ‘Pizza adopted her from the pound. She’s very quiet, and hardly ever leaves her library (she doesn’t have a bedroom, it’s a ‘library’. And for some reason she got really upset that time when I was going camping and used one of the books as fuel for the campfire) . She’s okay, I guess, but she takes things way too seriously.

Lastly, there’s Spaghettipizza... my secretary/slave.


*sigh* There she goes again with that owner thing. She doesn’t own me at all. She simply CAN’T own me. No one can.
*starts singing Free bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd REALLY loudly until Spaghettipizza storms away, exasperated.*
She can be almost as eccentric as I am sometimes, but other times she just buries her nose in a book. Her favorite food is liver (which wasn’t half bad, As I remember from back when I could eat), and her favorite drink is Apricot nectar. Enough said.

M.Y. P.E.T.P.E.T

Hold on a sec, please!

*floats off through a wall and returns with a yellow baby fireball. This is Lemon Creamsicle. He’s very boring in my opinion, but I love him just the same. I think he should have been saphire’s petpet.. Did you know, he actually meditates? Just floats there with his eyes closed and makes little humming sounds. He also tries to read! Except he doesn’t care much for the comic pages in the newspaper.

Please excuse my idiotic secretary/slave. She obviously cannot tell that I am highly intelligent and am not up to her petty, foolish tricks. I *can* read, and no, the comics in the newspaper are not very funny... except for the sheep of doom... I like petpets as bringers of doom.


*throws Lemon Creamsicle out the window* C’mon, lets take a look at my list of friends!

Armor_Blossom leads you over to your right. You cautiously take a step... it’s okay, the sky holds your weight. (?!)

You arrive at a gigantic cork note board.... but there’s no photos or papers of any sort on there. You notice a strange look in Blossom’s eye, but it vanishes almost instantly.

Nevermind, There’s no one here yet! If you want to be on my friend board, neomail Spaghettipizza (she’s my secretary, remember?). Just remember to keep in touch, I don’t like people who only talk to me once every twenty years.


Do you have a boss/master (Depending whether you are a secretary or a slave, respectively) with a really good pet page? You probably do! Just drop Pizza a neomail entitled “Award” (and have “award” as the first word of the actual message, it makes it a LOT easier for her), and if *I* (not ‘pizza; but *I*) like it, I’ll give you will recieve my special “Chalice of Stars” award!

Remember, If you steal any of the art around here, I will personally make sure that my secretary's friends sic their strongest pets on you. (bcmel2, for instance, is a good friend, and you certainly would not want to get on kuigibo’s bad side! That’s why I stay far away. If saphire was that easy to anger, I’d hate to see what a battledome champ would do if I showed him one of my... plans. )

L.I.K.E.S A.N.D D.I.S.L.I.K.E.S.

’m not exactly fickle, I like most things that pizza throws at me.


Well, It’s about time for you to go... If you want to link back to me, here’s a little picture thingie to do so. Please link back. Please?

Here's the HTML thingie for it.. .just be sure to use the pointly little end thingies and not [ and ].

[a href=""] [img src=""][/a]

And here's a few of my favorite sites! More linky button thingies as soon as i find neat sites ;)

Well, feel free to use the little scrolly thingamajigger on your mouse to go back up and relive the mayhem all over again! I’ll be busy trying to figure out how to turn Jankohoko into a bowling ball.
*floats off*

Thanks argodion99 for letting pizza use your boomspeed account!
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