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ROADS TAKEN: Secrets of Life Explained (Humorously)


Book's Cover
Robert Frost Poem
Table of Contents
Chapters 1-6
Chapters 7-12
Chapters 13-18
Chapters 19-24
Chapters 25-30
Chapters 31-36
Chapters 37-42
Chapters 43-48
Chapters 49-54
Chapters 55-59
Chapters 60-66
Chapters 67-72
Chapters 73-78
Chapters 79-84
Chapters 85-90
Chapters 91-100

WANT TO READ ABOUT...........................

ROADS TAKEN is a personal journey of lessons learned, many from massive failures, some from doing, a few from observing. The main body of the book exists in 100 chapters contained in 16 sections, each section having 6-7 chapters. Some chapters are only a sentence whereas others run 10 pages. Try reading a chapter a day for 100 days. That's a tad over 3 months. Then see if your life has changed -- hopefully for the better. Please feel free to download, copy, distribute, send, and give away any part or all of the book. If you'd like to give me credit, fine. If not, that's o.k. As you'll say after reading part of it, "Hey! I could have written this myself!" Happy reading!! Send comments to the email address at the bottom of this page. I'll answer any questions you might have. Oh...........the next book in this series? THE TREE IN THE MIDST OF THE GARDEN. It's almost done and the one to follow that book will be I AM: THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MESSIAHS. P.S. Please excuse the ads. They keep this page free.
