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Spanky RP

Brian ‘Spanky’ KendrickThe perfect cliché… Thursday night, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Smackdown, in what has been publicized as one of the biggest matches in recent Undisputed Championship Wrestling history, the faith of the Vengeance main event will be decided as Nash World Order members, Undisputed Champion Kevin Nash, former Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit, John Cena, Booker T and Bill Goldberg compete in a ten-man over the top rope battle royal along with Showstoppa’s, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, the human highlight Rey Mysterio, the dynamic Intercontinental Champion Brian ‘Spanky’ Kendrick, the Next Big Thing’ Brock Lesnar and Olympic gold Medallist Kurt Angle. The emotions will run high, as the history stands firm in this match. Many clear favourites have stood out, but volatility is a key factor in this Hugh main event, as we have seen many disclosures in the UCW as of late. Many have gone as far as to narrow the likely winners down to three and in some cases two, the most likely and often case predicted, is rookie Brian ‘Spanky’ Kendrick standing a small cruiserweight is the obvious loser amongst a host of heavyweights. Many believe Kendrick is over-rated in his own right and disagree with the rookie being booked in the match from the start. But in recent weeks, since the match signing, Kendrick has played down any intimidation showing his overwhelming fortitude. This moral fibre, however, has come backed strongly with victories over Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit. The Intercontinental Champion has made it well know that, come Smackdown, he will step up a level. With Spanky in impending feuds with Chris Benoit, the Big Show and possibly Christian, many have stated his mind will be imprecise during the match, but again Kendrick answers strongly to the allegations, as we have seen the rookie with his full, up-most concentration and determination. All cons seem to outweigh the possibility of the rookie emerging the victor, yet, in times of despair; Kendrick seems to pull off the astonishing, well observed in his début month here in the UCW. Last Saturday, Bobby ‘The Brain’ Hennan presented UCW programming Confidential, in which the Smackdown Main Event was the focus of attention.
Standing in the Confidential studios the camera rests on Confiential presenter, Mean Gene. Bobby ‘The Brian’ Hennan: “ Welcome to UCW Confidential, tonight, we focus on the this weeks Smackdown main event, the ten-man battle royal. We have an exclusive interview with none other than the ‘Phenom’ the Undertaker and Intercontinental Champion Brian ‘Spanky’ Kendrick, who incidentally will take part in the ten-man battle royal. But firstly, let me show you how this Hugh, Ten-man battle royal transpired…” The camera cuts into a video package…
::Video Package:: The segment starts off showing clips from Nash’s brutal Undisputed Championship victory against Chris Jericho inside the infamous Hell in a Cell. It continues focusing on the formation of the Nash World Order during last months Bad Blood. Converging on the domination of the Nash World Order it switches to the rise of Brian Kendrick and his formation with the Showstoppa’s. The package shows the debut of Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar and the five men’s quest to obliterate the Nash World Order. After showing a long clip of the flurried events taken place on Raw to weeks ago where a scheduled match between the two forces was vetoed and a brawl took place the segment shows Vince McMahon announcing the ten-man over the top rope battle royal, In which the winner will immediately become the number one contender for Nash’s Undisputed Championship. In what seemed to be a premonition of sorts, the package continued with yet another turbulent brawl between the two forces taken place on last weeks Raw. The segment ends switching back and forth on the two alliances.
The camera cuts back to Confidential presenter Mean Gene. Mean Gene: “ Last week, we briefly caught up with the recently suspended Undertaker, to reveal his thought on this weeks Smackdown main event…” The camera cuts to an interviewing studio, a dimly light room in which the camera rests on the Undertaker… Undertaker: “ This week, Smackdown, ten-men, one winner. My saying stands strong in this match, and that is one man will be made famous by over coming then other athletes and becoming the number one contender for the Undisputed title. You have experience in Shawn Michaels, you have hunger in Brock Lesnar, you have sheer ability in Kurt Angle, you have raw power in Bill Goldberg. Every one of these guys is up for the challenge, but in my opinion, non more so than Brian Kendrick. I have been watching this kid, not only does he has the ring ability and charisma to make in the UCW, but he has two things that will get you places, determination and respect. If he takes a beat down, he picks his ass up and comes out the next night to try it all over again. This Thursday, you have ten of the best, whether it’s a clear-cut win or a rookie’s miracle, one man will have his career made…” The camera cuts back to Mean Gene… Mean Gene: “ Strong words from the ‘Phenom’ himself. Now, Undertaker mentioned the recently signed rookie. It truly has been long hard road for this competent Washington native, we have seen many ups and downs for the rookie. Most notably his brutal assault conducted by, what was back then the ‘Teachers of Thuganomics’, and his long anticipated return ultimately beating Chris Benoit to become the Intercontinental Champion. But his recent success has seem to be overlooked in comparison to a gathering of heavyweights in a ten-man battle royal, well, yesterday we caught up with the Intercontinental Champion to catch a few words with the rookie. The camera rests in a dim room, similar to the Undertakers interview; the Intercontinental Champion Brian Kendrick is the focus as an anonymous speaker begins the interview. Interviewer: “ Firstly, thank you for joining us Brian. *Kendrick smiles and nods*. I would like start on the subject of former rival Christian. Recently we seen a brief run in between yourself and Christian, where you provoked the Canadian superstar on the bases of his recent ring suspension… shortly after the run in we seen Christian venting his thoughts on your UCW success, stating that it was indeed him, the reason for your success. What are your immediate reactions to the allegations…?” Brian ‘Spanky’ Kendrick: “ Well, if there is anyone to thank for my success here in the UCW it is me. I’ll admit, Christian did open my eyes to something, he beat me and afterwards I learned who to associate myself with and who to stay away from. Christian may have temperament problems and an oversized ego, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he is one of the fastest aspiring superstars here in the UCW. If I retain my Intercontinental Championship at Vengeance this Sunday, Christian can and will be the first in line for a title shot…” Interviewer: “ Recently, Sean O Haire signed for the Undisputed Championship Wrestling, within one day you collide with O Haire. It is obvious from what was said that the both of ye had some sort of brief past back in the World Wrestling Entertainment, can you inform us of this past and what are your thoughts of O Haire as a future contender for you Intercontinental Championship?” Kendrick smiles with discomfiture… Brian ‘Spanky’ Kendrick: “ Sean was one of the first Superstars I interacted with in the old WWE, unfortunately, I took his advice to make a pleat some attention by running bare foot through out a filled arena *Kendrick and the Interviewer pause for a brief moment as they share the amusement laughing*. Sean took advantage of a young naive rookie, but times change and people grow. When I meet Sean the other day, the first time since the incident, we had short words and he congratulated me on becoming the Intercontinental Champion. I respect Sean, and am well aware of his capabilities knowing he is a hot contender for my title…” Interviewer: “ As you may already know, Confidential caught up with the Undertaker for a few words on this weeks Smackdown main event, in the Interview Undertaker praised you for your determination and respect, stating that you will indeed make it as one of the best in this business, what are your thoughts on the legendary Undertaker words…?” Brian ‘Spanky’ Kendrick: “ Along with many others, Undertaker was my idol. I looked up to him, imitating his malevolence antics. To earn that sort of compliment is hugely important to me. If I could achieve half of what the Undertaker has achieved in his long spanned career I will be proud of myself…” Interviewer: “ Since the arrival of Brock Lesnar, which was within two weeks of your signing, you two have seemed to be paired tougher, and as a result have become close friends. But recently, under enormous hype for this weeks Smackdown main event, Lesnar has seemed to be over shadowing you as a clear favourite for the match, does that make you jealous in anyway? Kendrick takes a few moments before mustering his thoughts and answering the question put forth… Brian ‘Spanky’ Kendrick: “ Me and Brock are the rookies in the business. We stuck together from the start and I am sure Brock will remain one of my best friends here in the UCW. Maybe its because of his overwhelming surging power, maybe its because his mind focus, what ever it is, Brock seems to be categorised ahead of me and I must admit that does put me down, it makes me feel like I will persistently have to prove my self over and over again. In a way it’s stereotypical, I guess. The big one beats the small one. But Smackdown, the David… or… David’s should I say, verses Goliath myth will be corroborated as a Spanky fact.” Interviewer: “ Finally, this Thursday, Smackdown from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, you along with Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and fellow Showstoppa’s Rey Mysterio and Shawn Michaels take on the Nash World Order, Undisputed Champion Kevin Nash, Chris Benoit, John Cena, Booker T and Bill Goldberg in a ten-man over the top rope battle royal to determine to number one contender for the Undisputed Championship, what are you unyielding thoughts on the whole situation and match…? Brian ‘Spanky’ Kendrick: “ I have a, at least some sort of brief history with everyone of these guys, it helps. Like I said, I accept my faith going into this match, as the underdog, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Chris Benoit and I face of at Vengeance for the Intercontinental Championship, that only builds to the match hostility. I look at Nash In a different light than I did since my debut. When I came into this business, I looked at Nash and said to myself: “ That’s what I want to be…”. How ironic is it that now, my thoughts are the complete contradictory. In shameless antics the nWo announce that to become the number one contender you have got to kiss Nash’s ass, it looks like power has infatuated a wilful sole and poisoned it. This Thursday, I face Nash for the first time, and I promise it wont be the last. The Nash World Order has forgotten that although I lack in physical size, I gain in hunger. This Thursday, I vow to turn every last head that has doubted me, every last sole who has contradicted my style and interpretation, every last pessimist to the career for Brian Kendrick will be shown the next level…” Interviewer: “ Thank you for your time Brian, and indeed good luck this Thursday…” The camera cuts form the interview back to Bobby Hennan… Mean Gene: “ Optimistic words from the rookie. Be sure to tune in this Thursday in what should be an enthralling encounter between the UCW leading forces, who will face Nash at Vengeance? Goodnight everybody.” Part two coming this Thursday… *OOC: Different than usual, hope everyone enjoyed, let me know what you all thought. Anyone mentioned can reply. Sorry about the tiny Mean Gene pic, it was hosted by tripod so that was the best I could do.*