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Yesterday Kicked ass and I'm glad we won, things didn't go to smooth but a good success for this being our first event.

Also the new site is up, this Web Space was donated by Mazrim, no add this Web Space will host the WoT Society newly named The Fourth Age Home site.

The site is named


1:00 pm eastern

T-Minus 11 Hours :)

Until War I want as many people to be there as possible. Everyone meet a Trinsic Bank.


I Must say the past few days have been damn crazy.

We've housed if not all of our Homeless Members, and there's still tons of spots to be filled.

I seem to have a nack for finding the house spots, and I've not only housed our own members but a few strangers right off the street.

But knows the time to regroup I've been putting recruiting off and I think I've neglected my duties.


To turn the Black Tower into a more Serious Guild we have passed a New Rule.

Uniform shall be required by all characters within the guild

Uniform is as:

Black Robe

Golden Apron

Golden Shoe ware (Boots/Thigh Boots/Fur Boots)

The Correct Gold Hue shall be supplied at the Black Tower.


Meeting went well. I still didn't see allot of faces. But its ok for our first meeting.

At the meeting we announced Scenario One for Our Guild. Please read the briefing fully.


War is brewing for the Black Tower, I fear the worst is upon us. The White Tower and the Children of the Light are preparing the march upon the town of Trinsic only a short ride north of the Black Tower. Though open war has not been declared of yet I fear for the worst. We need to form and have a guild meeting, All Members are to report to the Black Tower Sunday 8:00pm eastern.


Sites undergone some changes. I Hope it looks Hella Cool.

I would like to welcome three new members

Richard Rhal

Dark Ominous


New History Page up, has a document written by Lan Al'thor in it. And a timeline to track the Guilds Progress.

                                                                                                        - Damien Merlin, M'Hael