Master Thaque, In keeping with your request, I have put quill to paper and detailed the history of the Temple as I have come to know and live it. I apologize for the delay, unforeseen matters have demanded my attention as of late. I do hope this reaches you in time for inclusion in your treatise. Surely no accounting of the Temple's history would be complete without a catalogue of my involvement therein. My time as a vassal to Lord Bhaal is insignificant. Let it suffice to say that, like many men gifted with extraordinary brilliance and wisdom at an early age, I was passionate, unruly, and impressionable. Imagine my surprise to discover that Lord Bhaal, whom I had so faithfully and skillfully served until then, was not the true power behind the Temple of Elemental Evil. Even his ally, the arch-demon Moander, was but a pawn. Cannily, I discovered that the true power was the cult of the Elder Elemental Eye, and behind them, the cult of Tharizdun. Finally, a cause worthy of my skills and prowess. Finally, I learned the proper path to ultimate power. The Doomdreamers rule over the cult, and the Triad are the masters of the Doomdreamers. I shall join their ranks, and eventually become the ultimate high priest of the Dark God himself -- The First. When I was informed that the Doomdreamers spoke the prophecy of the Champion of Elemental Evil, the one who would restore the power of the Temple of Elemental Evil, I of course assumed that I was he. Imagine my surprise to discover that I was not. I believe, however, that I am the one who is destined to fine this Champion, and be his shepherd. Bhaal and Moander created an artifact called the Orb of Golden Death to help them fashion the Elemental Nodes deep in the dungeon. Now I know that they were given the secrets to do this through agents of the Doomdreamers. Although the Orb of Golden Death was destroyed by Silverstir and his band of infidels (completely collapsing the underground levels of the Temple of Elemental Evil and sealing off the nodes), the cult of the Dark Lord has an artifact of which the Orb of Golden Death was but a copy. Despite the damage done by that detestable elf, the Orb of Oblivion commands power enough to restore the Temple to its former glory and beyond! In closing, may I take a moment to warn you about reports I have heard concerning your dealings with a certain elven wizard named Falrinth. I had happily assumed that the miserable cur had met what I hoped was a most unbecoming death when the Temple of Elemental Evil fell. Apparently that is not the case. I would brook no trade with this mercenary. He will bilk you of money and more with scant little to show for it. Would I had my way, Falrinth's head would be sitting on the shelf next to my bath. In fact, if you could alert me to his whereabouts, I can offer you a most handsome reward. You are a credit to your office and your service to our cause shall not go unnoticed. Yours in faith, - Hedrack