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Wade the Outcast

Character Level 7
Sorcerer 6
Fighter 1

Character Background

History of Wade the outcast (formerly of the clan Roe)

Wades' father and his father and his father before him were all guards of one variety or another for a local noble-family. Wade, like all of the Roe children before him, wanted to grow to be just like his father and began training in swordplay at a fairly young age. As Wade neared his teen years, his father retired from active duty, and Wades' training began in earnest.

Wade and his parents lived on a small farm, that had been in the family ever since the Roes' began serving the Noble Born Gromi family. Despite his farm labor,regular workouts, and combat training, Wade has always been somewhat more fragile than his peers, never quite able to take the same sorts of abuse.


At the age of 17, Wades' training had been progressing well, and while Wade exhibited a certain fragility, his father was sure that he would make a fine addition to the Gromi Guard. Soon it would be time to hand down his Mithral Scale Mail (a family heirloom handed down from one father to the next for the last 5 generations. The armor was presented as payment for some particular task well done way back when for some rich and powerful somebody or other.) and send Wade to join the ranks of the Gromi Guard like his father and his before him.

But, in what would have been his last training session with his father, disaster struck in a late summer afternoon. The training session hadn't gone well, and Wade's father was goading him on. "Come on boy! You can do better than that!" It was more than Wade could take, but his father kept pushing and pushing, hoping the anger would give him strength. Finally, in a rage, Wade charged his father, sword raised.

Just before reaching his father, Wade tripped on a rock hidden in the grass. Arms flailing, Wade dropped his sword midswing and came down planting his right hand on his father's chest. In a burst of flame, his father is thrown back and dies. The scorched imprint of Wade's hand is burned into his father's armor.

Wade's mother, witnessing the event faints. When she comes to, with Wade crying beside her, she realizes what must have happened. While his father came from a long line fighters, his mother was the illegitimate daughter of a powerful wizard. Wade must have inherited some sort of magical ability from him.

With only the vaguest understanding of what has happened, Wade's mother realizes that it must have been accident. She tell Wade to remove his father's armor and whack him hard on the head so that it looks like he died via non-magical means - in a careless training maneuver. Can't have the whole neighborhood knowing the boy's a freak.

A funeral is had, and life resumes. Sort of. At night Wade wanders the local woods trying to get a handle on his new found abilities, learning a few tricks here and there, scaring the wildlife, etc.

After a few weeks of strange noises and lights coming from the forest, the locals are starting to get suspicious, both of the lights and of the circumstances in which Wades' father passed away. How could such a decorated fighter get himself killed in combat training with a mere boy? Further, Wade's mother is having some difficulty living with and daily facing the man who killed her husband - however accidental it might have been.

She tells Wade that it's time to go. Maybe he should go find his grandfather. Perhaps he will be able to help Wade control his abilities. Wade takes his father's armor, his sword, and a few misc. essentials and bids farewell.

Wade is 19 now. While he hasn't yet found his grandfather or recieved any other special training, he has had plenty of time to get a handle on his strange new powers. Most of the time.