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Vivian De Kazinonayagi

Character Level 6
Rogue 6

Character Background

It was said a long time ago on a spring morning that a strange thing happened in the Valley of the Winds. The constant breeze that flowed through it, stopped, just for a moment, as if the world had held its breath. It was on that same spring morning that Vivian, the seventh child of the house of Kazinonayagi, was born.

At an early age it became clear that Vivian’s talents did not lay in the normal pursuits of the noble born girls. It seemed that Vivian possessed strength and dexterity most unlike her siblings. On quite a few afternoons growing up these talents where used as tools of mischief. One of these in particular involved a bet with her two Brothers; Vivian successfully walked a tight rope, a scant 30ft between the stables and the servant’s quarters. Despite being punished for unlady like conduct, it was worth it since the pay off was to have her brothers as personal slaves for a full lunar cycle.

Other than causing mischief, Vivian’s main hobby was archery. Not because she had any particular passion for it, but because it was allowed. The other recreations allowed to her and her sisters where in her opinion, boring. Vivian dreamed of learning the sword and becoming a knight like her older brothers, but alas it was not to be. It seemed that young Vivian had little choices as to her future, other than becoming a wife for some noble man, or a priestess for a local temple.

As she grew older her frustration over her lack of choices grew at the same rate as her dreams of adventure. So at the tender age (for an elf) of 60 Vivian slipped off into the night in seek of her destiny.

So Vivian roamed, but it didn’t take long for those with little moral fiber to realize and capitalize on young Vivian’s talents. Vivian joined a small guild of thieves, when a man from the guild witnessed Vivian performing feats of acrobatics in the streets for money. The man recognized dexterity like hers to be unusual and extremely useful. Finding the life of a pickpocket exciting, Vivian quickly mastered the basics. She then moved on to the more advanced art of cat burglary. Vivian stayed with this guild for an approximately three years, but a raid by the local authorities forced Vivian to seek her company elsewhere and in a hurry at that. Vivian found a solo career more to here liking, as there were less that could go wrong, and no one to have to split the loot with.

Vivian’s career as a thief was interrupted when an attempt to steal from a temple resulted in her capture. Had she known that the temple was home to a fighting cast of monks of Tymora, she might have thought twice before slipping in through a skylight, or at least she would have checked her rope more closely. Vivian was sure she had breathed her last free breath, But fate it seems is not without its sense of humor. Finding her bold attempt to rob the temple impressive, the son of the Temple's leader gave Vivian a simple choice.

Join us and learn the Way of the fighting monks of Tymora, or die.

Finding the offer simply irresistible, Vivian joined them, and became the first Elven woman to train as a fighting monk. This was no easy task, as the discipline that it entailed was difficult for Vivian to grasp at first. She was not used to the idea of following rules, but it did give her an opportunity to master something she had wanted since she was a little girl - the sword. While training with the monks she learned other things that would become very useful in her travels, walking without making sound, fighting while blind, and concealing herself in shadows. She trained long and hard, strengthing her muscles and developinh a speed and grace that made her seemingly impossible to strike.

Worshipping the goddess of luck suited her personality perfectly. “Fortune goes to the bold”, Was their motto. For the monks were trusting luck, and taking chances was commonplace.

Years past, the young man that inducted her to the temple grew old, and eventually fell ill. With his passing so did Vivian's time at the temple soon end. A promise was broken, and the man revealed on his death bed that he had an affair with Vivian. This being a sacrilege, Vivian was cast out. Not happy with this, but accepting it as an unlucky flip of the coin Vivian left with grace.

Vivian suddenly found herself with a lot of time on her hands, and so she returned to old habits. This time however Vivian was armed with the skills she learned at the temple, and this made her formidable. So Vivian again roams seeking adventure, and adding to her collection of “shiny stuff”. Chances are you won’t see her, so I wont tell you to look out for her.