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Character Race Half-Orc
Character Level 8
Rogue 7
Barbarian 1

Character Background

Thirty-seven years ago, Greta Freeborn was born into a middle class family (consisting of her father, Rolan, her mother, Charsinnia and her older sister Thola), in Darromar, the capital city of Tethyr. When Greta was 14, Thola married a cobbler by the name of Guinness and lived in the city with him. Rolan was a caravan driver and was killed when Greta was 16. Charsinnia had a very time hard dealing with this loss. Greta married a hunter, Myre Bowerlake, at age 17 and moved out to the small village, Kritonic, in the foothills of Tethyr. Two months after Greta left, her mother committed suicide. In retrospect, Greta believes that her mother was just hanging on until her children were both married and on their own.

Some 18 years ago, Kritonic was raided by the orcs from the surrounding foothills. People were slaughtered, women were raped, and the village was burnt to the ground. Greta Bowerlake, now 19 years old, had been married for less than two years when the attack happened. Her husband, Myre, fought bravely but was slain during the attack. Greta was raped by an orc, with a tattoo on his left forearm of a human on a spit over a fire. This awful beginning was the conception of Kwog.

Since Greta was now a pregnant widow, she moved back to Darromar. Thola, Guinness and their now 1 year-old son, Calphin, graciously took Greta in. That graciousness changed after the birth of Greta's son. Guinness was not going to have "Some half-orc beast growing up in his house, with my son! My God, what would the neighbors say!" Greta and her child were thrown out onto the streets of Darromar and were denounced by Guinness.

Greta named her son Myre, in honor of her late husband. Greta chose the hard road. If she had given up or abandoned Myre she could have stayed with them. Greta wandered the streets for about seven years. She had to beg for food for her and Myre. When Thola could sneak away she would bring them food and clothes. Myre grew up on the streets, and was student of a life of hard knocks. He often had to steal food for survival. Greta made it clear that any illegal activity was only all right if it was for survival. When the weather got particularly bad, they scoped for a house whose owners were away, and little Myre would break in so that they had shelter. One time a sergeant of the city's guard caught them. This capture was when their luck changed for the better.

The sergeant of the guard, Dar, took pity on Greta and Myre. He was just about to retire from the guard and, along with his wife Freda, open up his own pub and inn called The Drunken Hedgehog. He offered the mother and son room, board, and a fair wage for Greta's work as a housekeeper and cook and Myre's work as a stable boy. Dar insisted that Myre go to school during the day. Myre learned quickly in school, but he was also teased incessantly by the other children, including his older cousin, Calphin, who had no idea who Myre really was. His classmates liked to play on his unusual first name, claiming that he was an animal from the swamps. The kids started to call him Big Bog Boy, or Quagmire. Eventually that was shortened to Kwog, and the nickname stuck. Kwog had a long fuse and could take the teasing. However, when he was pushed too far, or kids talked badly about his mother, his rage would get the better of him and all hell would break loose. There are a couple of broken noses in town that can attest to that.

As Kwog grew so did his relationship with Dar and Freda, especially with Dar, who became a father figure for Kwog. Dar and Freda did not have children of their own, and Dar treated Kwog as his own boy. Dar taught Kwog the way of the Greatsword, the importance of tactical movement, and how to expose and hit an opponent's weak spots. Dar also recognized and tried to foster Kwog's stealth. Kwog graduated to being a bus boy/dishwasher and then became a bouncer and occasional bartender. Kwog's powers of observation and good hearing came in handy on a several occasions, enabling him to stop a robbery attempt and to overhear a plot to murder a council member.

At age 16, Kwog was for all intents and purposes a man. Dar used his ties with the city guard to get Kwog jobs on the monster-hunting campaigns of the surrounding area. Occasionally Kwog worked as the lock pick/second story man/point man on several of the raids that the city guard performed. He was fortunate enough to survive several traps that went off in these raids. By age 18 he was getting hired as a bounty hunter. Dar gave Kwog his two prized possessions from his time in the guard, his Mithral Chain shirt and his magical Great Sword.

Kwog loves his mother dearly. He understands how difficult it was for her to keep him considering the circumstances of his conception. He hates orcs because of the despair they have caused his mother. At the same time he doubts himself since he is half of the thing he hates. As a result he always tries to prove himself to be a good person and not as an awful, evil orc. He tends to be a loner because he feels he is not like the others, rather he is the "ugly duckling," a wart hog in the lake. He tends to be shy and keeps to himself. However, when he is feeling comfortable around his company, he can be hoot, if for nothing else just to listen to him laugh and snort. Even though his childhood has been tough, he considers himself very fortunate. Kwog is very loyal, and Greta and Dar are the most important people in his life.

Kwog is not extremely religious, but does realize how lucky he his to have a mother that loves him dearly despite his origin, and father figure who took him in and treated him like his own son. So when he does pay homage to a god, he gives his thanks to Tymora.