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Character Race Half-Elf
Character Level 8
Wizard 8

Eloen doesn't know exactly where she was born or who her mother is since her elven father won't talk about it. She was raised by a pair of her father's aunts and one of the aunts' human husbands. They live in Silvermoon making a living as artisans. The three make lamps, occasionally with minor enchantments. Both of Eloen's father and one of the aunts are wizards though neither are extremely powerful. She learned magic mostly from her aunt but her father made a point to teach her too. Most of her knowledge comes from these two people.

Her father is a member of a elven nobel house and they had very mixed feelings about his daughter. Some have no reserves but others are distinctly less then thrilled. Some of the ill feeling is simply due to the fact that she is a half-breed, the rest is due to the fact that until he has more children she is his heir. About ten years earlier Eloen's father married. It was an arranged marriage and Eloen's father is not particularly fond of his wife. The wife really doesn't like Eloen out of jealousy and she is rather pleased that Eloen is out adventuring and risking her life. Eloen left to go adventuring not too long after she became an adult. She left mostly because her step-mother had been giving her and her aunts a hard time but she also is faintly hoping to gain some acceptance with the rest of the family.

Eloen's armor, mithral leather, was a family heirloom that her father went against of the rest of the family to give to her. It was given to the founder of the family, the wizard Tansanrith, by the crown prince of that time. Tansanrith had ferreted out an assassination attempt on the prince and had also ended up taking a knife for the prince when another attempt on his life was made. For those deeds Tansanrith was given the armor so that he may continue to do heroic deeds with a little bit less fear from knives. Tansanrith was also given the right to start his own noble house. Traditionally the armor is used by the head out the house or the most powerful wizard of the house but this generations neither the head of the house or the wizard have any interest in the armor. So he took the armor and gave to Eloen when she decided to go adventuring. The head of the house doesn't currently care if she uses it but other members would rather have it back.

Eloen left to join am adventuring group and spent sometime with them before the group disbanded. She then met Wade and together they looked for more adventure... and that is how they ended up in Hommlet.