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Betta Splendens (Siamese Fighting Fish)

Common Name: Siamese Fighting Fish, Bettas
Family: Belontiidae
Gender: Males have vivid colors and much larger fins.
Origin: Southeast Asia, Thailand
Main Ecosystem: Stagnant, slowly flowing, shallow overgrown waters; Swamp waters.
Water Region: Surface
Activity: Diurnal
Diet: Carnivore
Food: Live Brine Shrimp, Brown Worms, BloodWorms, Mosquito Larva, and Betta Pellets.
Feeding: When feeding your Betta it's best to skip a day out of every 2 weeks to allow your fish to clean himself or herself out. Bettas can go a few days without food if your going to be out for a few days. Just feed it before you leave. Don't over feed your Betta. Feed your Betta like you feed yourself. Once when you wake up. And once before you go to bed. Read what the bottle says and don't over do it.
Maximum Size: 2.6-2.8 inches
Maximum Life Span: 1-2 years
Water Conditions:
        pH: 6-8
        Hardness: 5-25 dH
        Temperature: 75-86 °F; 23-30 °C
Temperament: Generally peaceful, aggressive with same species.
Distinguishing Features: Siamese Fighting Fish are a member of the Labyrinth fish family. Labyrinth fishes that are prevented from taking air will drown.
Characteristics: Because of their ability to breathe air Labyrinth fish can survive in polluted water with very little oxygen. The males of the species build bubble nest among plant leaves. The fish takes up air in its mouth, coats it with saliva, and spits the bubbles out, which stick together on the surface of the water.
Important Information: Male Siamese Fighting Fish do not get along with each other. Males will bite the female to death if they aren't ready to spawn or after they spawned. Two males can be kept together in a very large aquarium, 10 gallons or bigger, so they have enough space to establish territories. Females can be kept together in an aquarium since they are not as aggressive as males, but they may still fight with other females. Don't keep Angelfish or any other long fined species because male Siamese Fighting Fish will think they are another rival male. Neon Tetras or Cardinal Tetras can be kept with Siamese Fighting Fish since Tetras aren't aggressive and won't bother the Bettas.
Opinions: For a tank set up I wouldn't use fake plants. This is because they may have sharp or rough spots on them and they will tear the fins of the Betta. I would use either Silk or Live plants. If your tank set up includes fake rocks or any type of aquarium décor I would feel the edges and make sure they have no sharp or rough spots on them that would harm the Betta. Also presoak dry food you feed Bettas if may cause constipation. If occurs feed the Betta half a mashed pea or at Epsom Salt, 1 teaspoon per gallon.
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Copyright 2003 David H.